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Chinesisch - Englisch, 17280 Vokabeln


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Name: Chinesisch - Schriftzeichen
Erstellt von: Jörg-Michael Grassau
Erstellt am: 19.06.2002
Copyright: (c) Gerard van Wilgen; wichtiger Copyright-Hinweis zu den Wortschätzen auf vokabeln.de
Inhalt: Grundwortschatz, Aufbauwortschatz und Spezialwortschatz
Chinesisch (Schriftzeichen / Pinyin-Umschrift) - Englisch
Kommentar: Für diese Vokabeldatei benötigen Sie den Zeichensatz '4-KeyTimesRoman', siehe www.vokabeln.de/fonts.htm
Kategorien: Wortschatz (3 Einträge), Wortart (4 Einträge)

Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 1(25 Vokabeln)
(he2)and; together with; with; peace; harmony; union
必须 (bi4 xu1)to have to; must
(you3)to have; there is; there are; to exist; to be
(zhong1)within; among; in; middle; center; while (doing sth); during; China; Chinese
(xiang4)direction; part; side; towards; to; guide; opposite to
(zuo4)to regard as; to take (somebody) for; to do; to make
以及 (yi3 ji2)as well as; too; and
及其 (ji2 qi2)and; as well as
八千 (ba1 qian1)eight thousand; 8000
(zai4)(located) at; in; exist
鄙人 (bi3 ren2)your humble servant; I
所有 (suo3 you3)all; to have; to possess; to own
乃是 (nai3 shi4)to be
(nai3)to be; thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon
(yu2)at; in; in regard to
(zhi4)arrive; most; to; until
到了 (dao4 le)in (a past time); there were
(cao1)integrityto hold; to drill; to exercise; to act; to do; to take in hand; to keep; to manage
(nin2)you (formal)
(wu2)-less; not to have; no; none; not; to lack; un-
(zhen4)I; we (imperial use); subtle
不得不 (bu4 de2 bu4)have no choice or option but to; cannot but; have to; can't help it; can't avoid
七十年代 (qi1 shi2 nian2 dai4)the 1970's
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 2(25 Vokabeln)
截至 (jie2 zhi4)up to (a time); by (a time)
(dui4)couple; pair; to be opposite; to oppose; to face; for; to; correct (answer); to answer; to reply; to direct (towards sth); right
(zuo4)to do; to make; to produce
(zhi1)(literary equivalent of µÄ); (subor. part.); him; her; it
(gei3)to; for; for the benefit of; to give; to allow; to do sth (for sb); (passive particle)
(dao4)to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive
(wu4)do not
本人 (ben3 ren2)I (me; myself); oneself; in person; personal
(wei2)act as; take...to be; to be; to do; to serve as; to become
十七 (shi2 qi1)seventeen; 17
并不 (bing4 bu4)not at all; emphatically not
(gai1)that; the above-mentioned; most likely; to deserve; should; ought to; owe
并且 (bing4 qie3)and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition
这位 (zhe4 wei4)this (person)
(ban4)to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with
不服 (bu4 fu2)not accept (something); want to have (something) overruled or changed; refuse to obey or comply; refuse to accept as final; remain unconvinced by; not give in to
从事 (cong2 shi4)go for; engage in; undertake; to deal with; to handle; to do
(ji4)to continue; to follow after; then; afterwards; to go on with; to succeed; to inherit
据说 (ju4 shuo1)it is said that; reportedly
(ta1)he; him
毫不 (hao2 bu2)hardly; not in the least; not at all
(ge3)1; 10 of a peck
(ru2)as (if); such as
关系 (guan1 xi)relation; relationship; to concern; to affect; to have to do with; relations; guanxi
(tong2)like; same; similar; together; alike; with
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 3(25 Vokabeln)
(shi4)is; are; am; yes; to be
(xing2)all right; capable; competent; OK; okay; to go; to do; to travel; temporary; to walk; to go; will do
之一 (zhi1 yi1)one of (sth); one out of a multitude; one (third, quarter, percent, etc.)
(you2)follow; from; it is for...to; reason; cause; because of; due to; by; to; to leave it (to sb)
不单 (bu4 dan1)not the only; not merely; not simply
使 (shi3)to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; messenger
懂得 (dong3 de)to understand; to know; to comprehend
以免 (yi3 mian3)in order to avoid; so as not to
喜欢 (xi3 huan)to like; to be fond of
二十三 (er4 shi2 san1)23
(bo2)extensive; ample; rich; obtain; aim; to win; to get; rich; plentiful; to gamble
十三 (shi2 san1)thirteen; 13
(bie2)leave; depart; seperate; distinguish; classify; other; another; do not; must not; to pin
那个 (nei4 ge4)that one
(chao1)to copy; to plagiarize; to search and seize; to go; to transcribe; to take a shortcut; to search and confiscate
打消 (da3 xiao1)dispel (doubts, misgivings, etc.); give up on
应用 (ying4 yong4)to use; to apply; application; applicable
(shou4)to teach; to instruct; to award; to give
二十 (er4 shi2)twenty; 20
而且 (er2 qie3)not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition
挨个儿 (ai1 ge4 er2)one by one; in turn
发现 (fa1 xian4)to find; to discover
(min2)the people; nationality; citizen
(zou3)to walk; to go; to move
(ben3)roots or stems of plants; origin; source; this; the current; root; foundation; basis; (a measure word)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 4(25 Vokabeln)
顶用 (ding3 yong4)to be of use
当时的 (dang1 shi2 de)of that time; former
多少 (duo1 shao3)how much; how many; which (number)
(zhi4)the will
(yi1)one; single; a(n)
(wan2)to finish; to be over; whole; complete; entire
(mou3)(used before measure word and noun) some; (a) certain; so and so
(mei2)(negative prefix for verbs); have not; not
更好 (geng4 hao3)better; more
在旁 (zai4 pang2)by (a place)
(qu4)to go; to leave; to remove
包括 (bao1 kuo4)to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of
经历 (jing1 li4)experience; go through
更加 (geng4 jia1)more (than sth else); even more
期满 (qi1 man3)to expire; to run out; to come to an end
(ji4)and; reach to; the end
(zhan3)to use; to spread out; to postpone; to unfold
(deng3)class; rank; grade; equal to; same as; wait for; await; et cetera; and so on
又来了 (you4 lai2 le)Here we go again
照顾 (zhao4 gu)take (good) care of; show some consideration; to attend to; to look after
不二法门 (bu4 er4 fa3 men2)the one and only way; the only proper course to take
此後 (ci3 hou4)after this; afterwards; hereafter
(zai4)to carry; to convey; to load; to hold; and; also; as welb as; simultaneously
(lun4)by the; per; discuss; theory; to talk (about); to discuss
大概 (da4 gai4)roughly; probably; rough; approximate; about
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 5(25 Vokabeln)
一次 (yi1 ci4)first; first time; once
六十 (liu4 shi2)sixty; 60
此, 这, 这 (ci3, zhe4, zhei4)this; these
(cai2)just; not until
完毕 (wan2 bi4)to finish; to end; to complete
(bi3)that; those; (one) another)
在?之内 (zai4 zhi1 nei4)in; within
(yuan2)to help; to assist; to aid
腰部 (yao1 bu4)waist; small of the back
来, 徕 (lai2, lai2)to come
(meng2)people; sprout
不在 (bu4 zai4)not be in; be out
(yun3)just; fair; to permit; to allow
获得 (huo4 de2)to obtain; to receive; to get
(er2)and; as well as; but (not); yet (not); (shows causal relation); (shows change of state); (shows contrast)
反复 (fan3 fu4)repeatedly; over and over
我的 (wo3 de)my; mine
四处 (si4 chu4)all over the place; everywhere and all directions
那, 哪 (na3, na3)how; which
依然 (yi1 ran2)still; as before
如出一辙 (ru2 chu1 yi1 zhe2)be precisely the same; be no different
年以来 (nian2 yi3 lai2)since the year ...
呼吁 (hu1 yu4)call on (someone to do something); appeal; to appeal (to)
本年度 (ben3 nian2 du4)this year; the current year
贵姓 (gui4 xing4)what is your name?
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 6(25 Vokabeln)
可谓 (ke3 wei4)it could even be said
(mo4)to end; to die
挨次 (ai1 ci4)one after another; in turn; one by one
期间 (qi1 jian1)period of time; time; time period; period
(xing2)to appear; to look; form; shape
不爽 (bu4 shuang3)not well; out of sorts; in a bad mood; without discrepancy; accurate
符合 (fu2 he2)in keeping with; in accordance with; to agree with; to correspond with; to be in line with; manage; to handle
(ruo4)so; such; to such a degree
不很 (bu4 hen3)not very
那时 (na4 shi2)at that time; then; in those days
构成 (gou4 cheng2)to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up
怀念 (huai2 nian4)to cherish the memory of; to think of
十六 (shi2 liu4)sixteen; 16
(chu1)at first; (at the) beginning; first; junior; basic
纷纷 (fen1 fen1)one after another; in succession; one by one
便 (bian4)ordinary; plain; convenient; handy; easy; then; so; thus; to relieve oneself
顶住 (ding3 zhu4)to withstand; to stand up to
(lin2)to face; to overlook; to arrive; to be (just) about to; just before
(zheng4)just (right); main; upright; straight; correct; principle
(zi1)excite; nourish; this
(lu4)laborious; small stone; to record; to tape; to write down; to hire; to employ
(fang4)to release; to free; to let go; to put; to place; to let out
抚养成人 (fu3 yang3 cheng2 ren2)to bring up (a child)
不暇 (bu4 xia2)have no time (for sth; ); be too busy (to do sth; )
前年 (qian2 nian2)the year before last
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 7(25 Vokabeln)
(bi4)confer on; give to
不足 (bu4 zu2)insufficient; lacking; deficiency; not enough; inadequate; not worth; cannot; should
将就 (jiang1 jiu)accept (a bit reluctantly); put up with
(wei2)-ism; only
(you4)(once) again; also; both... and...; again
不济事 (bu4 ji4 shi4)no good; of no use; not of any help
回去 (hui2 qu)return; go back
八十 (ba1 shi2)eighty; 80
大众 (da4 zhong4)people; public; masses
这种方式 (zhe4 zhong3 fang1 shi4)(in) this way
背後 (bei4 hou4)behind; at the back; in the rear; behind somebody's back
(jin1)today; modern; present; current; this; now
栖身 (qi1 shen1)stay at; live in (temporarily)
(li2)to leave; to depart; to go away; from
(du3)observe; see
摆样子 (bai3 yang4 zi3)do sth; for show
此时 (ci3 shi2)now; this moment
因此 (yin1 ci3)that is why; for that reason; therefore; for this reason
不相干 (bu4 xiang1 gan1)be irrelevant; have nothing to do with
多数 (duo1 shu4)majority; most
(yuan2)therefore; to lead on to
(cheng2)to bear; to carry; to hold; to continue; to undertake; to take charge; owing to; due to; to receive
男人 (nan2 ren2)a man; a male; men
执政 (zhi2 zheng4)be in power; be in office
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 8(25 Vokabeln)
某些 (mou3 xie1)some; certain (things)
开演 (kai1 yan3)(of a play, movie, etc.) to begin
(mu3)about 1; 6 acre (M)
(kan4)it depends; think; to see; to look at
(xi4)be; system; to tie; department; faculty
(cheng2)to hold; contain; to ladle; pick up with a utensil
得到 (de2 dao4)to get; to obtain; to receive
今朝 (jin1 zhao1)at the present; now
他们都 (ta1 men dou1)all of them
代表 (dai4 biao3)representative; delegate; to represent; to stand for
(huan4)to call
通过 (tong1 guo4)by means of; through; via; to adopt; to pass through; to get through; to switch over
一望无际 (yi2 wang4 wu2 ji4)as far as the eye can see (lit: look afar no bound)
二百 (er4 bai3)two hundred; 200
不时 (bu4 shi2)frequently; often; at any time
你们 (ni3 men)you (plural)
关於 (guan1 yu2)pertaining to; concerning; regarding; with regards to; about
愈加 (yu4 jia1)all the more; even more; further
还说 (hai2 shuo1)to add (in speaking); to also say
不必 (bu4 bi4)need not; does not have to
(bing4)and; also; together with
碰见 (peng4 jian4)to run into; to meet
(ban1)sort; kind; class; way; manner
(she4)to set up; to arrange; to establish; to found; to display
(jiang4)to drop; to fall; to come down; to descend
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 9(25 Vokabeln)
当今 (dang1 jin1)current; present; now; nowadays
爱好 (ai4 hao4)to like; to be fond of; to be keen on; interest; hobby
存在 (cun2 zai4)to exist; to be
搬弄 (ban1 nong4)move sth; about; fiddle with; show off; display
(yong1)ordinary; to use
办法 (ban4 fa3)means; method; way (to do something)
做出 (zuo4 chu1)to put out; to issue
拜年 (bai4 nian2)pay a New Year call; wish sb a Happy New Year
(ju3)to lift; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to act; to raise; to choose; to elect
会不会 (hui4 bu4 hui4)(posing a question: whether someone, something) can or not; is able to or not
只有 (zhi3 you3)only
识破 (shi2 po4)to penetrate; to see through
一九四九年 (yi1 jiu3 si4 jiu3 nian2)the year 1949 (Communist revolution)
(jue2)his; its
过来 (guo4 lai2)to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of
规定 (gui1 ding4)provision; to fix; to set; to formulate; to stipulate; to provide
改造, 改变 (gai3 zao4, gai3 bian4)to change; to alter; to transform
时期 (shi2 qi1)a period in time or history; period; time (interval); phase
最先 (zui4 xian1)(the) very first
(chi4)(not) just; (not) only
良好 (liang2 hao3)good; favorable; well; fine
计划 (ji4 hua4)plan; project; program; to plan; to map out
不善 (bu4 shan4)bad; ill; not good at; not to be poohpoohed; quite impressive
(dong3)to understand; to know
(jian1)between; among; space; (measure word)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 10(25 Vokabeln)
即将 (ji2 jiang1)on the eve of; to be about to; to be on the verge of
(zha4)for the first time; suddenly
凡是 (fan2 shi4)every; all
(chu1)to go out; to come out; to occur; to produce; to go beyond; to rise; to put forth; to occur; to happen; (a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)
三千五百 (san1 qian1 wu3 bai3)3 500
上下 (shang4 xia4)up and down; top and bottom; old and new
如何 (ru2 he2)how; what way; what
大事 (da4 shi4)a major event; (do something) in a big way
(ai4)to love; affection; to be fond of; to like
(fu3)just; just now
(jie4)great; good; middleman; servant
(yu2)extra; surplus; remaining; after; I; me
捐赠 (juan1 zeng4)to donate; to give (away)
代之以 (dai4 zhi1 yi3)(has been) replaced with; (its) place has been taken by
掌权 (zhang3 quan2)wield (political, etc.) power; be in power
(gou4)to reach; to be enough
下降 (xia4 jiang4)to decline; to drop; to fall; to go down; to decrease
感到 (gan3 dao4)to feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; think that; to move; to affect
改进 (gai3 jin4)to improve; to make better
其中 (qi2 zhong1)among; in
在今年年底 (zai4 jin1 nian2 nian2 di3)at the end of this year
(wu2)I; my
(xiao4)similar; resembling; to ressemble; to be like
升级 (sheng1 ji2)to escalate (in intensity); be stepped up; to increase; to rise; to go up
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 11(25 Vokabeln)
趣味 (qu4 wei4)to interest
当时 (dang1 shi2)then; at that time; while
(dong4)to use; to act; to move; to change
(yao4)important; vital; to want; to be going to; must
(zi1)resources; capital; to provide; to supply; to support; money; expense
(gan3)to feel; to move; to touch; to affect
其它 (qi2 ta1)other
(pai1)to clap; to pat; to beat; to hit; to slap; to take (a picture)
同年 (tong2 nian2)the same year
可以 (ke3 yi3)can; may; possible; able to
(guan4)can; jar; pot
年来 (nian2 lai2)over the last ... years
给予 (ji3 yu3)accord; give; show (respect)
一年多 (yi1 nian2 duo1)more than a year
用以 (yong4 yi3)in order to; so as to
二十六岁 (er4 shi2 liu4 sui4)26 years old
那, 那 (nei4, na4)that; those
(shi4)matter; thing; item; work; affair
只好 (zhi3 hao3)to have to; to be forced to
一个 (yi1 ge4)a; an
(zhuo2)to wear (clothes); to contact; to use; apply
(chen2)arrange; exhibit; narrate; tell; old; stale; a surname; to state; to display; to explain; (surname)
同时 (tong2 shi2)at the same time; simultaneously
不同 (bu4 tong2)different; distinct; not the same; not alike
出口 (chu1 kou3)to speak; to exit; to go out; to export
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 12(25 Vokabeln)
(fa1)to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop
(yu3)to give
(wan4)(surname); 10,000
(wang3)to go (in a direction); past; previous; towards
(bei4)by (marker for passive-voice sentences or clauses); quilt; blanket; to cover; to wear
二十多 (er4 shi2 duo1)over 20
(cha2)examine; inquire; observe; inspect; look into; to examine
针对 (zhen1 dui4)in connection with; directed towards; to direct at; to aim at; to point against
(xu1)all; assist; to store
(cheng2)ride; mount; make use of; take advantage of; multiply; to avail of; to ride
(dei3)to have to; must; ought to; to need to
(tun4)fade; take off (clothes)
发放 (fa1 fang4)provide; give; grant
唯一 (wei2 yi1)only; sole
但是, 可是 (dan4 shi4, ke3 shi4)but; however
吞吐 (tun1 tu3)to take in and send out (in large quantities)
带有 (dai4 you3)have; involve
你好 (ni3 hao3)hello; how are you
补偿 (bu3 chang2)compensate; make up
(zou1)make up (a story)
白搭 (bai2 da1)no use; no good
当初 (dang1 chu1)at that time; originally
别无 (bie2 wu2)have no other (choice, alternative, etc)
支援 (zhi1 yuan2)provide assistance or backing; to support; to back
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 13(25 Vokabeln)
(gui4)expensive; noble; your (name); precious
加上 (jia1 shang4)to put in; to add; plus; to add on; to add into
(wo4)to turn
不能不 (bu4 neng2 bu4)have to; cannot but
(ji4)covet; long for
(zao4)to make; to build; to invent; to manufacture
运用 (yun4 yong4)to use; to put to use
时候 (shi2 hou4)time; length of time; moment; period
寻找, 寻求 (xun2 zhao3, xun2 qiu2)to seek; to look for
(shang3)enjoy the beauty of; give
(du2)alone; independent; single; sole; only
莫如 (mo4 ru2)it would be better
出路 (chu1 lu4)a way out (of a difficult situation, etc)
有志者事竟成 (you3 zhi4 zhe3 shi4 jing4 cheng2)where there is a will, there is a way
(neng2)can; may; capable; energy; able
(liao3)to know; to understand; to know
操劳 (cao1 lao2)to work hard; to look after
一万四千二百 (yi1 wan4 si4 qian1 er4 bai3)14200
谈到 (tan2 dao4)to refer to; to speak about; to talk about
设计 (she4 ji4)plan; design; to design; to plan
四十 (si4 shi2)forty; 40
指出 (zhi3 chu1)to indicate; to point out
(sui4)year; years old; (a measure word)
(bian4)to change; to become different; to transform; to vary; rebellion
(zhi4)to install; to place; to put
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 14(25 Vokabeln)
长久 (chang2 jiu3)(for a) long time
(cheng2)to assume (a form); to submit; to petition; to show; to present; to offer
後面 (hou4 mian)rear; back; behind
发动 (fa1 dong4)to start; to launch; to mobilize
(fu2)clothes; dress; garment; submit; take (medicine)
一项 (yi2 xiang4)an item; a thing
设立 (she4 li4)to set up; to establish
(dai4)wait; treat; deal with; need; about; intending to do something
继承 (ji4 cheng2)to inherit; to carry on; to succeed
不能 (bu4 neng2)cannot; must not; should not
(dang1)to be; to act as; manage; withstand; when; during; ought; should; match equally; equal; same; obstruct; just at (a time or place); on the spot; right; just at
仅仅 (jin3 jin3)barely; only; merely; only (this and nothing more)
(xia4)under; second (of two parts); next (week, etc.); lower; below; underneath; down(wards); to decline; to go down; latter
进行 (jin4 xing2)to advance; to conduct; underway; in progress; to do; to carry out; to carry on; to conduct; to execute
需要 (xu1 yao4)to need; to want; to demand; needs; to require
利於 (li4 yu2)be beneficial; be good for
拿主意 (na2 zhu3 yi)to make a decision; to make up one's mind
於是 (yu2 shi4)thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus
知悉, 晓得 (zhi1 xi1, xiao3 de)to know
(shu4)to state; to tell; to narrate; to relate
能够 (neng2 gou4)be capable of; can; is able
克服 (ke4 fu2)(try to) overcome (hardships, etc); to conquer; to put up with; to endure
追究 (zhui1 jiu1)investigate; look into
三十 (san1 shi2)thirty; 30
(bai3)pendulum; to place; to display; to swing; to oscillate; to show; to move; to exhibit
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 15(25 Vokabeln)
(dun4)a time; jerk; stop; meal; bout; spell; (measure for beating)
通通 (tong1 tong1)all; entire; complete
纠正 (jiu1 zheng4)to correct; to make right
(gao3)to do; to make; to go in for; to set up; to get hold of; to take care of
不只 (bu4 zhi3)not only; not merely
促使 (cu4 shi3)spur on; urge; to cause; to bring about
频频 (pin2 pin2)repeatedly; again and again
(tuo2)carry on the back
盼望 (pan4 wang4)to hope for; look forward to
表现 (biao3 xian4)expression; manifestation; show; display; manifest; to show (off); to display
不大离儿 (bu4 da4 li2 er)pretty close; just about right; not bad
(hui4)can; be possible; be able to; to assemble; to meet; to gather; to see; union; group; association
同龄 (tong2 ling2)of the same age
处於 (chu3 yu2)be (in some state, position, or condition)
(jie1)all; each and every; in all cases
是不是 (shi4 bu4 shi4)is or isn't; yes or no; whether or not
寻觅 (xun2 mi4)to look for
(xie2)to carry; to take along; to bring along; to hold (hands)
(qia4)exactly; just
(jia1)clip; folder; hold between; to press from both sides; to place in between
一小部分 (yi4 xiao3 bu4 fen)a small part; a small section
上学 (shang4 xue2)to go to school; to attend school
(huan4)pass through; to get into (armor)
(biao3)surface; exterior; to watch; to show; express; an example; a list or table; a meter; a watch; chart; external
(wei4)because of; for; to
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 16(25 Vokabeln)
闭塞 (bi4 se4)stop up; close up; hard to get to; out of the way; inaccessible; unenlightened; blocking
挨近 (ai1 jin4)get close to; be near to
(mi3)extravagant; go with fashion; not
他们 (ta1 men)they
(xie1)some; few; several; (a measure word)
组成 (zu3 cheng2)component; part; element; constitute; make up
走开 (zou3 kai1)Get out of the way!
(he2)carry; what; how; why; which
(bing4)and; furthermore; (not) at all; simultaneously; also; together with; to combine; to join; to merge
背负 (bei1 fu4)bear; carry on the back; have on one's shoulder
(nai4)how can one help
上市 (shang4 shi4)on the market
试图 (shi4 tu2)to attempt; to try
季节 (ji4 jie2)time; season; period
照样 (zhao4 yang4)as before; (same) as usual
熟悉 (shu2 xi1)to know well
世人 (shi4 ren2)(common) people
拥护 (yong1 hu4)to endorse; to support
(zhi3)finger; to point; to direct; to indicate
不中用 (bu4 zhong1 yong4)unfit for anything; no good; useless
进而 (jin4 er2)and then (what follows next)
(wo3)I; me; myself
告诉 (gao4 su)to tell; to inform; to let know
以便 (yi3 bian4)so that; so as to; in order to
(zhuan4)to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 17(25 Vokabeln)
(duo1)many; much; a lot of; numerous; multi-
(ceng2)(refers to something that happened previously); already; at some time in the past; before; once
公布 (gong1 bu4)publicly announce; to make public; to publish
一号 (yi1 hao4)first day of the month
漫长 (man4 chang2)very long; endless
致力 (zhi4 li4)work for; devote one's efforts to
就便 (jiu4 bian4)at (your) convenience; while (you're) at it
非常多 (fei1 chang2 duo1)much
(shao1)bring or take (along)
高度 (gao1 du4)height; very; high degree; highly; height; highness
这天 (zhe4 tian1)today; this day
(xiang4)(look) like; similar (to); look; appearance; elephant; to look; to appear; to seem; image; portrait; resemble; seem
捏合 (nie1 hu2)to act as a go between
出来 (chu1 lai)to come out; to emerge
(fang1)square; quadrilateral; direction; just
(liu2)to flow; to spread; to circulate; to move
在之上 (zai4 zhi1 shang4)over
背面 (bei4 mian4)the back; the reverse side; the wrong side
刚好 (gang1 hao3)just; exactly; happen to be
施行 (shi1 xing2)to put in place
工商界 (gong1 shang1 jie4)industry; the world of business
方式 (fang1 shi4)way (of life); pattern; style; mode; manner
占有 (zhan4 you3)to have; to own; to hold; to possess
(dao4)upset; turn over; to tip; to pour; to go home; to the contrary; inverted
(bi4)the whole of; to finish; to complete; complete; full; finished
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 18(25 Vokabeln)
正当 (zheng4 dang1)timely; well-timed; just when (needed)
来到 (lai2 dao4)to come; to arrive
拜别 (bai4 bie2)take leave of
(bao1)to cover; to wrap; to hold; to include; to take charge of; package; wrapper; container; bag; to hold or embrace; bundle; packet; to contract (to or for)
(xi4)be; connection; relation; tie up; bind
那里 (na4 li)there; that place
一百二十六 (yi1 bai3 er4 shi2 liu4)126
否则 (fou3 ze2)if not; otherwise; else; or else
最为 (zui4 wei2)the most
日前 (ri4 qian2)the other day; a few days ago
(yong4)to use
一向 (yi2 xiang4)all long; the whole time; constantly; earlier; lately
(jiu4)at once; then; right away; only; (emphasis); to approach; to move towards; to undertake
不时之需 (bu4 shi2 zhi1 xu1)a possible period of want or need
一周 (yi1 zhou1)one week
保留 (bao3 liu2)continue to have; retain; hold back; reserve; reservations; hold back (approval or acceptance); to preserve; maintain
就是 (jiu4 shi4)(emphasizes that something is precisely or exactly what is stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as
倘, 要是, 假如, 若是, 的话 (tang3, yao4 shi4, jia3 ru2, ruo4 shi4, de hua4)if
两千年 (liang3 qian1 nian2)the year 2000; 2000 years
(teng2)to soar; to gallop; to rise; to prance; to hover; to move out
时间 (shi2 jian1)time; period
那样的 (na4 yang4 de)that kind of; that sort of
(jian4)to see; to meet; to appear (to be sth); to interview
之间 (zhi1 jian1)between; among; inter-
投放 (tou2 fang4)to put in (circulation); to throw in
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 19(25 Vokabeln)
(hen3)fierce; very
(hao4)mouse; new; to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander
(er3)thus; so; like that; you; thou
晓示 (xiao3 shi4)to tell; to notify
久违 (jiu3 wei2)(haven't done sth) for a long time
(ben4)go to; towards
按期 (an4 qi2)on schedule; on time
工夫 (gong1 fu)work; labor; effort
十二 (shi2 er4)12; twelve
为此 (wei4 ci3)for this reason; with regards to this; in this respect; in order to do this; to this end
移动 (yi2 dong4)mobile; movement; to move; to shift
(nie1)to pinch (with one's fingers); to knead; to make up
不许 (bu4 xu3)not allow; must not; can't
挪窝儿 (nuo2 wor1)to move (to a house)
走出 (zou3 chu1)to move away from; to walk away from
不依 (bu4 yi1)not comply; not go along with; not let off easily; not let sb; get away with it
由余 (you2 yu2)owing to; thanks to; as a result of
随之而後 (sui2 zhi1 er2 hou4)from that; following from that; after that
(mo4)drowned; to end; to die; to inundate
找到 (zhao3 dao4)find (what one was searching for); succeeded in finding
不见 (bu4 jian4)not see; not meet
返回 (fan3 hui2)return to; come (or go) back
另外 (ling4 wai4)additional; in addition; besides; separate; other; moreover; furthermore
考虑 (kao3 l`)to think over; to consider; consideration
(yi1)one (alternate form of Ò»)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 20(25 Vokabeln)
(xiao3)dawn; to know; to tell (sb sth); dawn
(shi2)to know; knowledge
乃尔 (nai3 er3)thus; like this
至於 (zhi4 yu2)go so far as to
第二次 (di4 er4 ci4)second; second time
不赖 (bu4 lai4)not bad; good; fine
(yong1)crowd; thong; to hold; crowded; to support
一样 (yi2 yang4)same; like; equal to; the same as; just like
(lu2)belly; skin; to state
半路 (ban4 lu4)halfway; midway; on the way
放置 (fang4 zhi4)put
推迟 (tui1 chi2)to postpone; to put off
不论 (bu4 lun4)no matter (what, who, how, etc.); whether; or; regardless of
商品 (shang1 pin3)good; commodity; merchandice
人数 (ren2 shu4)number of people
不合 (bu4 he2)not conform to; be unsuited to; be out of keeping with; should not; ought out
有时 (you3 shi2)sometimes; now and then
怎样 (zen3 yang4)how; why
(zhi4)system; to make; to manufacture; to control; to regulate
(xiu1)to decorate; to embellish; to repair; to build; to study; to write; to cultivate
一套 (yi1 tao4)suit; a set
感觉 (gan3 jue2)to feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense; perception
向下 (xiang4 xia4)down; downward
(di3)foundation; on the whole
(tu2)way; route; road
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 21(25 Vokabeln)
大体 (da4 ti3)in general; on the whole
(xiang3)to make a sound; to sound; to ring; (a measure word for sound); loud
会见 (hui4 jian4)to meet with (someone who is paying a visit)
(xi2)to practice; to study; habit
然後 (ran2 hou4)after; then (afterwards); after that; afterwards
赶上 (gan3 shang4)keep up with; catch up with
(gen4)extend across; through
运行 (yun4 xing2)be in motion; to move; to run
(tang3)if; unexpectedly
(xu1)to require; to need; to want; necessity; need
产生 (chan3 sheng1)to come into being; to produce; to cause; to bring about; to generate; to yield; to engender
第一例 (di4 yi1 li4)first case; first instance; first time (sth is done)
(que4)but; yet; however; while; to go back; to decline; to retreat; nevertheless
演示 (yan3 shi4)to demonstrate; to show
今世 (jin1 shi4)this life; this age
作业 (zuo4 ye4)school assignment; work; task; operation; to operate
策划 (ce4 hua4)plot; scheme; bring about; engineer
(jing4)unexpectedly; actually; to go so far as to; indeed
转道 (zhuan3 dao4)make a detour; go by way of
(shu2)who; which; what
使得 (shi3 de)usable; workable; feasable; doable; to make; to cause
甚至於 (shen4 zhi4 yu2)so much (that); even (to the extent that)
(xiang4)(surname); back of neck; item; thing
(ge1)to place
(yu3)and; to give; together with
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 22(25 Vokabeln)
四十六 (si4 shi2 liu4)forty six; 46
(chu4)knock against; touch; to feel
(bang1)a state; country or nation
授时 (shou4 shi2)time service
怎麽 (zen3 me)(interrogative pronoun); how (can it be that)
(kong4)to accuse; to charge; to control; to sue
尝试 (chang2 shi4)to try; to attempt
(xun2)to search; to look for; to seek
(ji2)to reach; and
听说过 (ting1 shuo1 guo)to hear said
(wan1)to move (as snake)
任意 (ren4 yi4)arbitrarily; at will; random
擅长 (shan4 chang2)to be good at; to be expert in
安排 (an1 pai2)to arrange; to plan; to set up; to set up
那儿 (nar4)there; that place; then; that time
安设 (an1 she4)install; set up
经过 (jing1 guo4)to pass; to go through; process; course
展示 (zhan3 shi4)to open up; to reveal
着作 (zhu4 zuo4)a literary work; a book
操纵 (cao1 zong4)to operate; to control
(ji4)to reach; when
另眼相看 (ling4 yan3 xiang1 kan4)to view in a new light
多大 (duo1 da4)how big; how much; how old; etc.
陆续 (lu4 xu4)in turn; successively; one after the other
(bo4)thin; slight; meagre; small; ungenerous; unkind; mean; frivolous; despise; belittle; to approach; to go near; peppermint
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 23(25 Vokabeln)
(gui1)to go back; to return
日夜 (ri4 ye4)day and night; around the clock
(xian4)appear; present; now; existing; current
(ju4)very large; huge; tremendous; gigantic
(huan4)change; exchange
(huo3)assistant; partner; many; great; numerous
恋爱 (lian4 ai4)to have a love affair; to be in love; to love; love
(ni3)plan to
竖起 (shu4 qi)hold up (high); raise up
脸色 (lian3 se4)complexion; look
收入 (shou1 ru4)to take in; income; revenue
(qi2)his; her; its; theirs; that; such; it (refers to sth preceding it)
簿 (bu4)a book; a register; account-book
(dan4)birth; birthday; brag; boast; to increase
左右 (zuo3 you4)about; approximately; left and right; around
(ban4)half; semi-; incomplete; (after a number) and a half; half
(zhe2)tenth (in price); to break; to fold; to turn
前往 (qian2 wang3)leave for; proceed towards; to go
(qi2)(surname); his; her; its; their
七十 (qi1 shi2)seventy; 70
不大 (bu2 da4)not very; not too; not often
(ti4)to substitute for; to take the place of; to replace; for; on behalf of; to stand in for
在野 (zai4 ye3)be out of (political) office; out of power
(qu4)interesting; to interest
日益 (ri4 yi4)day by day; more and more; increasingly; more and more with each passing day
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 24(25 Vokabeln)
平民 (ping2 min2)(ordinary) people
引起 (yin3 qi3)to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse
(kui4)food; make a present
占领 (zhan4 ling3)to occupy (a territory); to hold
(bu4)to declare; to annouce; to spread; to make known; spread; (cotton) cloth
(zhu4)to make known; to show; to prove; to write; book; outstanding
借助 (jie4 zhu4)to get help from
谈论 (tan2 lun4)to discuss; to talk about
造成问题 (zao4 cheng2 wen4 ti2)to create an issue; to cause a problem
看见 (kan4 jian4)to see; to catch sight of
(xi1)in all cases; know
上班 (shang4 ban1)to go to work; to be on duty; to start work; to go to the office
偕, 偕 (jie1, xie2)in company with
公正 (gong1 zheng4)just; fair; equitable
(jiao1)to water
(an3)I (northern dialects)
历时 (li4 shi2)to last; to take (time); period
每年 (mei3 nian2)every year; each year; yearly
(shen3)to examine; to investigate; carefully; to try (in court)
何时 (he2 shi2)when
(xin1)meso- (chem.); new; newly
(jia3)fake; false; artificial; to borrow; if; suppose
挪动, 迁 (nuo2 dong4, qian1)to move; to shift
过来 (guo4 lai)to come over; to come up
(song4)to deliver; to carry; to give (as a present); to present (with); to see off; to send
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 25(25 Vokabeln)
不无小补 (bu4 wu2 xiao3 bu3)not be without some advantage; be of some help
(lia3)(a numeral-measure word) two; both
(de)(possessive particle); of
(bu4)(negative prefix); not; no
用于 (yong4 yu2)use in; use on; use for
告别 (gao4 bie2)to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to
(bi4)avoid; shun; flee; escape; leave; to keep away; to leave; to hide
多年 (duo1 nian2)many years
最初 (zui4 chu1)first; primary; initial
(zai1)to force; to stick in; to plant
咱, 咱 (za2, zan2)we (incl.)
当做 (dang4 zuo4)to treat as; to regard as; to look upon as
四十三 (si4 shi2 san1)43; forty three
叫做 (jiao4 zuo4)be called; be known as
(chang2)to compensate; pay back; to recompense
观念 (guan1 nian4)notion; thought
(qian2)before; in front; ago; former; previous; earlier; front
谁, 谁, 何人 (shei2, shui2, he2 ren2)who
(yi2)to lose; to leave behind
咱们 (zan2 men)we (including the person spoken to)
已故 (yi3 gu4)the late; deceased
(zao1)a time; incident; meet by chance; turn
回顾历史 (hui2 gu4 li4 shi3)to look back at history
一九九七年 (yi1 jiu3 jiu3 qi1 nian2)the year 1997
白天 (bai2 tian1)daytime; during the day; day
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 26(25 Vokabeln)
(zhi3)only; merely; just; but
(luo4)alight; to fall; to drop (behind)
(pou2)take up in both hands
学习 (xue2 xi2)to learn; to study
补报 (bu3 bao4)make a report after the event; make a supplementary report; repay a kindness
老百姓 (lao3 bai3 xing4)ordinary people; the €person in the street€
例子 (li4 zi)case; (for) instance; example
(liang2)good; very; very much
(pan4)to hope for; to long for; to expect
(ji4)border; edge; boundary; between; among; interval; while
九七年 (jiu3 qi1 nian2)'97; the year 1997
(lu4)(surname); road; path; way
使用 (shi3 yong4)to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of
汇报 (hui4 bao4)to report; to give an account of; report
只是 (zhi3 shi4)merely; simply; only; but
繁杂 (fan2 za2)many; diverse
跑步 (pao3 bu4)to walk quickly; to march; to run
当心 (dang1 xin1)to take care; to look out
不然 (bu4 ran2)not so; no; or else; otherwise; if not
编造 (bian1 zao4)compile; draw up; work out; fabricate; invent; concoct; make up; cook up; create out of the imagination
(xiang4)shape; form; appearance; to be like; to ressemble; to take after; to seem; elephant
授受 (shou4 shou4)to give and accept
(lao3)(a prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family to indicate affection or familiarity); old (of people)
(yu2)(surname); at; in
至今 (zhi4 jin1)until now
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 27(25 Vokabeln)
(mao4)be great; exert the mind
约翰一书 (yue1 han4 yi1 shu1)1 John
(yin1)cause; reason; because
弃世 (qi4 shi4)to leave this word; to die
(shu4)bunch; (a measure word); to bind; to control
往常 (wang3 chang2)habitually in the past; as one used to do formerly; as it used to be
方法 (fang1 fa3)method; way; means
半以上, 半数以上 (ban4 yi3 shang4, ban4 shu4 yi3 shang4)more than half
那些 (na4 xie1)those
(xian2)all; in all cases; salty
缺乏 (que1 fa2)shortage; be lacking; to be short of; to lack
(bo1)to push aside; to appropriate (money); to move; to set aside; group; batch; to poke; to stir
影响 (ying3 xiang3)influence; to effect; to influence
(ding1)sting (of mosquito); to ask
(ding3)go against; most; peak; top; to replace; to substitute; a measure word (use with €hat€)
约莫 (yue1 mo)about; around; approximately
这个 (zhe4 ge4)this
(nan2)difficult (to...); problem; difficulty; difficult; not good
第一次 (di4 yi1 ci4)first; first time; number one
(zu3)to form; compose; make up; group; to organize; cord
(ai2)next to; suffer (hunger); endure; drag out; delay; stall; play for time
多年来 (duo1 nian2 lai2)for the past many years
不是味儿 (bu4 shi4 wei4 er)not the right flavour; not quite right; a bit off; fishy; queer; amiss; feel bad; be upset
举行 (ju3 xing2)to hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 28(25 Vokabeln)
(die1)to drop; to fall; to tumble
半天 (ban4 tian1)half of the day; a long time; quite a while
(ya4)crush; in the first place
工作 (gong1 zuo4)job; work; construction; work; task
(jiao4)boundary; go around
必由之路 (bi4 you2 zhi1 lu4)the road one must follow or take; the only way
百般 (bai3 ban1)in hundred and one ways; in every possible way; by every means
(guo4)(past tense marker); to cross; to go over; to pass (time); to live; to get along; (surname)
(wei3)correct; right
标新立异 (biao1 xin1 li4 yi4)start something new in order to be different; do something unconventional or unorthodox; create something new and original
(yue4)to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more ... the more
事情要做 (shi4 qing2 yao4 zuo4)thing that needs to be done
(tao3)ask for; send punitive expedition; to demand; to marry
三十四 (san1 shi2 si4)thirty-four; 34
俨然 (yan3 ran2)just like; solemn; dignified
赐给 (ci4 gei3)to bestow; to give
怎麽样 (zen3 me yang4)how about; (used in the negative)(not) so good
数字 (shu4 zi4)number; figure; amount; digital (electronics, etc); numeral; digit
(gan4)to work; to do; to manage
舍, 罢手 (she3, ba4 shou3)give up
(can1)take part in; participate; join; attend; to join; unequal; varied; irregular; to counsel; uneven; not uniform
(tong2)high; name of a pass
(zou1)go; mythical animal
一年半 (yi1 nian2 ban4)a year and a half
层出不穷 (ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2)to come out one after the other
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 29(25 Vokabeln)
衬托 (chen4 tuo1)to set off
(ji3)a few; how many
(jing3)warn; well
这样 (zhe4 yang4)this (kind of, sort of); this way; such; like this; such
别的 (bie2 de)else; other
(chu3)to reside; to live; to dwell; to be in; to stay; get along with; to be in a position of; deal with
生火 (sheng1 huo3)to make a fire; to light a fire
终于 (zhong1 yu2)at last; in the end; finally
营业 (ying2 ye4)to do business; to trade
意志 (yi4 zhi4)will
以上 (yi3 shang4)more than; above; over; the above-mentioned
回顾 (hui2 gu4)to look back; to review
(wu4)thing; object; matter
多麽 (duo1 me)how (wonderful, etc); what (a great idea, etc); however (difficult it may be, etc)
(zhuang4)accusation; suit; state; condition; strong; great
提供 (ti2 gong1)to supply; to provide; to furnish
以往 (yi3 wang3)in the past; formerly
(ji3)how much; how many; several; a few
不胜 (bu4 sheng4)cannot bear or stand; be unequal to; very; extremely
有些人 (you3 xie1 ren2)some people
(jun1)30 catties; great; your (hon.)
(jian4)to establish; to found; to set up; to build; to construct
(ji4)Hebei; to hope
不啻 (bu4 chi4)not less than; as; like; as good as
(xun4)to question; to ask; to interrogate; rapid; speedy; fast; news; information
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 30(25 Vokabeln)
迟迟 (chi2 chi2)(be) late (with a task, etc.); slow
举办 (ju3 ban4)to conduct; to hold
(gong1)just; honorable (designation); public; common
(ba1)(suff. for certain nouns); to hope; to wish
(jiao3)hang (a criminal); to turn; to twist; to wind
目前 (mu4 qian2)at the present time; currently
(cao2)a company; a class; a generation; (a surname)
百十 (bai3 shi2)a hundred or so
(zhu2)to pursue; to chase; individually; one by one
(gai3)to change; to alter; to transform; to correct
(si4)to seem; to appear; similar; like; to resemble
(bian4)a time; everywhere; turn; all over; one time
作用 (zuo4 yong4)action; activity; actions; acts; effect; to play a role
第二次世界大战 (di4 er4 ci4 shi4 jie4 da4 zhan4)World War 2
采用 (cai3 yong4)to adopt; to employ; to use
场所 (chang3 suo3)location; place
如此 (ru2 ci3)in this way; so
当然 (dang1 ran2)only natural; as it should be; certainly; of course; without doubt
老人 (lao3 ren2)old people; the aged
(chuan1)river; creek; plain; an area of level country
(ji3)spine; back; ridge
(ze2)(expresses contrast with a previous sentence or clause); standard; norm; rule; to imitate; to follow; then; principle
(hu2)(surname); beard; what why how
占据 (zhan4 ju4)to occupy; to hold
起来 (qi3 lai)beginning or continuing an action; upward movement; stand up
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 31(25 Vokabeln)
(gao3)high; sun shines brightly; to shine
何处 (he2 chu3)whence; where
厂商 (chang3 shang1)company; firm
(dai4)band; belt; girdle; ribbon; area; zone; region; wear; carry; lead; bring; consists of; show; and
(cha1)insert; atick in; pierce; to take part in; to interfere; to interpose
出发 (chu1 fa1)to start out; to set off
(nong2)you (Shanghai dial.)
或者 (huo4 zhe3)or; possibly; maybe; perhaps
引导 (yin3 dao3)to guide; to lead; to conduct; introduction
(quan2)authority; power; right
(niu3)to turn; to wrench; button
(fan2)ordinary; every; all; whatever; worldly
要有 (yao4 you3)need; require
可能 (ke3 neng2)might (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability
第二位 (di4 er4 wei4)second place
支持 (zhi1 chi2)to be in favor of; to support; to back; support; backing; to stand by
驾驭 (jia4 yu4)to control; to drive
出版 (chu1 ban3)to publish; to come off the press; to put out
(liao4)material; stuff; grain; feed; to expect; to anticipate; to guess
(ti2)to carry; to lift; to put forward; (upwards character stroke); lifting (brush stroke in painting); to mention
(shu1)slow; to free from
开会 (kai1 hui4)have a meeting; be at a meeting; to hold or attend a meeting
不但 (bu4 dan4)not only (... but also...)
率先 (shuai4 xian1)take the lead (showing inititative)
满足 (man3 zu2)to satisfy; to meet (the needs of)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 32(25 Vokabeln)
见面 (jian4 mian4)meet; see (someone)
(kui2)cheekbone; crossroads; high
(gen1)to follow; to go with; heel; with; and
(fu4)lose; negative (math. etc.); to bear; to carry (on one's back)
(nai4)crab-apple; how can one help
屋, 屋子 (wu1, wu1 zi)house; room
背脊 (bei4 ji3)the back of the human body
受到 (shou4 dao4)get; be given; receive; suffer
(da1)build (scaffolding); take (boat; train); hang; join; match; take passage
年, 载, 年头 (nian2, zai3, nian2 tou2)year
笔录 (bi3 lu4)put down (in writing); take down; notes; record
装置 (zhuang1 zhi4)equipment; system
马上 (ma3 shang4)at once; right away; immediately
玩弄 (wan2 nong4)resort to; engage in; play with
审理 (shen3 li3)to hear (a case)
经验 (jing1 yan4)to experience; experience
高达 (gao1 da2)attain; reach up to
(duo3)avoid; get out of way; to hide; to go into hiding
制定 (zhi4 ding4)to draw up; to formulate
(jiao3)hand in; hand over
巴掌 (ba1 zhang3)palm; hand
(shou4)to bear; to stand; to endure; (passive marker); to receive
不相上下 (bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4)equally matched; about the same
让开 (rang4 kai)to get out of the way; to step aside
(jin4)to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; exhausted; finished; to the limit (of sth)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 33(25 Vokabeln)
八九不离十 (ba1 jiu3 bu4 li2 shi2)pretty close; very near; about right
年底 (nian2 di3)the end of the year; year-end
接ぴ (jie1 zhe)continue; went on to (do something); to follow; to carry on; then; after that
(hai2)also; in addition; more; still; else; still; yet; (not) yet
(mo4)do not; there is none who
没有 (mei2 you3)haven't; hasn't; doesn't exist; to not have; to not be
而今 (er2 jin1)now; at the present (time)
(wei3)give up; indeed; to commission
不买账 (bu4 mai3 zhang4)not buy it; not go for it
了解 (liao3 jie3)understand; come to understand; find out
讨论 (tao3 lun4)to discuss; to talk over
最好 (zui4 hao3)best; (you) had better (do what we suggest)
鄙吝 (bi3 lin4)vulgar; stingy; miserly; mean
生命 (sheng1 ming4)life (force)
掌管 (zhang3 guan3)control; be in charge of
(zuan3)carry on
拜会 (bai4 hui4)pay an official call; call on; visit in an official capacity
救援 (jiu4 yuan2)to save; to support; to help; to assist
富有 (fu4 you3)rich; full of
(yun2)even; evenly (divided); uniform
(jing4)clean; completely; only
技术情报, 信息技术 (ji4 shu4 qing2 bao4, xin4 xi2 ji4 shu4)information technology; IT
意味ぴ (yi4 wei4 zhe)signify; mean; imply
讲述 (jiang3 shu4)talk about; narrate an account
一万五千 (yi1 wan4 wu3 qian1)15000
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 34(25 Vokabeln)
无益 (wu2 yi4)no good; not good for; not beneficial
(zhi4)to rule; to govern; to manage; to control; to harness (a river); cure; treatment; to heal
(han2)envelope; case; letter
(fu2)to support with hand; to help sb. up; to help
(rong2)to hold; to contain; to allow; appearance; look; countenance
太好了, 挺好 (tai4 hao3 le, ting3 hao3)very good
这种 (zhe4 zhong3)this kind of; this sort of; this type of
区域 (qu1 yu4)area; region; district
在眼前 (zai4 yan3 qian2)now; at the present
末期 (mo4 qi1)end; last part; final phase
(bei4)learn by heart; the back of the body
(pai2)a platoon; line up
(rao4)go around; to wind (around)
(jiao4)to (be) call(ed)
相同名字 (xiang1 tong2 ming2 zi4)like-named; having the same name
(zhi1)(a measure word); to support; to sustain; to erect; to raise; branch; division; to draw money
表达 (biao3 da2)to voice (an opinion); to express; to convey
白眼珠 (bai2 yan3 zhu1)the white of the eye
(shi4)to test; to try; experiment; examination; test
采取 (cai3 qu3)adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action); to take
第一 (di4 yi1)first; No. 1
对於 (dui4 yu2)regarding; as far as (something) is concerned; with regards to
(ma3)a weight; number; yard; pile; stack
(jian1)letters; to close; seal
流失 (liu2 shi1)be drained away; to run off; to wash away
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 35(25 Vokabeln)
(pi1)to assertain; (measure word for batches, lots); to act on; to criticize; to pass on
(ding4)to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.); to order
不好 (bu4 hao3)no good
拦住 (lan2 zhu4)to stop; to bar the way
持有 (chi2 you3)hold (eg, passport, views, etc.)
权利 (quan2 li4)a power; a right
(bi4)certainly; must; will; necessarily
援助 (yuan2 zhu4)aid; assistance; support; help
(zhou1)(surname); complete; encircle; circuit; lap; week; cycle; all; every; attentive; thoughtful
(mi4)(surname); still; silent
用途 (yong4 tu2)use; application
(gan3)place name; wash
(nong4)to do; to manage; to handle; to play with; to fool with; to mess with; to fix; to toy with
(shi4)to look at; to regard; to inspect
陷入 (xian4 ru4)sink into; get caught up in; land in (a predicament)
(hun1)to marry; marriage; wedding; to take a wife
演习 (yan3 xi2)exercise; practice; to put on a play; to act
(yi4)give up; ladle out; pour out
来自 (lai2 zi4)to come from (a place)
(cheng2)finish; complete; accomplish; become; turn into; win; succeed; one tenth
(xuan4)dazzle; to show off
导致 (dao3 zhi4)to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about
(jia4)to support; frame; rack; framework
充满 (chong1 man3)full of; brimming with; very full; permeated
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 36(25 Vokabeln)
新年 (xin1 nian2)New Year
(wu2)no; not
(si4)place name; snivel
(zhi3)but; only
一行 (yi4 xing2)party; delegation
匀实, 匀净 (yun2 shi, yun2 jing4)even; uniform
生效 (sheng1 xiao4)to take effect; to go into effect
(lian4)feel attached to; long for; love
(jing4)way; path; direct; diameter
下班 (xia4 ban1)to come or go or get off work
明年 (ming2 nian2)next year
(lan2)door-screen; exhausted; late
迟慢 (chi2 man4)slow; late
信奉 (xin4 feng4)belief; to believe (in sth)
(nuo4)to promise; to yes
莫不 (mo4 bu4)there is no one (who doesn't); probably; perhaps
协会 (xie2 hui4)an association; a society
(zhai1)to borrow; to pick (flowers; fruit); to pluck; to take; to select
(cu2)to go; to reach
利益 (li4 yi4)benefit; (in someone's) interest
办事 (ban4 shi4)to handle (affairs); to work
(xin4)letter; true; to believe; sign; evidence
吐露 (tu3 lu4)to tell; to disclose; to reveal
(rang4)to ask; to let; permit; have (someone do something); to yield; to allow
大约 (da4 yue1)approximately; about
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 37(25 Vokabeln)
反过来说 (fan3 guo4 lai2 shuo1)on the other hand
握住 (wo4 zhu4)grip; hold
(shi1)(surname); distribute (alms); to do; to execute; to carry out
思考 (si1 kao3)think
(yi1)he; she
(zheng4)to earn; to make (money)
(duan1)end; extremity; item; port; to hold sth. level with both hands; to carry; regular
不怎麽 (bu4 zen3 me)not very; not particularly
不做声 (bu4 zuo4 sheng1)keep silent; not say a word
(dang3)party; association; club; society
这类 (zhe4 lei4)this kind (of)
化装 (hua4 zhuang1)(of actors) to make up; to disguise oneself
(fu4)go towards; go to; attend (a banquet, etc.); to go
所以 (suo3 yi3)therefore; as a result
(gang1)hard; firm; strong; just; barely; exactly
不怎麽样 (bu4 zen3 me yang4)not up to much; very indifferent
(po3)not; thereupon
(zhan1)keep at; to spy
不行了 (bu4 xing2 le)on the point of death; dying
(shou1)to receive; to accept; to collect
应当 (ying1 dang1)should; ought to
结成 (jie2 cheng2)form; forge (alliances, etc)
重新 (chong2 xin1)again; once more; re-
(jin3)barely; only; merely
告终 (gao4 zhong1)end; reach an end
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 38(25 Vokabeln)
(chai2)a class; a company; companion
(jiang4)a general
(zhu1)(surname); all; many; various
设置 (she4 zhi4)to set up; to install
形像 (xing2 xiang4)form; image
运转 (yun4 zhuan3)to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around
安生 (an1 sheng1)peaceful; restful; quiet; still
(yu4)take part in
(guai3)kidnap; to turn
(wan2)mischievous; obstinate; to play; stupid; stubborn; naughty
大清早, 一清早, 凌晨 (da4 qing1 zao3, yi1 qing1 zao3, ling2 chen2)early in the morning
笔记 (bi3 ji4)take down (in writing); notes; a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches
(zhi3)to stop; toe
手段 (shou3 duan4)method; mean (of doing sth)
(po4)to force; to compel; pressing; urgent
自己 (zi4 ji3)self; (reflexive pronoun); own
查出 (cha2 chu1)to find out; to discover
发出 (fa1 chu1)to send out; to issue
第一个层次 (di4 yi1 ge4 ceng2 ci4)the first stage
重重 (chong2 chong2)layer upon layer; one after another
(guan3)to take care (of); to control; to manage; to be in charge of; to look after; to run; tube; pipe
(jun4)gather; to sort
(yao1)one on dice; small
声称 (sheng1 cheng1)to claim; to state; to proclaim; to assert
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 39(25 Vokabeln)
(an4)(legal) case; incident; record; file; table
(za1)go round
出席 (chu1 xi2)attend; be present
叙述 (xu4 shu4)relate (a story or information); tell or talk about
企业 (qi3 ye4)company; firm; enterprise
一下儿 (yi2 xiar4)a little bit; a little while
爱屋及乌 (ai4 wu1 ji2 wu1)love me; love my dog
中断 (zhong1 duan4)to discontinue; to break off
(ting2)to stop; to halt
向往 (xiang4 wang3)to yearn for; to look forward to
百无一失 (bai3 wu2 yi1 shi1)no danger of anything going wrong; no risk at all
(gou4)Broussonetia papyrifera; to construct; to form; to make up; to compose
病家 (bing4 jia1)a patient and his family
(zi4)from; self; oneself; since
希望 (xi1 wang4)ro wish for; to desire; to hope
往昔 (wang3 xi1)in the past
(hen3)very; extremely
帮忙 (bang1 mang2)help; give (lend) a hand; do a favour; do a good turn
宾至如归 (bin1 zhi4 ru2 gui1)guests feel at home (in a hotel, guesthouse, etc.); a home from home
来往 (lai2 wang3)to come and go
(shang4)on; on top; upon; first (of two parts); previous or last (week, etc.); upper; higher; above; previous; to climb; to go into; above; to go up
面目 (mian4 mu4)appearance; facial features; look
(fei4)to cost; to spend; fee; wasteful; expenses; (surname)
喜爱 (xi3 ai4)to like; to love; to be fond of; favorite
(ji4)lodge at; to mail; to send; to entrust; to depend
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 40(25 Vokabeln)
发挥 (fa1 hui1)bring to bear; bring into play; unleash
通缉 (tong1 ji1)wanted by the police (fugitive or criminal)
想法 (xiang3 fa3)idea; what (someone) is thinking; to think of a way (to do sth)
缩减 (suo1 jian3)to cut; to reduce
一天 (yi1 tian1)one day
(du2)cabinet; case; casket
(xi1)what why
十八 (shi2 ba1)eighteen; 18
(zhan3)roll over on side; turn half over
为期 (wei2 qi1)(to be done) by (a certain date); lasting (a certain time)
(pi1)scatter; separate; to open; to unroll; to spread out
(si1)(phonetic); this
(chong1)to rinse; to collide; to water; to rush; to dash (against); to wash out; to charge; highway; public road
恐怕 (kong3 pa4)(I'm) afraid (that); perhaps; I think
阅世 (yue4 shi4)to see the world
偌大 (ruo4 da4)so big; such a big
作爱 (zuo4 ai4)to make love
(tun1)to swallow; to take
发表 (fa1 biao3)to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue; to put out
位子 (wei4 zi)place; seat
(qing3)to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to a meal, etc); to request
不得已 (bu4 de2 yi3)act against one's will; have no alternative but to; have to; to have no choice; must
(cheng1)to call; to praise; to weigh; to estimate; to consider; to call; to address; to name; to say; commend
思维 (si1 wei2)(line of) thought; thinking
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 41(25 Vokabeln)
(shi4)type; form; pattern; style
眼前 (yan3 qian2)now; present
(tuo4)expand; support on palm; to develop; to open up
转变 (zhuan3 bian4)change; transform
(ci4)nth; number (of times); order; sequence; next; second(ary); (measure word)
传说 (chuan2 shuo1)it is said; they say; legend; tradition; legend; tradition
助, 扶持 (zhu4, fu2 chi2)to help; to assist
(huo4)maybe; perhaps; might; possibly; or
力图 (li4 tu2)try hard to; strive to
近日 (jin4 ri4)in the past few days; recently; in the last few days
阻挡 (zu3 dang3)to stop; to resist; to obstruct
不灵 (bu4 ling2)not work; be ineffective
端系统 (duan1 xi4 tong3)end system
约翰三书 (yue1 han4 san1 shu1)3 John
办公 (ban4 gong1)handle official business; work (usually in an office)
(tai4)highest; greatest; too (much); very; extremely
加紧 (jia1 jin3)to intensify; to speed up; to step up
前夕 (qian2 xi1)eve; the day before
(jin4)advance; enter; to come in
格式 (ge2 shi4)form; specification; format
哪儿, 那儿 (na3 er, nar3)where
不济 (bu4 ji4)not good; of no use
接触 (jie1 chu4)contact; to contact; to be in touch with
上车 (shang4 che1)to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc.)
古老 (gu3 lao3)ancient; old; age-old
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 42(25 Vokabeln)
去年 (qu4 nian2)last year
悠久 (you1 jiu3)established; long
上个 (shang4 ge4)first (of two parts); previous or last (week, etc.)
中止 (zhong1 zhi3)to cease; to suspend; to break off; to stop; to discontinue
超龄 (chao1 ling2)too old; overage
重要的是 (zhong4 yao4 de shi4)It is important (that) ...
不得 (bu4 de2)must not; may not; not be allowed; cannot
拥有 (yong1 you3)to have; to possess
供给 (gong1 gei3)furnish; provide; supply
招致 (zhao1 zhi4)incur; lead to
半工半读 (ban4 gong1 ban4 du2)part work; part study; work-study programme
不克 (bu2 ke4)cannot; to not be able (to); to be unable to
眼看 (yan3 kan4)soon; in a moment
状态 (zhuang4 tai4)state of affairs; state; mode
(wang3)in the wrong; in vain
一些 (yi1 xie1)some; a few; a little
(guan1)(surname); mountain pass; to close; to shut; to turn off; to concern; to involve
(jiao3)scissors; to cut (with scissors)
(li4)example; precedent; rule; case; instance
现行 (xian4 xing2)be in effect; in force
地区 (di4 qu1)area; region
从事研究 (cong2 shi4 yan2 jiu1)to do research; to carry out research
表演 (biao3 yan3)perform; act; play; show; performance; exhibition; demonstrate
(qiong2)mound; place name
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 43(25 Vokabeln)
(fan2)complicated; many; in great numbers
(jing4)make up (face)
(qi3)to rise; to raise; to get up
一会儿 (yi4 huir3)a while
必得, 须要 (bi4 dei3, xu1 yao4)must; have to
(sheng3)frugal; save; to omit; to leave out; to save (money); province
开始 (kai1 shi3)begin; beginning; start; initial
备至 (bei4 zhi4)to the utmost; in every possible way
角度 (jiao3 du4)angle; point of view
(bai3)spread out; to open
抱有, 具有, 有ぴ (bao4 you3, ju4 you3, you3 zhe)have; possess
要不 (yao4 bu)otherwise; or; or else
ぴ陆 (zhuo2 lu4)to land; to touch down
(gu4)obstinate disease; restrain; to stop
最多 (zui4 duo1)at most; maximum; largest (number of sth); the most
不迭 (bu4 die2)cannot cope; find it too much; incessantly
不过 (bu4 guo4)only; merely; no more than; but; however; only
兼并 (jian1 bing4)to annex; to take over; to acquire
时间内 (shi2 jian1 nei4)within (a period of time)
(she4)involve; concern; wade; to experience
(chang3)a courtyard; open space; place; field; a measure word; (a measure word, used for sport or recreation)
大功 (da4 gong1)great merit; great service
有关 (you3 guan1)to have something to do with; to relate to; to concern; concerning; related to
(suo3)to search; to demand; to ask; to exact; large rope; isolated
决不 (jue2 bu4)not at all; simply (can) not
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 44(25 Vokabeln)
任何 (ren4 he2)any; whatever; whichever; whatsoever
(chong2)to double; to repeat; repitition; iteration; again; a layer
然而 (ran2 er2)however; yet; but
以来 (yi3 lai2)since (a previous event)
制止 (zhi4 zhi3)to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit
民间 (min2 jian1)among the people; popular; folk; non-governmental; involving people rather than governments
什麽 (shen2 me)what
(gong4)all together; in while; to share; common; general; together
阻拦 (zu3 lan2)to stop; to obstruct
(zhou1)cycle; week
(gai4)lid; top; cover; canopy; to build
进入 (jin4 ru4)to enter; to join; to go into
包含 (bao1 han2)contain; embody; include
(xiang2)asylum for the aged; school
(ang2)high; soaring; raise; lift; expensive; to raise one's head
二十四 (er4 shi2 si4)24
属於 (shu3 yu2)be classified as; to belong to; to be part of
奔命 (ben1 ming4)rush about on errands; be kept on the run
似乎 (si4 hu)apparently; to seem; to appear; as if; seemingly
(ci2)bid farewell; diction; resign; say goodbye; take leave; decline
移交 (yi2 jiao1)transfer; hand over
制作 (zhi4 zuo4)make; manufacture
爆发 (bao4 fa1)to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out
五月 (wu3 yue4)May; fifth month
(e4)hold (strategic position)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 45(25 Vokabeln)
眼下 (yan3 xia4)now; at present
(fen1)leave instructions; to order
理解 (li3 jie3)to comprehend; understanding; comprehension; to understand
国家 (guo2 jia1)country; nation
篇幅 (pian1 fu)(take up or devote) space; ink; time (in a printed page or news story); length (of a piece of writing)
(man2)barbarian; bullying; very; quite; rough; reckless
继续 (ji4 xu4)to continue; to proceed with; to go on with
双数 (shuang1 shu4)even number
(su4)complain; sue; tell
一小时 (yi1 xiao3 shi2)one hour
停止 (ting2 zhi3)to stop; to halt; to cease
(o2)oh is that so
试一试 (shi4 yi1 shi4)to have a try
(shen1)long; numerous
(diao4)mode (music); to move (troops); tune; tone; melody; to transfer
认识 (ren4 shi)be acquainted with (a person); to know; to be familiar with; to recognize
逼肖 (bi1 xiao4)bear a close resemblance to; be the very image of
(ke4)quarter (hour); (a measure word); to carve; to engrave; to cut; oppressive
(zhao3)to try to find; to look for; to call on (sb); to find; to seek; to return; to look for
称呼 (cheng1 hu)call; address as
百年 (bai3 nian2)a hundred years; a century; lifetime
(geng4)more; even more; further; still; still more
不谢 (bu4 xie4)don't mention it; not at all
属实 (shu3 shi2)turn out to be true; verified; true
(gai1)(surname); include in; prepare
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 46(25 Vokabeln)
二者 (er4 zhe3)both [of them]; neither
单一 (dan1 yi1)single; only; sole
年迈 (nian2 mai4)old; aged
(xi3)to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad
会面 (hui4 mian4)meet with; have a meeting
四年 (si4 nian2)four years
开心 (kai1 xin1)to feel happy; to have a great time; to make fun of somebody
讲话 (jiang3 hua4)a speech; to speak; to talk; to address
(ka3)to check; to stop; to block; card
鸿 (hong2)eastern bean goose; great; large
问世 (wen4 shi4)to be published; to come out
(ren4)to recognize; to know; to admit
拜访 (bai4 fang3)pay a visit; call on
一度 (yi1 du4)for a time; at one time; one time; once
(you4)right (-hand)
正在 (zheng4 zai4)in the process of (doing something or happening); while (doing)
(dai4)dangerous; perilous; endanger; almost; probably; only
不要紧 (bu4 yao4 jin3)unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind; it looks all right; but
(du2)to read; to study
(ling4)make or cause to be; order; command; decree; honorable
不分胜负 (bu4 fen1 sheng4 fu4)tie; draw; come out even
(wei1)power; might; prestige
呼唤 (hu1 huan4)call out (someone's name, etc); shout
今生 (jin1 sheng1)this life
爱护 (ai4 hu4)cherish; treasure; take good care of
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 47(25 Vokabeln)
寻机 (xun2 ji1)to look for an opportunity
(pin3)conduct; grade; thing; product; good
(you1)at ease; long (in time); sad
(zan4)to patronize; to support; to praise
(dao3)to fall; to collapse; to topple; to change; to fail; bankrupt
(chan3)to reproduce; to produce; give birth; products; produce; resources; estate; property
(zuo4)to sit; to take a seat; to take (a bus, aeroplane etc.)
(sha4)baleful; bring to a stop; very
舍弃 (she3 qi4)to give up; to abandon; to abort
我们 (wo3 men)we; us; ourselves
(xian1)early; prior; former; in advance; first
高层 (gao1 ceng2)high level; high class
(ri4)Japan; day; sun; date; day of the month
一切 (yi2 qie4)all; every; everything
故乡 (gu4 xiang4)home; homeland; native place
(zeng4)give present
不会 (bu4 hui4)improbable; unlikely; will not (act; happen; etc; ); have not learned to; be unable to
禀告 (bing3 gao4)report (to one's superior)
曾经 (ceng2 jing1)(refers to something that happened previously); once; at one time
向上地 (xiang4 shang4 di4)up; upward; upwards
吝啬 (lin4 se4)mean; miser
看病 (kan4 bing4)see a doctor; see a patient
(xue2)to walk around; turn back midway
一面 (yi2 mian4)one side
表示 (biao3 shi4)to express; to show; to express; to say; to state; to indicate
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 48(25 Vokabeln)
呈递 (cheng2 di4)to present; to submit
(yin3)to lead; to divert (water); to guide
半斤八两 (ban4 jin1 ba1 liang3)not much to choose between the two; tweedledum and tweedledee
(zhu3)to own; to host; master; lord; primary
(yi3)to use; according to; so as to; in order to; by; with; because
离开 (li2 kai1)to depart; to leave
拜望 (bai4 wang4)call to pay one's respect; call on
(xi4)trick; drama; play; show
(jia1)hold between
置于 (zhi4 yu2)place; put (at or in a position)
驳回 (bo2 hui2)reject; turn down; overrule
强劲 (qiang2 jing4)powerful; with force
十四 (shi2 si4)fourteen; 14
(bang1)to assist; to support; to help; group; gang; party
欠佳 (qian4 jia1)suboptimal; subpar; not good enough
(tuo1)to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from
难得 (nan2 de2)seldom; rare; hard to come by
(chong1)fill; satisfy; fulfil; to act in place of; substitute; suffcient; full
很好 (hen3 hao3)well
(gua4)to hang; to put up; to suspend
遭到 (zao1 dao4)suffer; meet with (something unfortunate)
形成 (xing2 cheng2)to form; to take shape
保持 (bao3 chi2)to keep; to maintain; to hold; to preserve
(cuo4)bury; to place; dispose
ぴ眼 (zhuo2 yan3)have one's eyes on (a goal); have something in mind
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 49(25 Vokabeln)
地域 (di4 yu4)area; district; region
巴结 (ba1 jie2)fawn on; curry favour with; make up to
(che4)remove; take away; withdraw
踩线 (cai3 xian4)step on the line; footfault
揭示 (jie1 shi4)to show; to make known
备而不用 (bei4 er2 bu4 yong4)have something ready just in case; keep something for possible future use
(si1)to think; to consider
找钱 (zhao3 qian2)to give change
显示 (xian3 shi4)to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate
迎接 (ying2 jie1)to meet; to welcome; to greet
清早 (qing1 zao3)early in the morning; early morning
创作 (chuang4 zuo4)to create; to produce; to write; creative work; creation
东西 (dong1 xi)thing; person
(xiu1)call out; jeer
现今 (xian4 jin1)now; nowadays; modern
十九岁 (shi2 jiu3 sui4)19 years old
谈得来 (tan2 de2 lai2)able to talk to or get on with; get along with
今天 (jin1 tian1)today; at the present; now
这次 (zhe4 ci4)present; now; current
委员长 (wei3 yuan2 zhang3)head of a committee
(chou3)to see; look; take a look at
民众 (min2 zhong4)populace; masses; the people
不论 (bu2 lun4)no matter (what, who, how, etc.); whether ... or ...; regardless of
(zhan4)to occupy; to constitute; to make up; to account
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 50(25 Vokabeln)
(zhan4)station; to stand; to halt; to stop
到场 (dao4 chang3)show up; be present (at the scene)
(chu4)a place; location; spot; point; office; department; bureau; respect
除非 (chu2 fei1)only if (..., or otherwise, ...); only if; only when; only in the case that
(fa3)law; method; way; Buddhist teaching; Legalist
(na2)to hold; to seize; to catch; to apprehend; to take
那麽 (na4 me)so (much); like that
降低 (jiang4 di1)to reduce; to lower; to bring down
创立 (chuang4 li4)to found; establish; originate
(yi3)already; to stop; then; afterwards
(xiang3)to think; to believe; to suppose; to wish; to want; to miss
各自 (ge4 zi)each; respective; apiece
之前 (zhi1 qian2)before
配备 (pei4 bei4)to allocate; to provide; to outfit with
过活 (guo4 huo2)live one's life; make a living
集团 (ji2 tuan2)group; bloc
每次 (mei3 ci4)every time; each time
打不过 (da3 bu guo4)not to be able to beat or defeat sb.; to be no match for
面对面, 觌 (mian4 dui4 mian4, di2)face to face
变更 (bian4 geng1)change; alter; modify
(gou4)complete; meet unexpectedly; see
约伯记 (yue1 bo2 ji4)Book of Job
(chuai1)put into
(dou1)all; both (if two things are involved); entirely (due to)each; even; already
某物 (mou3 wu4)something
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 51(25 Vokabeln)
(ling3)neck; collar; to lead; to receive
亚军 (ya4 jun1)second place (in a sports contest); runner-up
(ya1)to press; to push down; to keep under (control)
不光 (bu4 guang1)not the only one; not only
(she4)society; group
不曾 (bu4 ceng2)never (have done sth; )
阵营 (zhen4 ying2)group of people; camp; faction
(ce4)the side; to incline towards; to lean; inclined; lateral; side
的确, 果真 (di2 que4, guo3 zhen1)really; indeed
(an1)be versed in; know well
会合 (hui4 he2)meet; have a meeting
裁剪 (cai2 jian3)cut out
矮小 (ai3 xiao3)short and small; low and small; undersized
实施 (shi2 shi1)to implement; to carry out
为什麽 (wei4 shen2 me)why; for what reason
看到 (kan4 dao4)see (that); note
小组 (xiao3 zu3)a group
别出心裁 (bie2 chu1 xin1 cai2)adopt an original approach; try to be different
今年 (jin1 nian2)this year
半空中 (ban4 kong1 zhong1)in mid air; in the air
起源 (qi3 yuan2)origin; to originate; to come from
(xie2)cooperate; harmonize; to help; to assist; to join
打字 (da3 zi4)to type
(yu4)tell to
不下于 (bu4 xia4 yu2)as many as; no less than; not inferior to; as good as; on a par with
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 52(25 Vokabeln)
(gou4)to buy; to purchase
转换 (zhuan3 huan4)to transform; to change; to covert
看上去 (kan4 shang qu)it would appear; it seems (that)
同意 (tong2 yi4)to agree; to consent; to approve
白纸黑字 (bai2 zhi3 hei1 zi4)(written) in black and white
备案 (bei4 an4)put on record; enter (a case) in the records
(jie1)to extend; to connect; to receive; to join
这项 (zhe4 xiang4)this (thing)
(jiang3)to talk; speech; to speak; to tell; to explain
制造 (zhi4 zao4)to manufacture; to make
关照 (guan1 zhao4)concern; care; to keep an eye on; to look after
(kan1)to look after; to take care of; to watch; to guard
(lie4)to arrange; to line up; row; file; series
(ke3)can; may; able to; certain(ly); to suit; (particle used for emphasis)
伟大 (wei3 da4)great; mighty; large
长期 (chang2 qi1)long term; long time
不ぴ边际 (bu4 zhuo2 bian1 ji4)not to the point; wide of the mark; neither here nor there; irrelevant
(ming4)life; fate
抚养 (fu3 yang3)to foster; to bring up; to raise
人头 (ren2 tou2)number of people; (per) capita
地位 (di4 wei4)position; status; place
把握 (ba3 wo4)grasp; seize; hold; assurance; certainty
兴, 兴致 (xing4, xing4 zhi4)interest
很多 (hen3 duo1)very many; very much; great (quantity)
(yu2)(surname); a moment; little while
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 53(25 Vokabeln)
难以应付 (nan2 yi3 ying4 fu4)hard to deal with; hard to handle
应该 (ying1 gai1)ought to; should; must
停车 (ting2 che1)to stop; to park
一直 (yi4 zhi2)continuously; always; from the beginning of ... up to ...; all along
过去 (guo4 qu)(in the) past; former; previous; to go over; to pass by
在?之间 (zai4 zhi1 jian1)between
怀 (huai2)to think of; to cherish; mind; heart; bosom
(yu4)meet with
(xie4)unload; take off
(zhuang4)to hit; to strike; to meet by accident; to run into; to bump against; to bump into
起床 (qi3 chuang2)to get up
(shan4)to support; provide for
(cong2)from; obey; observe; follow
关门 (guan1 men2)close down; closed doors
(quan2)all; whole; entire; every; complete
(han2)to keep; to contain
少数 (shao3 shu4)small number; few; minority
美国人民 (mei3 guo2 ren2 min2)the American people
(liao2)to chat; to have a chat; to kill time
接通 (jie1 tong1)to connect; to put through
肯定 (ken3 ding4)to be sure; to be certain; sure; certain; definite; to confirm; to affirm; affirmative
如同 (ru2 tong2)like; as
地方性, 当地 (di4 fang1 xing4, dang1 di4)local
(lou4)low; humble; plain; ugly; mean; vulgar
扭转 (niu3 zhuan3)reverse; turn around (an undesirable situation)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 54(25 Vokabeln)
在这期间 (zai4 zhe4 qi1 jian1)during time; in this time
(tong2)together; same
(zong3)always; to assemble; gather; total; overall; head; chief; general; in every case
睡觉 (shui4 jiao4)to go to bed; to go to sleep
(man4)handsome; large; long
(ji1)to hit; to strike; to break
读书 (du2 shu1)study; read
人们, 氓 (ren2 men, meng2)people
半响 (ban4 xiang3)half the day; a long time; quite a while
老年人 (lao3 nian2 ren2)old people; the elderly
计画 (ji4 hua4)plan
(dan4)but; yet; however; only; merely; still
创造 (chuang4 zao4)to create; to bring about; to produce
当年 (dang1 nian2)in those days; then; in those years; during that time
(zhi4)to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey
结束 (jie2 shu4)termination; to finish; to end; to conclude; to close
(ye3)also; too
不摸头 (bu4 mo1 tou2)not acquainted with the situation; not up on things
(wei4)1-3 p.m.; 8th earthly branch; not yet; did not; have not; not
(qi1)seven; 7
(shen1)(surname); 3-5 p.m.; 9th earthly branch; extend; to state; to explain
上个月, 上月 (shang4 ge4 yue4, shang4 yue4)last month
以後 (yi3 hou4)after; later; afterwards; following; later on; in the future
虽然, 虽 (sui1 ran2, sui1)although; even though
(ren2)man; person; people
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 55(25 Vokabeln)
(pei4)to join; to fit; to mate; to mix; to match; to deserve; to make up (a prescription)
(lian2)(surname); even; as; join; to link; successively
听说 (ting1 shuo1)to hear told
地区性 (di4 qu1 xing4)regional; local
各个 (ge4 ge)various; each; separately one-by-one
收回 (shou1 hui2)to regain; to retake; to take back; to withdraw; to revoke
(dai4)to put on; to respect; to bear; to support; wear (glasses; hat; gloves)
右边 (you4 bian1)right (as opposed to left)
(lao3)male; man (Cantonese)
(xiao3)small; tiny; few; young
(yan1)where; how
载携 (zai4 xie2)to carry; to bear
(liang3)both; two; ounce; some; a few; tael
(he2)small box; case
(dao4)direction; way; method; road; path; principle; truth; reason; skill; method; Tao (of Taoism); a measure word; to say; to speak; to talk
事先 (shi4 xian1)in advance; before(hand); prior
起飞 (qi3 fei1)to take off (in an airplane)
(yang2)hurl; to raise; to scatter
阅历 (yue4 li4)to see; to experience
越来越, 越来越多 (yue4 lai2 yue4, yue4 lai2 yue4 duo1)more and more
不仅 (bu4 jin3)not the only one; not only; not just
(yuan2)(dynasty); dollar; primary; first
哪, 哪 (nei3, nai3)which (followed by M or Num)
保不住 (bao3 bu2 zhu4)most likely; more likely than not; may well
放出 (fang4 chu1)to let off; to give out
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 56(25 Vokabeln)
(jiang1)(will, shall, €future tense€); ready; prepared; to get; to use
撒谎 (sa1 huang3)tell a lie
彼一时/此一时 (bi3 yi1 shi2 ci3 yi1 shi2)that was one situation; and this is another - times have changed
一百五十多年 (yi1 bai3 wu3 shi2 duo1 nian2)more than 150 years
知道 (zhi1 dao)know; be aware of
(sai1)stop up; to squeeze in; to stuff
为了 (wei4 le)in order to; for the purpose of; so as to
(te4)excessive; to change
充当 (chong1 dang1)serve as; play the role of
行将 (xing2 jiang1)be about to (do something)
(yin2)late at night
(tan2)impeach; to pluck a string; to play (a stringed musical instrument with fingers)
报告 (bao4 gao4)to inform; report; make known; speech; talk; lecture
(gong1)to attack; to accuse; to study
成效 (cheng2 xiao4)effect; result
实现 (shi2 xian4)to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about
不像样 (bu4 xiang4 yang4)in no shape to be seen; unpresentable; beyond recognition
早已 (zao3 yi3)long ago; for a long time
培养 (pei2 yang3)to train; culture; to bring up; to groom (for a position)
(chang2)always; ever; often; frequently; common; general; constant
(dan4)dawn; morning; day-break; day
(na4)cassock; to line
(shen1)body; torso; person; life; status; pregnancy; (a measure word used for clothes) suit
编制 (bian1 zhi4)weave; plait; braid; work out; draw up; authorized strength; establishment
拥戴 (yong1 dai4)to support (a person)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 57(25 Vokabeln)
(wan3)evening; night; late
(wei4)position; location; (measure word for persons); place; seat
呈报 (cheng2 bao4)to (submit a) report
(qi3)to open; to start
订购 (ding4 gou4)to order; to subscribe; subscriber
增加 (zeng1 jia1)to raise; to increase
(zhuan3)to convey; to forward (mail); to transfer; to turn; to shift
光是 (guang1 shi4)solely; just
(yi2)to move; to shift; to change; to alter; to remove
(bi4)my (polite); poor; ruined; shabby; worn out; defeated
(cuo4)put in order; arrange; administer; execute; take action on
本届 (ben3 jie4)current; this year
让步 (rang4 bu4)(make a) concession; to give in; to yield
分开 (fen1 kai1)to separate; to part
抗争 (kang4 zheng1)make a stand and fight (against)
测验 (ce4 yan4)test; to test
(guan4)accustomed to; used to
期待 (qi1 dai4)to look forward to; to await
(wei2)to disobey; to violate; to separate; to go against
(hua4)to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform
到底 (dao4 di3)finally; in the end; when all is said and done
穿 (chuan1)to bore through; pearce; perforate; penetrate; pass through; to dress; to wear; to put on; to thread
保管 (bao3 guan3)take care of; certainly; surely
本文 (ben3 wen2)this text; article; etc; the main body of a book
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 58(25 Vokabeln)
(se4)color; look; appearance
(fou3)to negate; to deny; not
莫非 (mo4 fei1)can it be possible that; could it be
(ji4)already; since; both... (and...)
(jia1)-ist; -er; -ian; home; family; a person engaged in a certain art or profession
最近几年 (zui4 jin4 ji3 nian2)the last few years; last several years; recent years
赘述 (zhui4 shu4)to say more than is necessary
什麽是 (shen2 me shi4)what is ...?
百里挑一 (bai3 li3 tiao1 yi1)one in a hundred; cream of the crop
许多 (xu3 duo1)many; a lot of; much
一下子 (yi2 xia4 zi)in a short while; all at once; all of a sudden
哪一个 (na3 yi1 ge)which
(bing1)soldiers; a force; an army; weapons; arms; military; warlike
(di4)to hand over; to pass; to give
四十多 (si4 shi2 duo1)more than 40
观看 (guan1 kan4)to watch; to view
(chou1)to draw out; to smoke (cigarettes); to pump
步行 (bu4 xing2)to go on foot; to walk
日趋 (ri4 qu1)gradually; day by day
实践 (shi2 jian4)to practice; to put into practice; to fulfill
(bing3)get rid of; put aside; reject; keep contol; hold back
(li4)to experience; to undergo; to pass through; all; each; every; calendar
(xi1)light of day
加入 (jia1 ru4)to become a member; to join; to mix into; to participate in; to add in
重要问题 (zhong4 yao4 wen4 ti2)an important issue
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 59(25 Vokabeln)
容忍 (rong2 ren3)to put up with; to tolerate
再次 (zai4 ci4)one more time; again; one more; once again
负责任 (fu4 ze2 ren4)responsibility for; blamed for; be in charge of
本末 (ben3 mo4)the whole course of an event from beginning to end; ins and outs; the fundamental and the incidental
(zhi1)(a measure word, for birds and some animals, etc.); single; only
(jiao1)to deliver; to turn over; to make friends; to intersect (lines); to pay (money)
(tong1)go through; know well; to connect; to communicate; open
暗送秋波 (an4 song4 qiu1 bo1)make eyes at sb; while others are not looking; stealthily give sb; the glad eye; make secret overtures to sb
(feng1)(surname); abundant; plentiful; great
(zao3)early; morning
强权 (qiang2 quan2)power; might
上次 (shang4 ci4)last time
之後 (zhi1 hou4)after(wards); following; later; after
无关 (wu2 guan1)unrelated; having nothing to do (with something else)
选择 (xuan3 ze2)to select; to pick; to choose; to make a choice
(ruo4)to seem; like; as; if
(han3)call; cry; to shout
记载 (ji4 zai3)write down; record
毕竟 (bi4 jing4)after all; all in all; when all is said and done; in the final analysis; after all
相似 (xiang1 si4)to resemble; similar; like; resemblance; similarily
(shua3)play with; to juggle
(lun2)wheel; gear; (by) turn; rotate
家人 (jia1 ren2)household; (one's) family
数目 (shu4 mu4)amount; number
观点 (guan1 dian3)point of view; viewpoint; standpoint
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 60(25 Vokabeln)
(bao3)to defend; to protect; to insure or guarantee; to maintain; hold or keep; to guard
要得 (yao4 de2)good; fine
(cai2)ability; talent; endowment; gift; an expert; only (then); only if; just
(yi4)to restrain; to restrict; to keep down; or
突显 (tu1 xian3)make something stand out; make something prominent
转弯 (zhuan3 wan1)turn (around)
原始 (yuan2 shi3)first; original; primitive; original (document, etc)
淘汰 (tao2 tai4)to die out; to eliminate (in a competition); natural selection
(gou4)affair; to reach for (with hand)
不注意 (bu4 zhu4 yi4)thoughtless; not pay attention to
总是, 老是 (zong3 shi4, lao3 shi)always
启动 (qi3 dong4)to start
不在话下 (bu4 zai4 hua4 xia4)be nothing difficult; be a cinch
(xi1)news; interest; breath; rest
年度 (nian2 du4)year (eg, school year, fiscal year, etc)
抄录 (chao1 lu4)to make a copy of
爱抚 (ai4 fu3)to show tender care for; to care for (affectionately)
(fan1)flit about; translate; turn over
其实 (qi2 shi2)actually; that is not the case; in fact; really
要紧 (yao4 jin3)important; urgent
布景 (bu4 jing3)(stage) set
(tang4)a time; a trip
下去 (xia4 qu)go down (descend); go on (continue)
造成 (zao4 cheng2)to bring about; to create; to cause
(mian4)fade; side; surface; aspect; top; face; flour; noodles
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 61(25 Vokabeln)
千万 (qian1 wan4)ten million; millions and millions; very many
多次 (duo1 ci4)many times; repeatedly
对方 (dui4 fang1)counterpart; other person involved; opposite side; other side; receiving party
(tian1)to add; to increase; to replentish
标记 (biao1 ji4)sign; mark; symbol; to mark up
放弃 (fang4 qi4)to renounce; to abandon; to give up
(zhuan1)(surname); good; simple
主张 (zhu3 zhang1)to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint
遍布 (bian4 bu4)be found everywhere; (spread) all over
四千 (si4 qian1)four thousand; 4 000
并把 (bing4 ba3)to include
包工 (bao1 gong1)undertake to perform work within a time limit and according to specifications; contract for a job; contractor
尽量 (jin3 liang4)as much as possible; to the greatest extent
开创 (kai1 chuang4)initiate; begin
(ti1)kick; play (football or soccer)
(pang2)beside; one side; other; side; self
刚刚 (gang1 gang)just recently; just a moment ago
并立 (bing4 li4)exist side by side; exist simultaneously
三合一 (san1 he2 yi1)three in one; triple
百分之百 (bai3 fen1 zhi1 bai3)a hundred percent; out and out; absolutely
(li2)(distant) from; to leave
回来 (hui2 lai)return; come back
半边天 (ban4 bian1 tian1)half the sky; women of the new society; women folk
(kao4)depend upon; lean on; near; by; against; to support
任何其他 (ren4 he2 qi2 ta1)any other
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 62(25 Vokabeln)
次数 (ci4 shu4)frequency; number of times
成员, 会员 (cheng2 yuan2, hui4 yuan2)member
安顿 (an1 dun4)find a place for; help settle down; arrange for; undisturbed; peaceful
的一种 (de yi1 zhong3)is one (kind of)
它们 (ta1 men)they (for inanimate objects)
(ba1)eight; 8
党内 (dang3 nei4)within the (Communist) party
(ge2)to separate; to stand or lie between; to divide; to cut off
二十六号 (er4 shi2 liu4 hao4)26th day of a month
(tou2)to throw; to send
职务 (zhi2 wu4)a post; a position
不妨 (bu4 fang1)there is no harm in; might as well
尽管 (jin3 guan3)despite; although; even though; in spite of
(hou4)back; behind; rear; afterwards; after; later
(you2)to walk; to tour; to roam; to swim; to travel
(zheng1)to open (eye)
(dang3)hinder; resist; obstruct; hinder; cover; keep off; a cover; to block; to get in the way of
名录服务 (ming2 lu4 fu2 wu4)name service
及时 (ji2 shi2)in time; promptly; without delay; timely
办学 (ban4 xue2)to run a school
(mu4)eye; item
生态 (sheng1 tai4)way of life
五月十五号 (wu3 yue4 shi2 wu3 hao4)May 1 5
(qiu2)to seek; to look for; to request; to demand; to beseech
(bi4)numb; paralysis
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 63(25 Vokabeln)
(biao1)the topmost branches of a tree; surface; sign; to mark; (outward) sign; indication; prize; award
转身 (zhuan3 shen1)(of a person) to turn round; to face about
(ya4)in the first place; to crush
鄙视 (bi3 shi4)despise; disdain; look down upon
(jia4)to drive; to draw; to harness; to mount
首次 (shou3 ci4)for the first time
(jie4)introduce; lie between; between
质疑 (zhi4 yi2)call into question; question (truth or validity)
修饰 (xiu1 shi4)adorn; do up
(tiao2)shed the milk teeth; young
(zeng1)to increase; to expand; to add
因为 (yin1 wei2)because; owing to; on account of
个体户 (ge4 ti3 hu4)a small private business (used in mainland China only)
判断 (pan4 duan4)to decide; to determine
帮助 (bang1 zhu4)assistance; aid; to help; to assist
新兴 (xin1 xing1)new; up and coming; newly developing; rising
(lao4)alight; to fall; drop
现在 (xian4 zai4)modern; current; present; at present; now; nowadays
披露 (pi1 lu4)to reveal; to publish; to make public; to announce
(gong1)work; worker; skill; profession; trade; craft; labor
由於, 由于 (you2 yu2, you2 yu2)due to; as a result of; thanks to; because of; owing to
(bu3)to repair; to patch; to mend; to make up for; to fill (a vacancy); to supplement
不用, 甭 (bu4 yong4, beng2)need not
情愿 (qing2 yuan4)willingness; would rather (agree to X than Y)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 64(25 Vokabeln)
一但 (yi2 dan4)if; in case; in a short time; once
(ma3)21st of month (tele.); horse; Ma (a surname)
校, 学校 (xiao4, xue2 xiao4)school
(zhu4)to live; to dwell; to reside; to stop
(qiu1)Confucius; given name; mound
斗志 (dou4 zhi4)will to fight
如果 (ru2 guo3)if; in case; in the event that
元首 (yuan2 shou3)head of state
逼近 (bi1 jin4)press on towards; close in on; approach; draw near
(chao2)to face; towards; facing; direct; a dynasty; the imperial court
(jun1)equal; even; all; uniform
(na4)to accept; to pay (tax etc.)
不如 (bu4 ru2)not equal to; not as good as; inferior to; it would be better to
捏造 (nie1 zao4)to make up; to fabricate
致使 (zhi4 shi3)cause; result in
仍旧 (reng2 jiu4)still (remaining); to remain (the same); yet
(pian4)to cheat; to swindle; to deceive; to full
(wei2)-ism; only; alone
开办 (kai1 ban4)open; start (a business, etc.); set up
(yan3)(surname); to lie supine; to stop; to fall down
成为 (cheng2 wei2)to become; to turn into
(lu4)to record; to hit; to copy
亲近 (qin1 jin4)get close to someone; get intimate
(zheng3)exactly; in good order; whole; complete; entire; in order; orderly
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 65(25 Vokabeln)
神情 (shen2 qing2)look; expression
更多 (geng4 duo1)more; even more
重要 (zhong4 yao4)important; significant; major
从中 (cong2 zhong1)from; therefrom
应战 (ying4 zhan4)face a challenge; face an attack and meet it
(wang2)to die; to perish
还是 (hai2 shi4)or; still; nevertheless
(tai4)to discard; to elminate; too
(ying2)army; to deal in; to trade; to operate; to run; camp; nourishment; to manage
不当一回事 (bu2 dang4 yi4 hui2 shi4)not regard as a matter (of any importance)
舞会 (wu3 hui4)dance; ball; party
开放系统 (kai1 fang4 xi4 tong3)open system
认为 (ren4 wei2)to believe; to think; to consider; to feel
罢休 (ba4 xiu1)give up; abandon (a goal, etc); let it go; forget it; let matter drop
标价 (biao1 jia4)mark a price; marked price
失足 (shi1 zu2)to take a wrong step in life
集中 (ji2 zhong1)to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized; concentrated; to put together
芸芸 (yun2 yun2)all; every
(de2)obtain; get; gain; proper; suitable; proud; contented; allow; permit; ready; finished
外界 (wai4 jie4)the outside world; external
公用 (gong1 yong4)public; for public use
驱散 (qu1 san4)disperse; break up
差得多 (cha4 de2 duo1)fall short by a large amount
大多 (da4 duo1)for the most part; many; most; the greater part; mostly
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 66(25 Vokabeln)
(wu3)five; 5
命名 (ming4 ming2)name
(bu4)a jetty; port; a city; quai
(jie2)alone; mosquito larvae; small
(dao3)to transmit; to lead; to guide; to conduct; to direct
(mi4)power (math.term)
年画儿 (nian2 huar4)New Year (or Spring Festival) picture
非常重要 (fei1 chang2 zhong4 yao4)very important
(bi3)rustic; low; base; mean
改正 (gai3 zheng4)to correct; to amend; to put right; correction
(peng4)to touch; to meet with; to bump
供应 (gong1 ying4)supply; to provide
迁移, 迁徙 (qian1 yi2, qian1 xi3)to migrate; to move
不要 (bu4 yao4)don't!; must not
(jiu3)nine; 9
更迟 (geng4 chi2)later
国务卿 (guo2 wu4 qing1)Secretary of State
便於 (bian4 yu2)easy to; convenient for
而已 (er2 yi3)that's all; nothing more
包罗 (bao1 luo2)include; cover; embrace
(zha1)to prick; to run or stick (a needle, etc.) into
(diu1)to lose; to put aside; to throw
一般 (yi4 ban1)same; ordinary; common; general
(chi2)to grasp; to hold; support; manage; direct; maintain
将会 (jiang1 hui4)will, going to
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 67(25 Vokabeln)
耗费 (hao4 fei4)to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander
(ji3)to supply; provide
不独, 不特, 不惟 (bu4 du2, bu4 te4, bu4 wei2)not only
(hui2)(a measure word for matters or actions) a time; to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve
(jing4)still; calm; quiet; not moving
莫大 (mo4 da4)greatest; most important
(guan3)house; establishment
(long2)grand; intense; prosperous; start (a fire)
事实 (shi4 shi2)(the) fact (that)
(lei4)kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble
二十八号 (er4 shi2 ba1 hao4)28th day of the month
(shi2)O'clock; time; when; hour; season; period
(chu2)remove; do away with; wipe out; divide; except
(si1)company; control
(ju1)to bring up; to rear; Ju (a surname)
举例 (ju3 li4)to give an example
发生 (fa1 sheng1)to happen; to occur; to take place
接受 (jie1 shou4)to accept; to receive
不妙 (bu4 miao4)(of a turn of events) not too encouraging; far from good; anything but reassuring
不符 (bu4 fu2)inconsistent; not in agreement with; not agree or tally with; not conform to
(pou3)break up; hit
(ba4)feudal chief; rule by force; tyrant; lord; master; hegemon; usurp
(chen4)give alms; underwear; to line; lining; contrast; assist
议论 (yi4 lun4)to comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion
书写, 写 (shu1 xie3, xie3)to write
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 68(25 Vokabeln)
研究领域 (yan2 jiu1 ling3 yu4)research area; field of research
另一 (ling4 yi1)another
(yang4)manner; pattern; way; appearance; shape
(tang3)to recline; to lie down
(e2)good; beautiful
案情 (an4 qing3)details of a case; case
卖, 出售, 售卖, 售 (mai4, chu1 shou4, shou4 mai4, shou4)to sell
甚或 (shen4 huo4)so much so that; to the extent that; even
(hao3)good; well
几乎不 (ji1 hu1 bu4)hardly; seems not
(shang4)still; yet; to value; to esteem
道路 (dao4 lu4)road; path; (eg, pave the) way
杜绝 (du4 jue2)put an end to
(jian3)frugal; to be in need
(pai4)clique; school; group; faction; to dispatch
不及 (bu4 ji2)not as good as; inferior to; find it too late
敲入, 键入 (qiao1 ru4, jian4 ru4)to key in; to input
增多 (zeng1 duo1)to increase; to grow in number
跌到 (die1 dao3)to fall; to tumble
利用 (li4 yong4)exploit; make use of; to use; to take advantage of; to utilize
攻克 (gong1 ke4)to capture; to take
形状 (xing2 zhuang4)form; shape
(xian4)to offer
(yan4)(surname); late; quiet
领先 (ling3 xian1)to lead; to be in front
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 69(25 Vokabeln)
为甚麽 (wei4 shen2 me)why
(qu3)to take; to get; to choose; to fetch
(tu2)(surname); to smear; daub; to apply (paint); to spread
(fu4)to add; to attach; to be close to; to be attached
消耗 (xiao1 hao4)to use up; to consume
(zang1)(surname); good; lucky
创建 (chuang4 jian4)to found; to establish
(gan3)to catch up; to overtake; to hurry; to rush; to drive away
(hu1)to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exahle
增长 (zeng1 zhang3)grow; increase
导致死亡 (dao3 zhi4 si3 wang2)to lead to death; to result in death
(da3)beat; strike; break; mix up; build; fight; fetch; make; tie up; issue; shoot; calculate; since; from
收拾 (shou1 shi)to put in order; to tidy up
(bao4)to hold; to carry (in one's arms); to hug or embrace; surround; cherish
扮演 (ban4 yan3)play the part of; act
取得 (qu3 de2)to acquire; to get; to obtain
驮, 驮 (duo4, tuo2)carry on back
执行 (zhi2 xing2)implement; carry out; to execute; to run
正好 (zheng4 hao3)just (in time); just right; just enough; to happen to; to chance to; by chance; it just so happens that
部位 (bu4 wei4)position; place
(ang2)high; raise (head)
困难 (kun4 nan)(financial, etc.) difficulty; problem; issue
本垒 (ben3 lei3)home base
壁助 (bi4 zhu4)help; assistant
天天, 每天 (tian1 tian1, mei3 tian1)every day
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 70(25 Vokabeln)
(yi2)proper; should; suitable; appropriate
(wu4)affair; business; matter
(jie2)a section; cut off (a length)
不了 (bu4 liao3)unable to; without end
(bing3)(surname); to grasp; hold; maintain
(qie1)to cut; to slice
(zun1)to observe; to obey; to follow
(nei4)inside; inner; internal; within; interior
得知 (de2 zhi1)(find out and) know; learn of
开展 (kai1 zhan3)(begin to) develop; unfold ; to start; to launch; to open
那样 (na4 yang4)that kind; that sort
负责 (fu4 ze2)in charge of; to be responsible for (sth)
监督 (jian1 du1)to control; to supervise; to inspect
尽早 (jin3 zao3)as early as possible
极力 (ji2 li4)do at all costs; make an utmost effort
位置 (wei4 zhi)position; place; seat
(huo2)to live; alive; living; work; workmanship
卑劣 (bei1 lie4)base; mean; despicable
(sa1)let go
(pen2)flowing of water; name of a river
四天 (si4 tian1)four days
而後 (er2 hou4)after that; then
寄予 (ji4 yu2)to express; to show; to place (importance, e.g.); to have high hopes
地点 (di4 dian3)place; site; location
一旦 (yi1 dan4)in case (something happens); once (something becomes true, then...); in one day
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 71(25 Vokabeln)
(di3)hold up; on the whole; push against; to support; to resist; to reach; to arrive; mortgage
跑龙套 (pao3 long2 tao4)to play a small role
协商 (xie2 shang1)consult with; talk things over
镇压 (zhen4 ya1)suppression; repression; to suppress; to put down; to quell
(xing4)surname; family name; name
兴建 (xing1 jian4)build; construct
(gao4)to tell; to inform; to say
半数 (ban4 shu4)half the number; half
强大 (qiang2 da4)large; formidible; powerful; strong
案由 (an4 you2)main points of a case; brief; summary
每, 各 (mei3, ge4)each; every
不可 (bu4 ke3)cannot; should not; must not
显现 (xian3 xian4)appearance; to appear
心手 (xin1 shou3)new hand; novice
基本上 (ji1 ben3 shang)basically; on the whole
百倍 (bai3 bei4)a hundredfold; a hundred times
公司 (gong1 si1)(business) company; company; firm; corporation; incorporated
(xiang1)country; village
展览会 (zhan3 lan3 hui4)exhibition; show
遗留 (yi2 liu2)(leave or be a) legacy; left over; hand down (to next generation)
重用 (zhong4 yong4)to put in an important position
(bian1)side; edge; margin; border; boundary
好转 (hao3 zhuan3)improve; take a turn for the better
没有必要 (mei2 you3 bi4 yao4)there is no need to (do sth)
(du4)to cross; to pass through; to ferry
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 72(25 Vokabeln)
每年一度 (mei3 nian2 yi1 du4)once a year (every year)
有的 (you3 de)(there are) some (who are...); some (exist)
(suan4)regard as; to figure; to calculate; to compute
多年以来 (duo1 nian2 yi3 lai2)for many years (in the past)
(hui4)multi-color; to draw
体会 (ti3 hui4)know (through learning or by experience)
栽种 (zai1 zhong4)to plant; to grow
散步 (san4 bu4)to take a walk; to go for a walk
(an4)to press (with the hand); to push; to control; to restrain; to check; pressing down (brush movement in painting); according to; in the light of
(xiao1)to melt; to do away with; to sell
(ya4)Asia; Asian; second; next to; inferior
渐进 (jian4 jin4)progress step by step; gradual progress; to move forward (slowly)
(ding4)to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order
不和 (bu4 he2)not get along well; be on bad terms; be at odds; discord
(li4)do violence; go against
(chong4)of great force; towards
前进 (qian2 jin4)to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward
整天 (zheng3 tian1)all day long; all
先後 (xian1 hou4)in succession; one after another
索取 (suo3 qu3)to ask; to demand
展出 (zhan3 chu1)to put on display; to be on show; to exhibit
(ze2)to select; to choose; to pick
(o1)I see; oh
实习 (shi2 xi2)to practice; field work
服务 (fu2 wu4)to serve; service
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 73(25 Vokabeln)
此时此刻 (ci3 shi2 ci3 ke4)at this very moment
个子 (ge4 zi)height; stature; build; size
小声 (xiao3 sheng1)in a low voice; (speak) in whispers
统治 (tong3 zhi4)(political) rule (over); to rule; to dominate; rule; domination
探视 (tan4 shi4)pay a visit to
合法化 (he2 fa3 hua4)to legalize; to make legal; legalization
(tai4)safe; peaceful; most; Thai(land); grand
憩, 休, 歇 (qi4, xiu1, xie1)to rest
(qi3)how can it be that
打电话 (da3 dian4 hua4)to make a telephone call
(shi4)to show; reveal
久远 (jiu3 yuan3)old; ancient; far away
(mi3)to stop; repress
倒闭 (dao3 bi4)to go bankrupt; to close down
开放 (kai1 fang4)lift (restrictions); open; to lift a ban; to make open to the public
(wan4)(surname); ten thousand; a great number
这麽 (zhe4 me)so (much); like this
(bang4)a measure word; pound (unit of measurement); scale; weigh
二十七号 (er4 shi2 qi1 hao4)27th day of a month
(zui4)(the) most; -est
(qi1)a period of time; phase; stage; (used for issue of a periodical, courses of study); time; term; period; to hope
成员国 (cheng2 yuan2 guo2)member country
(shen3)place name; pour
夫妻 (fu1 qi1)man and wife
习惯 (xi2 guan4)habit; custom; usual practice; to be used to
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 74(25 Vokabeln)
(chang2)length; long; forever; always; constantly
汽车 (qi4 che1)car; automobile
龙头老大 (long2 tou2 lao3 da4)big boss; leader of a group; dominant (position)
途径 (tu2 jing4)way; channel
设法 (she4 fa3)try; think of a way (to accomplish something)
变化 (bian4 hua4)change; vary
觉得 (jue2 de)to think; to feel
是否 (shi4 fou3)whether (or not); if; is or isn't
地方 (di4 fang)area; place; local
新书 (xin1 shu1)new book
缩短 (suo1 duan3)to curtail; to cut down
再度 (zai4 du4)once more; once again; one more time
不足为训 (bu4 zu2 wei2 xun4)not to be taken as an example; not an example to be followed; not to be taken as authoritative
面向 (mian4 xiang4)to face; to turn towards; -oriented
(pi4)dispel; open up
等到 (deng3 dao4)wait until; by the time when (something is ready, etc)
(zhi1)to know; to be aware
保存 (bao3 cun2)to conserve; to preserve; to keep
从去年 (cong2 qu4 nian2)since last year
普遍 (pu3 bian4)universal; general; widespread; commonplace
不仁 (bu4 ren2)not benevolent; heartless; numb
退 (tui4)retreat; to decline; to move back; to withdraw
要求 (yao1 qiu2)request; require; stake a claim (to something); to ask; to demand
论点 (lun4 dian3)argument; line of reasoning; thesis; point (of discussion)
(shuang1)two; double; pair; both
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 75(25 Vokabeln)
按时 (an4 shi2)on time; before deadline; on schedule
排队 (pai2 dui4)to line up
不违农时 (bu4 wei2 nong2 shi2)not miss the farming season; do farm work in the right season
降落 (jiang4 luo4)to descend; to land
人家, 其他的人 (ren2 jia1, qi1 ta1 de ren2)other people
当天 (dang4 tian1)that day; the same day
集锦 (ji2 jin3)best of the best; collection of the best (of sth)
财帛 (cai2 bo2)wealth; money
(he2)why; how; when; what; where
(er4)two (fraudproof)
(pao2)eliminate; to dig; to question
总共 (zong3 gong4)altogether; in sum; in all; in total
第二 (di4 er4)number two; secondly; second
首先 (shou3 xian1)first (of all); in the first place
一千四百二十九 (yi1 qian1 si4 bai3 er4 shi2 jiu3)1429
渐次 (jian4 ci4)gradually; one by one
(liao2)stitch; take; tease
收藏 (shou1 cang2)keep; collect
随时 (sui2 shi2)at any time
(yun4)to move; to transport; to user; fortune; luck; fate
当事人 (dang1 shi4 ren2)persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair)
(reng2)still; yet; to remain
签名 (qian1 ming2)to sign (one's name with a pen, etc.); to autograph
大公司 (da4 gong1 si1)large company; corporation
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 76(25 Vokabeln)
(hua4)to mark off; draw (a line)
病友 (bing4 you3)a friend made in hospital or people who become friends in hospital; wardmate
岗位 (gang3 wei4)a post; a job
(ji2)draw water from well
(ni4)contrary; opposite; backwards; to go against; to oppose; to betray; to rebel
境界 (jing4 jie4)boundry; state; realm
(niu3)to turn; to twist; to grab; to wring
别人 (bie2 ren2)other people; others; other person
年份 (nian2 fen)particular year; certain year; given year
(liao4)to leave (it)
不久 (bu4 jiu3)not long (after); before too long; soon; soon after
事务 (shi4 wu4)(political, economic, etc.) affairs; work
有效 (you3 xiao4)effective; in effect; valid
(guan1)to look at; to watch; to observe; to behold
维持 (wei2 chi2)to keep; to maintain; to preserve
(ling4)other; another; separate; separately
人间 (ren2 jian1)man's world; the world
牵扯 (qian1 che3)involve; implicate
(ba4)to stop; cease; dismiss; suspend; to quit; to finish
普通老百姓 (pu3 tong1 lao3 bai3 xing4)common people; average people; hoi polloi
镶嵌 (xiang1 qian4)to inlay; to embed; to set (in sth)
深夜 (shen1 ye4)very late at night
现任 (xian4 ren4)at the present; hold an office; occupy a post
(wei2)to preserve; to maintain; to hold together; dimension
迁居 (qian1 ju1)to move (from one residence to another)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 77(25 Vokabeln)
毕肖 (bi4 xiao4)resemble closely; be the very image of; to look very much like; to be the spitting image of
一国两制 (yi4 guo2 liang3 zhi4)one country, two systems (China-Taiwan)
(ji4)to calculate; to compute; to count; reckon; ruse; to plan
让路 (rang4 lu4)to make way (for sth)
白头 (bai2 tou2)hoary head; old age
寄送 (ji4 song4)to send; to transmit
百分率 (bai3 fen1 l`)percentage; per cent
打算 (da3 suan4)to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention; calculation
投入 (tou2 ru4)put into operation; throw into battle; to put into
(su4)composed; rise; to begin
(chou2)dense; crowded; thick; many
前不久 (qian2 bu4 jiu3)not long before
半公开 (ban4 gong1 kai1)semi-overt; more or less open
(pi2)(surname); assistant; small
(ju4)a social club
往年 (wang3 nian2)in former years; in previous years
诉说 (su4 shuo1)tell (to another person)
房, 房子 (fang2, fang2 zi)house
安家 (an1 jia1)settle down; set up a home
落实 (luo4 shi2)to implement; to carry out; practical; workable
基於 (ji1 yu2)because of; in view of; due to; in view of the fact that
哪里 (na3 li)where; wherever
左边, 左 (zuo3 bian1, zuo3)left
出现 (chu1 xian4)to appear; to arise; to emerge
英国人 (ying1 guo2 ren2)British person; British people
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 78(25 Vokabeln)
八成 (ba1 cheng2)eighty percent; most probably; most likely
唱片 (chang4 pian4)(vinyl) record; LP
男子汉 (nan2 zi3 han4)man (i.e. manly, masculine)
(li4)set up; to stand
拨正 (bo1 zheng4)set right; correct
到目前为止 (dao4 mu4 qian2 wei2 zhi3)until now; so far
识字 (shi2 zi4)to learn to read
(sha1)to kill; to murder; to slaughter
(liao2)empty; lonesome; very few
新任 (xin1 ren4)newly-appointed; newly elected; new (in a political office)
不日 (bu4 ri4)within the next few days; in a few days time
下工夫 (xia4 gong1 fu)to put in time and energy; to concentrate one's efforts
尽可能 (jin4 ke3 neng2)as far as possible
不可收拾 (bu4 ke3 shou1 shi2)irremediable; unmanageable; out of hand; hopeless
再一次 (zai4 yi1 ci4)again
动手 (dong4 shou3)to hit with hands or fists; to start work; to touch
(jing1)energy; perfect; excellent; refined; very; proficient
参观 (can1 guan1)to look around; to inspect; visit and observe
人民 (ren2 min2)(the) people
(li4)move; walk
静止 (jing4 zhi3)still; stillness
(zhi4)to record; write a footnote
(bie1)hold in (urine); to hold (breath); to choke; stifle; restrain; hold back
(pan2)dish; tray; to build; to check; to examine; to transfer; (a measure word used for dishes of food or coils of wire); to coil
原因是 (yuan2 yin1 shi4)the reason is ...
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 79(25 Vokabeln)
(nuo2)to shift; to move
寻访 (xun2 fang3)to inquire after; to look for (sb)
其他 (qi2 ta1)other; else
步进制 (bu4 jin4 zhi4)step by step system
(lu3)crass; place name
长谈 (chang2 tan2)a long talk
提高 (ti2 gao1)raise; increase
(mao3)still water
(tong2)(surname); boy; child; children
安好 (an1 hao3)safe and sound; well
(ming2)close the eyes
(jue2)feel; find that; thinking; awake; aware
(shi4)life; age; generation; era; world; lifetime
(ran2)correct; right; so; thus; like this; -ly
寿 (shou4)(long) life
老家 (lao3 jia1)native place; place of origin; home state or region
迄今 (qi4 jin1)so far; to date; until now
(bei4)to prepare; get ready; to provide or equip
(gu3)merchant; to buy
议员 (yi4 yuan2)member (of a legislative body); representative
(she3)to abandon; to give up
(cu4)crowded; frame work for silkworms; gather foliage; a measure word; bunch
感动 (gan3 dong4)to move (sb); to touch; moving
不得劲 (bu4 de2 jin4)awkward; unhandy; be indisposed; not feel well
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 80(25 Vokabeln)
遇到 (yu4 dao4)to meet; to run into; to come across
爱国 (ai4 guo2)patriotic; love of country; patriotism
首脑 (shou3 nao3)head (of state); summit (meeting); leader
不行 (bu4 xing2)won't do; be out of the question; be no good; not work; not be capable
比率 (bi3 l`)ratio; rate; percentage
注意 (zhu4 yi4)take note of; (pay) attention (to)
局势 (ju2 shi4)situation; state (of affairs)
重视 (zhong4 shi4)importance; to pay attention to; attach importance to; value
(zhu2)build; five-string lute
(guan4)to head
(gu3)share; portion; section; part; thigh; (a measure word, e.g. use with electric current); whiff
(yi4)disperse; put in order; surpass
不乏 (bu4 fa2)there is no lack of
男子 (nan2 zi3)a man; a male; male (person)
事儿 (shir4)business; thing
因而 (yin1 er2)therefore; as a result; thus; and as a result, ...
没甚麽 (mei2 shen2 me)nothing
(fu4)cover; overflow; to reply to a letter
剥离 (bo1 li2)(of tissue; skin; covering; etc; ) come off; peel off; be stripped
较好 (jiao4 hao3)better
(gu3)ancient; old
(ba3)(a measure word); (marker for direct-object); to hold; to contain; to grasp; to take hold of
履行 (l` xing2)fulfill; carry out
实在 (shi2 zai4)in reality; honestly; really; verily; concrete
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 88: Abschnitt 81(25 Vokabeln)
甚至 (shen4 zhi4)even; so much so that
(qi2)(surname); even; to make even
(mo1)feel with the hand; to touch; to stroke; to grope; to feel (one's pulse)
愿意 (yuan4 yi4)to wish; to want; ready; willing (to do sth)
(ying2)to beat; to win; to profit
巡? (xun2 hui2)to go around; to roam
玩儿 (wanr2)to play
宿 (xiu3)(a) night
贬低 (bian3 di1)belittle; depreciate; play down
家属 (jia1 shu3)family member; (family) dependent
(fu4)to order
(bi1)force; compel; drive; press for; extort; press on towards; press up to; close in on; close
回归 (hui2 gui1)to return (to previous condition); Hong Kong's return to Chinese sovereignty; to regress
鞭长莫及 (bian1 chang2 mo4 ji2)beyond the reach of one's power; too far away for one to be able to help
参加 (can1 jia1)to participate; to take part; to join
要点 (yao4 dian3)main point; essential
中旬 (zhong1 xun2)middle third of a month
(pi3)to part
单位 (dan1 wei4)a unit
(wo4)shake hands; to hold; to grasp
(ju4)how (interj. of surprise)
(jin4)near; close (to); approximately
(chan1)assist by the arm; mix; support; sustain
(ping2)to discuss; to comment; to criticize; to judge; to choose (by public appraisal)
举动 (ju3 dong4)act; (make) a move
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 88: Abschnitt 82(25 Vokabeln)
(qie4)pull out; take family along
当中 (dang1 zhong1)among; in the middle; in the center
评议会 (ping2 yi4 hui4)council
(lu4)to show; to reveal; to expose; dew
(tang2)(main) hall; large room
换取 (huan4 qu3)give something and get something in return
正如 (zheng4 ru2)be just like
遗嘱 (yi2 zhu3)testament; will
非常 (fei1 chang2)unusual; extraordinary; extreme; very; exceptional
眼尖 (yan3 jian1)to have good eyes
不错 (bu4 cuo4)correct; right; not bad; pretty good
寻事生非 (xun2 shi4 sheng1 fei1)to look for trouble
早先 (zao3 xian1)previously; before
老牌 (lao3 pai2)old brand; old style; old school
遵循 (zun1 xun2)to follow; to abide by
(shu3)category; class; family; to belong to
指示 (zhi3 shi4)point out; (give) directives or instructions
发迹 (fa1 ji1)to rise to power and position
(ba1)climb; pull (out); to strip; hold on to; cling to; dig up; rake; push aside
(fu2)(water-beetle); money
接替 (jie1 ti4)replace; take over (a position or post)
(si3)to die; inpassable; uncrossable; inflexible; rigid
饭碗 (fan4 wan3)rice bowl; job; livelihood; way of making a living
(qiang3)money; string of coins
过於 (guo4 yu2)too much; excessively
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 88: Abschnitt 83(25 Vokabeln)
抑制 (yi4 zhi4)to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress
到那个时候 (dao4 na4 ge4 shi2 hou4)until this moment
推销 (tui1 xiao1)to market; to sell
没问题 (mei2 wen4 ti2)no problem
商号 (shang1 hao4)store; a business
(xin4)skull; top of head
(pao3)to run; to escape
伯仲叔季 (bo2 zhong4 shu1 ji4)eldest; second; third and youngest of brothers; order of seniority among brothers
不战不和 (bu4 zhan4 bu4 he2)no war; no peace
(ce4)method; plan; policy; scheme
发布 (fa1 bu4)to release; to issue; to distribute
湔, 洮 (jian1, tao2)cleanse; name of a river
(guan1)official; government
宿 (su4)lodge for the night; old; former
下跌 (xia4 die1)fall; tumble
书房 (shu1 fang2)study (i.e. the kind of room)
不出所料 (bu4 chu1 suo3 liao4)as expected
试探 (shi4 tan4)to sound out; to probe; to feel out; to try out
(ji2)collect oneself; put away
开发过程 (kai1 fa1 guo4 cheng2)development process
(duo4)degenerate; fall
生意 (sheng1 yi)business
建议 (jian4 yi4)to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation
(bing3)authority; handle; hilt
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 88: Abschnitt 84(25 Vokabeln)
(che1)car; a vehicle; machine; to shape with a lathe
(qin4)to press (bell)
厂礼拜 (chang3 li3 bai4)day off (work)
从来 (cong2 lai2)always; at all times; never (if used in negative sentence)
(ban4)to disguise oneself; to dress up; adorn
接管 (jie1 guan3)take over; assume control
无所谓 (wu2 suo3 wei4)to be indifferent; not to matter
描写 (miao2 xie3)to describe; to depict; to portray
徇, 殉 (xun4, xun4)buried with dead; die for a cause
下旬 (xia4 xun2)last third of the month
好朋友 (hao3 peng2 you)good friend
(jiu3)(long) time; (long) duration of time
编导 (bian1 dao3)write and direct (a play, film, etc.); playwright - director; choreographer - director; scenarist - director
(zhan1)gaze; view
与此同时 (yu3 ci3 tong2 shi2)at the same time; meanwhile
(xuan4)to boast; to show off
思想 (si1 xiang3)thought; thinking; idea
(qian1)lead (metal)
(huang3)lies; to lie
(jing1)to start; to be frightened; to be scared; alarm
意念, 表象 (yi4 nian4, biao3 xiang4)idea
富于 (fu4 yu2)to be full of; to be rich in
世界银行 (shi4 jie4 yin2 hang2)World Bank
(ben4)bring together; dust
脊椎 (ji3 bei4)back (of a vertibrate)
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 88: Abschnitt 85(25 Vokabeln)
长城 (chang2 cheng2)the Great Wall
世界 (shi4 jie4)world
(gong1)big; cup made of horn; horn wine container
召开 (zhao4 kai1)convene (a conference or meeting); to convoke; to call together
(cai3)pay attention; take notice of; to care for
步调一致 (bu4 diao4 yi2 zhi4)to be united in action
当前 (dang1 qian2)current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us)
主管 (zhu3 guan3)(be) person in charge of (a position, etc.); responsible; in charge
兵法 (bing1 fa3)art of war; military strategy and tactics
成立 (cheng2 li4)establish; set up
(chan2)still (as of water); still water
巴不得 (ba1 bu4 de2)anxious; look forward to; earnestly wish for
(shuo4)large; big
付款 (fu4 kuan3)pay; payment
陷於 (xian4 yu2)caught in (a bad situation); fall into (a trap, etc.)
(ji1)15 years old; hairpin for bun
最後 (zui4 hou4)final; last; finally; ultimate
写信 (xie3 xin4)to write a letter
副作用 (fu4 zuo4 yong4)side effect
(hui4)dark; night; unlucky
(qian1)a note; a stick; sign one's name
大致 (da4 zhi4)more or less; roughly; approximately
必修课 (bi4 xiu1 ke4)a required course
别离 (bie2 li2)take leave of; leave
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 88: Abschnitt 86(25 Vokabeln)
(yu2)draw out; let hanging
但愿 (dan4 yuan4)if only (it were possible to...)
鼻儿 (bi2 er)a hole in an implement; utensil; etc; for something to be inserted into; eye
增值 (zeng1 zhi2)appreciation (of a car, house, etc.); increase in value
(da4)big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; oldest; eldest
(xi2)banquet; woven mat; seat; place
事情 (shi4 qing)affair; matter; thing; business
公众, 公开 (gong1 zhong4, gong1 kai1)public
几天来 (ji3 tian1 lai2)for the past few days
扶植 (fu2 zhi2)foster; support
房屋 (fang2 wu1)house; building
十年 (shi2 nian2)ten years
(lian4)full of water; trough
(guo2)country; state; nation
不失时机 (bu4 shi1 shi2 ji1)seize the opportune moment; lose no time
爱恋 (ai4 lian4)be in love with; feel deeply attached to
不知所措 (bu4 zhi1 suo3 cuo4)be at a loss; be at one's wits' end
板上钉钉 (ban3 shang4 ding1 ding1)that clinches it; that's final; no two ways about it
十分 (shi2 fen1)fully; completely; very
(you2)Jew; as if; still; to scheme
好几年 (hao3 ji3 nian2)several years
(mou2)to plan; seek; scheme
(qie3)further; moreover
段落 (duan4 luo4)part; paragraph
(lan3)look over; to view
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 88: Abschnitt 87(25 Vokabeln)
权柄 (quan2 bing3)authority
(hao4)day of a month; (suffix used after) name of a ship; (ordinal) number
价款 (jia4 kuan3)cost
(yang3)give birth; keep (pets); to support; to bring sb. up; to raise (pig, etc.)
作为 (zuo4 wei2)accomplish; action; to regard (sth as sth); to look upon (sth as); conduct
(qu3)take a wife
(zheng3)to raise; to aid; to support; to save; to rescue
定做 (ding4 zuo4)to have something made to order
教学 (jiao4 xue2)teacher and student; education
半年 (ban4 nian2)half a year
(xie4)(surname); to thank
开幕 (kai1 mu4)to open (a conference, e.g.); to inaugurate
公共 (gong1 gong4)public; common (use)
(bian1)weave; plait; organize; group; arrange; edit; compile; write; compose; fabricate
安置 (an1 zhi4)find a place for; help settle down; arrange for
低于 (di1 yu2)be lower than
不同凡响 (bu4 tong2 fan2 xiang3)outstanding; out of the ordinary; out of the common run
(wen4)to ask
部长 (bu4 zhang3)head of a (government, etc) department; section chief; section head; secretary; minister
(gu4)happening; instance; reason; cause; deceased; old
(zi4)letter; symbol; character; word
这些 (zhe4 xie)these
世界上 (shi4 jie4 shang4)(of the) world
(mo3)play; to smear
(juan3)to roll (up); to sweep up; to carry on
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 88: Abschnitt 88(25 Vokabeln)
(shi1)to lose; to miss; to fail
转机 (zhuan3 ji1)(take a) turn for the better
有些 (you3 xie1)some; somewhat
(long2)dragon; imperial; Long (a surname)
旁边 (pang2 bian1)lateral; side
(ban1)team; class; rank; squad; a work shift; a measure word; (a surname)
招待 (zhao1 dai4)to receive (guests); to entertain; reception
涨价 (zhang4 jia4)appreciate; increase in price
(tie1)to stick; to paste; to keep close to; to fit snguly; allowance
(zong1)school; sect; purpose; model; ancestor; family
把风 (ba3 feng1)keep watch (during a clandestine activity); be on the lookout
逼迫 (bi1 po4)force; compel; coerce
变成 (bian4 cheng2)to change into; to turn into; to become
相同 (xiang1 tong2)identical; same
(geng1)to change
人士 (ren2 shi4)person; figure; public figure
下个月 (xia4 ge4 yue4)next month
看法 (kan4 fa3)way of looking at a thing; view; opinion
渡过 (du4 guo4)to cross over; pass through
应该说 (ying1 gai1 shuo1)it should be mentioned that ...
(dian3)(downwards-right convex character stroke); o'clock; (a measure word); point; dot; (decimal) point)
加强 (jia1 qiang2)to reinforce; to strengthen; to increase
业务 (ye4 wu4)business; profession
明确 (ming2 que4)clear-cut; definite; make clear; clear
每当 (mei3 dang1)whenever; every time
Basiswortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 88: Abschnitt 89(10 Vokabeln)
(ta4)(surname); again and again; many
本地 (ben3 di4)local; this locality
年轻人 (nian2 qing1 ren2)young people
(jian1)narrow; small
二次大战 (er4 ci4 da4 zhan4)World War Two
(dan1)bill; list; form; single; only; sole
接人 (jie1 ren2)to meet a person
包揽 (bao1 lan3)undertake the whole thing; take on everything
暴力 (bao4 li4)violence; (use) force; violent
(bing3)natural property or endowment; report to (a superior)
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 1(25 Vokabeln)
停留 (ting2 liu2)stay somewhere temporarily; stop over
(chong1)to pound (grain); beat
(wan2)curios; antiques; to play; to amuse oneself
(ya2)(surname); office; yamen
历来最低点 (li4 lai2 zui4 di1 dian3)all time low (point)
(yuan2)person; employee; member
(ju4)at a distance of; distance; to be apart
运送 (yun4 song4)to transport; to carry
(bei4)(two, three, etc) -fold; times (multiplier); double; to increase or multiply
戏剧 (xi4 ju4)drama; play; theater
损害 (sun3 hai4)harm; to harm; to damage; to injure
(di3)background; bottom; base
(chan3)to express; disclose; enlighten; open
(la4)leave behind
开车 (kai1 che1)to drive a car
(la1)to pull; to play (string instruments); to drag; to draw
应对 (ying4 dui4)response; to answer; to reply
(jian3)carry to the utmost; to cut
(ban1)promulgate; send out; issue; to grant or confer
(yan3)to develop; to evolve; to practice; to perform; to play; to act
(kuai4)to balance an account; accounting
(gu4)old; second-hand (clothes)
签订 (qian1 ding4)to agree to and sign (a treaty, etc)
(lang4)(herb); place name
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 2(25 Vokabeln)
体制 (ti3 zhi4)system; organization
白脸 (bai2 lian3)white face; face painting in Beijing Opera; etc
西面 (xi1 mian4)west side; west
潜伏 (qian2 fu2)to hide; to cover up; to conceal
(zui4)assemble; small
(geng1)continue (as a song)
熬夜 (ao2 ye4)stay up late or all night
(xu1)beard; necessary; must
(ji4)to remember; to note; mark; sign; to record
休息 (xiu1 xi)rest; to rest
商业 (shang1 ye4)business; trade; commerce
零钱 (ling2 qian2)change (said of money)
(yi2)a present in writing; bequeath
(yu4)manage; to drive
仍然 (reng2 ran2)still; yet
上半年 (shang4 ban4 nian2)first half (of a year)
瞳, 眸 (tong2, mou2)pupil of the eye
到达 (dao4 da2)to reach; to arrive
果然 (guo3 ran2)really; sure enough; as expected
就业 (jiu4 ye4)get a job; start a career
饲养 (si4 yang3)to raise; to rear
老套 (lao3 tao4)old things; old ways (pejorative)
层次 (ceng2 ci4)arrangement of ideas; administrative level; level; stage; phase
(ji2)namely; right away; to approach; to draw near
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 3(25 Vokabeln)
搏斗 (bo2 dou4)to wrestle; to fight; to struggle
(chu2)a wardrobe; case; cabinet
出卖 (chu1 mai4)to sell (off)
必定 (bi4 ding4)be bound to; be sure to
(chuang2)bed; couch; (a measure word)
一触即发 (yi1 chu4 ji2 fa1)could happen at any moment; on the verge
发言权 (fa1 yan2 quan2)the right of speech
迳庭 (jing4 ting2)very different
紧缩 (jin3 suo1)reduce; tighten; cut back (budget, etc)
(yu4)full (as of eating)
(wang4)hope; expect; to visit; to gaze (into the distance); look towards; towards
改善 (gai3 shan4)to make better; to improve
精简 (jing1 jian3)to simplify; to reduce
卑鄙 (bei1 bi3)base; mean; contemptible; despicable
消息灵通人士 (xiao1 xi1 ling2 tong1 ren2 shi4)a well-informed source; a person with inside information
(zhang3)to rise (of prices; rivers)
总统任期 (zong3 tong3 ren4 qi1)presidency; term of office
可身 (ke3 shen1)to fit well (clothes)
语音 (yu3 yin1)voice
盒子 (he2 zi)case
不为已甚 (bu4 wei2 yi3 shen4)refrain from going to extremes in meting out punishment; not be too hard on subject
质问 (zhi4 wen4)(ask a) question; inquire; interrogate
岁数 (sui4 shu)age (number of years old)
(zha2)write down
下令 (xia4 ling4)give an order
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 4(25 Vokabeln)
联系 (lian2 xi4)connection; contact; relation; contact; (in) touch (with); to integrate; to link
不明 (bu4 ming2)not clear; unknown; fail to understand
(bei1)cup; a measure word
(yuan3)far; distant; remote
(tong3)to gather; to unite; to unify; whole
颁发 (ban1 fa1)issue; promulgate; award
共处 (gong4 chu3)coexist; get along (with others)
定价 (ding4 jia4)to set a price; to fix a price
报案 (bao4 an4)report a case to the security authorities
行动 (xing2 dong4)operation; action; to move; mobile
执政党 (zhi2 zheng4 dang3)ruling party; the party in power
几年来 (ji3 nian2 lai2)for the past several years
经管 (jing1 guan3)be in charge of
(ce4)side; to lean; to survey; to measure; conjecture
展开 (zhan3 kai1)to unfold; to carry out; to be in full swing; to launch
加?於 (jia1 yu2)impose; add to
班务会 (ban1 wu4 hui4)a routine meeting of a squad; team or class
(chu4)lead; pull
托运 (tuo1 yun4)to book or check through (baggage)
(qin3)lie down
生词 (sheng1 ci2)new word
领导 (ling3 dao3)lead; leading; to lead; leadership
(he2)why not
大纲 (da4 gang1)main point; leading principles
看做 (kan4 zuo4)regard as; look upon as
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 5(25 Vokabeln)
今後 (jin1 hou4)henceforth; in the future; from now on
失控 (shi1 kong4)out of control
呼吁美国 (hu1 yu4 mei3 guo2)to call on the United States; to appeal to the U.S.
约翰二书 (yue1 han4 er4 shu1)2 John
少, 年轻, 幼 (shao4, nian2 qing1, you4)young
世界性古老问题 (shi4 jie4 xing4 gu3 lao3 wen4 ti2)a problem as old as the world itself
不识时务 (bu4 shi2 shi2 wu4)show no understanding of the times
假定 (jia3 ding4)to assume; to suppose
(ao3)old woman
多方 (duo1 fang1)in many ways
外长 (wai4 zhang3)foreign minister; secretary of state; minister of foreign affairs
带动 (dai4 dong4)to spur; to provide impetus; to drive
壅, 窒 (yong1, zhi4)obstruct; stop up
(ping2)lean against; proof; to rely on; to depend on; to be based on
(hai4)to do harm to; to cause trouble to; harm; evil; calamity
三千到五千万 (san1 qian1 dao4 wu3 qian1 wan4)30 to 50 million
(zi3)minutely; young
支付 (zhi1 fu4)pay (money)
外形 (wai4 xing2)figure; shape
(shi2)pick up; ten (fraudproof)
(zhang3)chief; head; elder; to grow; to develop
不通 (bu4 tong1)be obstructed; be blocked up; be impassable; not make sense; be illogical; be ungrammatical
通告 (tong1 gao4)to announce; to give notice
会场 (hui4 chang3)meeting place; place where people gather
开刀 (kai1 dao1)to perform or have an operation; to operate on or to be operated on
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 6(25 Vokabeln)
(zhen4)composed; small town; to suppress; to press down; to post
(lou2)house with more than 1 story; storied building; floor
半夜 (ban4 ye4)midnight; in the middle of the night
日渐 (ri4 jian4)(keep increasing, changing, etc.) day by day
信息系统 (xin4 xi2 xi4 tong3)information system
增高 (zeng1 gao1)heighten; raise up
百端待举 (bai3 duan1 dai4 ju3)a thousand things remain to be done; mumerous tasks remain to be undertaken
我国 (wo3 guo2)our country
例证 (li4 zheng4)example; case in point
矮子里拔将军 (ai3 zi li3 bai2 jiang1 jun1)choose the best person available
先前 (xian1 qian2)before; previously
按兵不动 (an4 bing1 bu4 dong4)not throw the troops into battle; bide one's time; take on action
宵, 夜晚, 夜 (xiao1, ye4 wan3, ye4)night
(shan1)cut down; mow; scythe
(hui3)to destroy; to damage; to ruin
变形 (bian4 xing2)be out of shape; become deformed; to morph
变革 (bian4 ge2)transform; change
(shou3)hand; convienent
管理 (guan3 li3)to supervise; to manage; to administer; management; administration
(zheng4)frame; one of a pair (scrolls); picture
(jing4)to respect; to venerate; to salute; to offer
衰退 (shuai1 tui4)decline; fall; drop; falter
(xin1)heart; mind
(su1)(plant); place name; revive
却步 (que4 bu4)to step back
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 7(25 Vokabeln)
信息管理 (xin4 xi2 guan3 li3)information management
部分 (bu4 fen)part; share; section; piece
打听 (da3 ting)ask about; inquire about
变动 (bian4 dong4)change; alteration
下课 (xia4 ke4)class is over
路程 (lu4 cheng2)course
捕获 (bu3 huo4)to catch; to capture; to seize
访问美国 (fang3 wen4 mei3 guo2)to visit the United States; a trip to the U.S.
应付 (ying4 fu)deal with; cope
(qing2)to raise (hand)
从外表来看 (cong2 wai4 biao3 lai2 kan4)looking from the outside; seen from the outside
主要 (zhu3 yao4)main; principal; major; primary
种类 (zhong3 lei4)class; kind; sort; species
治安 (zhi4 an1)law and order; public security
体系 (ti3 xi4)system; setup
升起 (sheng1 qi3)rise
总政治部 (zong3 zheng4 zhi4 bu4)(military) General Political Department
(guang1)light; ray; bright
(liu2)leave (message); to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to perserve
进程 (jin4 cheng2)process; course
测验结果 (ce4 yan4 jie2 guo3)test result
不外 (bu4 wai4)not beyond the scope of; nothing more than
百儿八十 (bai3 er2 ba1 shi2)about a hundred; a hundred or so
(ruo4)weak; feable; young; inferior
介绍 (jie4 shao4)to present; introduction; to introduce
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 8(25 Vokabeln)
主体 (zhu3 ti3)main part; subject
名义 (ming2 yi4)titular; (do something) in (someone's) name
下面 (xia4 mian)below; next; the following; under; below
(tu2)diagram; to plan; picture; drawing; chart
空袭 (kong1 xi2)(military) attack from the air
大会 (da4 hui4)general assembly; general meeting
状况 (zhuang4 kuang4)condition; state; situation
合作 (he2 zuo4)to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation
二十一世纪 (er4 shi2 yi1 shi4 ji4)21st century
别管 (bie2 guan3)no matter (who; what; etc; )
控制 (kong4 zhi4)to (have) control (over); to contain
姿色 (zi1 se4)good looking
纪念 (ji4 nian4)to commemorate; to remember
(dan4)insipid; diluted; weak; light in colour; tasteless; fresh; indifferent; nitrogen
这儿, 这里 (zher4, zhe4 li3)here
(miao3)minute (small); subtle
西方 (xi1 fang1)the West; the Occident; Western countries
独立 (du2 li4)to be independent; to stand alone
变卖 (bian4 mai4)sell off (one's property)
东方 (dong1 fang1)the East; Eastern countries
发行 (fa1 xing2)publish; issue
(tan2)to speak; to talk; to converse; to chat; to discuss; (surname)
白夜 (bai2 ye4)white night
安放 (an1 fang4)lay; place; put in a certain place
只不过几年前 (zhi3 bu4 guo4 ji3 nian2 qian2)only a few years ago; just a few years ago
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 9(25 Vokabeln)
(jing4)border; place; condition; boundary; circumstances; territory
(ti2)topic; subject; to inscribe; to superscribe
不问 (bu4 wen4)pay no attention to; disregard; ignore; let go unpunished; let off
闭会 (bi4 hui4)close a meeting
(shuai1)throw on ground; to fall
有所 (you3 suo3)somewhat; to some extent
失去 (shi1 qu4)to lose
(dui4)squadron; team; group
势力 (shi4 li)power; (ability to) influence
矮子 (ai3 zi)a short person; dwarf
(tang2)keep out
建立 (jian4 li4)creation; set up; construction; build; establish; set up
安然 (an1 ran2)safely; peacefully; at a rest
(ci2)works; phrases; classical Chinese poem; word; diction
教友 (jiao4 you3)church member
(a4)oh (interjection)
物质 (wu4 zhi4)(physical) matter
转动 (zhuan3 dong4)turn
(yu2)fisherman; to fish
委员 (wei3 yuan2)committee member; committee; council
(mo4)end; final stage; latter part
(wu3)flatter; to please
(yu4)heal; the more...the more; to recover; better
白白 (bai2 bai2)in vain; to no purpose; for nothing
(yan4)to examine; to test; to check
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 10(25 Vokabeln)
在?期间 (zai4 qi2 jian1)during
尽快 (jin3 kuai4)as quickly as possible
(zhan1)felt; silken banner
建设 (jian4 she4)to build; to construct; construction; constructive
(tou4)to penetrate; thorough; penetrating; to pass through; to pierce
背光 (bei4 guang1)be in a poor light; do something with one's back to the light; stand in one's own light
城镇 (cheng2 zhen4)cities and towns; city; town
麻木 (ma2 mu4)numb
程式 (cheng2 shi4)form; pattern; formula; program
选票 (xuan3 piao4)a vote; ballot
本星期 (ben3 xing1 qi1)this week
(ji1)small table
大都 (da4 dou1)general; for the most part; on the whole
奔跑 (ben1 pao3)run
(lou4)funnel; to leak; to let out; to divulge
(zhuo2)plan; settlement; to wear
(ou1)(ancient volume measure); (surname); area; region; district; small; distinguish
(chuan4)to string together; to mix up; to conspire; to connect; (a measure word); string
第四 (di4 si4)fourth; number four
迫使 (po4 shi3)force (someone to do something)
不详 (bu4 xiang2)not in detail; not quite clear
团体 (tuan2 ti3)group; organization; team
行业 (hang2 ye4)industry; business
八小时工作制 (ba1 xiao3 shi2 gong1 zuo4 zhi4)eight hour working day
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 11(25 Vokabeln)
(an4)bank; shore; beach; coast
并列 (bing4 lie4)stand side by side; be juxtaposed
拐弯 (guai3 wan1)to turn a corner
要人 (yao4 ren2)important person
世界贸易 (shi4 jie4 mao4 yi4)world trade; global trade
(dang4)dissipated; put off
联络 (lian2 luo4)communication; get in touch with; contact
今晨 (jin1 chen2)this morning
本题 (ben3 ti2)the subject under discussion; the point at issue
经销 (jing1 xiao1)to sell; to distribute
大问题 (da4 wen4 ti2)great problem; large problem
年龄 (nian2 ling2)(a person's) age
第一章 (di4 yi1 zhang1)chapter one
杀人 (sha1 ren2)homicide; to murder; to kill (a person)
白手起家 (bai2 shou3 qi3 jia1)build up from nothing; start from scratch
每一 (mei3 yi1)every
反对 (fan3 dui4)to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition
产物 (chan3 wu4)product; result (of)
(tian3)make strong (as liquors); virtuous
夫子 (fu1 zi3)pedant; (old form of address)
交出 (jiao1 chu1)hand over
(ze2)haste; to press
(juan4)concern; wife and children
党政 (dang3 zheng4)party policy; (Communist) Party and government administration
案件 (an4 jian4)law case; legal case; judicial case
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 12(25 Vokabeln)
四面八方 (si4 mian4 ba1 fang1)in all directions; all around; far and near
新型 (xin1 xing2)new type; new kind
标志 (biao1 zhi4)sign; mark; symbol; symbolize; to indicate; to mark
(xian1)manner of dancing; walk around
创记录 (chuang4 ji4 lu4)to set a record
巨大 (ju4 da4)huge; immense; very large; tremendous; gigantic; enormous
并肩 (bing4 jian1)alongside; shoulder to shoulder; side by side; abreast
时大时小 (shi2 da4 shi2 xiao3)sometimes big, sometimes small; varying
队员 (dui4 yuan2)team member
看作 (kan4 zuo4)look upon as; regard as
决定 (jue2 ding4)to decide (to do something); to determine; to resolve
(tian1)day; sky; heaven
(xun2)name of a river; steep bank
喜新厌旧 (xi3 xin1 yan4 jiu4)literal: to like the new, and hate the old; figurative: enamored with new people (e.g. new girlfriend), bored with the old
(guo3)fruit; result
(sui4)to break down; to break into pieces; fragementary
伴随 (ban4 sui2)to follow; to accompany
处理 (chu3 li3)to handle; to treat; to deal with; to process
(mie4)belittle; nothing
(fu2)name of a stone
大城市 (da4 cheng2 shi4)major city; big city; metropolis; metropolis; large city
权威性 (quan2 wei1 xing4)authoritative; (having) authority
(pu4)a bed; a store
理会 (li3 hui4)pay attention to; take notice of
表明 (biao3 ming2)make known; make clear; state clearly; indicate; known; to make clear
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 13(25 Vokabeln)
声援 (sheng1 yuan2)support (a cause)
每每 (mei3 mei3)often
承受 (cheng2 shou4)to bear; to support; to inherit
上任 (shang4 ren4)take office
贸易战 (mao4 yi4 zhan4)trade war
(ping2)bottle; (a measure word); vase; pitcher
民意 (min2 yi4)public opinion; popular will; public will
市场 (shi4 chang3)market
(zhi2)hesitating; to stop
步履维艰 (bu4 lu3 wei2 jian1)have difficulty walking; walk with difficulty
(zai4)again; once more; re-; second; another
做法 (zuo4 fa3)way of doing things; a (regular) practice; a behavior
或许, 也许 (huo4 xu3, ye3 xu3)perhaps; maybe
(chu3)foundation; base
(miao3)despise; small
(qu4)to spy; watch for
(sheng1)able to bear
表格 (biao3 ge2)form; table
(nuo4)take hold
(sheng1)to raise; to hoist; to promote; pint
(zhuo2)to cut (gems)
(wen2)line; trace; mark
削减 (xue1 jian3)to cut down; to reduce; to lower
(l`)state in detail; strand; thread
更高 (geng4 gao1)higher; even higher
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 14(25 Vokabeln)
(suo1)feel; to fondle
开端 (kai1 duan1)start; beginning
有史以来 (you3 shi3 yi3 lai2)since the beginning of history
电脑系统 (dian4 nao3 xi4 tong3)computer system
逗留 (dou4 liu2)stay at; stopover at
(ji1)to amass; to accumulate; to store; old; long-standing
装扮 (zhuang1 ban4)dress up as; be disguised as
(chi4)walk with one leg
去世 (qu4 shi4)to pass away; to die
竞选 (jing4 xuan3)run for (electoral) office
分裂 (fen1 lie4)split up; to split; to divide; to break up; fission
田野 (tian2 ye3)field; open land
(dai3)arrest; catch; seize; until
(tao4)to cover; covering; case; cover; (a measure word, a set of something); sheath
(diao4)to drop; to fall
(shu1)book; letter
(huang2)dry moat; god of city
(an1)content; calm; still; quiet; to pacify; peace
董事长 (dong3 shi4 zhang3)chairman of the board; chairman
驻扎 (zhu4 zha1)to station; to garrison (troops)
大国 (da4 guo2)a power (ie, a dominant country)
各种 (ge4 zhong3)every kind of; all kinds of; various kinds
放映 (fang4 ying4)show (a movie)
国务委员 (guo2 wu4 wei3 yuan2)member of State Council (in China)
(ze2)(interj. of admiration or of disgust); to click one's tongue; to attempt to (find an opportunity to) speak
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 15(25 Vokabeln)
(ju4)be based upon; squat
备取 (bei4 qu3)be on the waiting list (for admission to a school)
待遇 (dai4 yu4)treatment; pay; wages; treatment; status; salary
罪名 (zui4 ming2)a (criminal) charge; accusation
供职, 任职 (gong4 zhi2, ren4 zhi2)hold an office or post
(shou3)head; chief; (a measure word, use with €poem€)
看来 (kan4 lai)apparently; it seems that; it appears; it seems
(yi4)(interj.); raise; to stop
开发周期 (kai1 fa1 zhou1 ji1)development cycle; development period
(long3)collect; draw near to
以前 (yi3 qian2)before; formerly; previous
违法 (wei2 fa3)illegal; to break the law
(shi2)Peuceclanum gravelens; to plant
三年 (san1 nian2)three years
(cha2)to cross; be stuck
(dang4)arrange; put in order
整体 (zheng3 ti3)overall; as a whole; whole (thing, situation); entirety; integrated
(fen1)to divide; minute; (a measure word); (a unit of length = 0.33 centimeter)
(ming2)clear; bright; to understand; next
生育 (sheng1 yu4)to bear; to give birth
带领 (dai4 ling3)guide; lead
安息 (an1 xi2)rest; go to sleep; rest in peace; <Ê·> Parthia
(mao4)commerce; trade
(gu4)look after; take into consideration; to attend to
起草 (qi3 cao3)draft (a bill); draw up (plans)
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 16(25 Vokabeln)
(hao4)bright; d (19th); white
建筑 (jian4 zhu4)building; construct
类型 (lei4 xing2)type
企业管理 (qi3 ye4 guan3 li3)business management (as a study)
(xian1)fine; delicate; minute
重蹈 (chong2 dao4)to repeat; to follow the same road as
较少 (jiao4 shao3)less
(yun4)bring together; collect
掩盖 (yan3 gai4)conceal; hide behind; cover up
越来越严重 (yue4 lai2 yue4 yan2 zhong4)to become more serious every day
(di2)first wife; son of first wife
视图 (shi4 tu2)view
看待 (kan4 dai4)look upon; regard
(mai4)take a step
(chong3)to love; to pamper; to spoil; to favor
治理 (zhi4 li3)govern; administer; control
(fan3)wrong side out or up; anti-
研究报告 (yan2 jiu1 bao4 gao4)research report
(shi4)market; city
颁布 (ban1 bu4)promulgate; issue; publish
包庇 (bao1 bi4)shield; harbour; cover up
演出 (yan3 chu1)(acting) play; perform
嗓, 嗓子 (sang3, sang3 zi)throat; voice
(qi2)(herb); implore; pray; place name
睛, 眼, 眼睛 (jing1, yan3, yan3 jing1)eye
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 17(25 Vokabeln)
办公室, 廨 (ban4 gong1 shi4, xie4)office
开始以前 (kai1 shi3 yi3 qian2)before the beginning (of sth)
(ni4)familiar; to approach
(ce4)book; a measure word for books; booklet
刊登 (kan1 deng1)carry a story; publish (in a newspaper or magazine)
展览 (zhan3 lan3)to put on display; to exhibit; exhibition; show
(suo3)actually; place
短时间 (duan3 shi2 jian1)short term; short time
办案 (ban4 an4)to handle a case
(chi4)keep in order; stern; to order; direct
(wei3)big; large; great
几天 (ji3 tian1)several days
不在意 (bu4 zai4 yi4)pay no attention to; take no notice of; not mind; negligent; careless
长达 (chang2 da2)extend as long as; lengthen out to
(tuan2)regiment; round; circular; group; society
(tao2)to escape; to run away; to flee
学龄 (xue2 ling2)school age
下一次 (xia4 yi1 ci4)next
沉重 (chen2 zhong4)heavy; hard; serious; critical
主导 (zhu3 dao3)to lead; to manage
(si4)to watch; to wait; to examine; to spy
(chang2)indicator of past tense; to taste; flavor; already; ever; once; test; already; formerly
(chai1)to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to open
(quan2)small; wheel without spokes
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 18(25 Vokabeln)
减弱 (jian3 ruo4)to weaken; to fall off
出任 (chu1 ren4)start in a new job; take up a new post
固定 (gu4 ding4)fixed; set; regular
感觉到 (gan3 jue2 dao4)feel
放心 (fang4 xin1)to set one's mind at rest; to be at ease; to rest
(mu4)canvass for contributions; to recruit; to collect; to raise
(zhen3)accumulate; fine and close
爱情 (ai4 qing2)love (between man and woman)
半夜三更 (ban4 ye4 san1 geng1)in the depth of night; late at night
(ken3)to gnaw; to nibble; to bite
(he1)my goodness; to drink
(zheng4)to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; certificate; proof
记住, 记得 (ji4 zhu, ji4 de)to remember
啊呀 (a1 ya1)oh
(hun4)to mix; to get along; thoughtless
矮个儿 (ai3 ge4 er2)a person of short stature; a short person
(hui4)to draw; to paint
标题 (biao1 ti2)title; heading; headline; caption; subject
线路 (xian4 lu4)line; circuit
(hu2)whole; in one lump
唯, 是的 (wei3, shi4 de)yes
政府 (zheng4 fu3)government
(ma2)(to have) pins and needles; tingling; hemp; numb; to bother
不拘一格 (bu4 ju1 yi1 ge2)not stick to one pattern
笔迹 (bi3 ji1)a person's handwriting; hand
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 19(25 Vokabeln)
犯法 (fan4 fa3)to break the law
(zhen1)to reach; utmost
达到 (da2 dao4)to reach; to achieve; to attain
编着 (bian1 zhu4)compile; write
(ke1)branch of medicine; subject; division; field; branch; family
大惑不解 (da4 huo4 bu4 jie3)do not understand a certain thing
(mo2)plan; to practice
不管 (bu4 guan3)no matter (what, how); regardless of; no matter
(zhang1)(a measure word); (a surname); open up
谢谢 (xie4 xie)to thank
奔走 (ben1 zou3)run; rush about; be busy running about
并排 (bing4 pai2)side by side; abreast
西点 (xi1 dian3)West Point
(zhe3)-ist, -er (person); person (who does sth)
课余 (ke4 yu2)after school
努力 (nu3 li4)great effort; strive; try hard
(he2)to dry; to dry up
原因很简单 (yuan2 yin1 hen3 jian3 dan1)the reason is very simple
成果 (cheng2 guo3)result; achievement; gain; profit
不含糊 (bu4 han2 hu1)unambiguous; unequivocal; explicit; not ordinary; really good
全国性, 国民 (quan2 guo2 xing4, guo2 min2)national
财团 (cai2 tuan2)financial group
(dan1)to undertake; to carry; to shoulder; to take responsibility
(qie4)cut; to carve
系统 (xi4 tong3)system
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 20(25 Vokabeln)
参考 (can1 kao3)consultation; reference; to consult; to refer
(chui2)to hang (down); droop; dangle; bend down; hand down; bequeth; nearly; almost; to approach
发射 (fa1 she4)to shoot; to fire; to launch
缺少 (que1 shao3)lack; shortage of; to be short (of); to lack
(sheng1)to be born; to give birth; life; to grow
(fen4)(a measure word for gifts, copies of a newspaper); copy (of newspaper, magazine, etc.); share; portion; part; (a measure word)
无所不卖 (wu2 suo3 bu2 mai4)to sell anything; to sell everything
(ying4)(surname); to answer; to respond
(gui1)compass; rule
报刊 (bao4 kan1)newspapers and periodicals; the press
不可多得 (bu4 ke3 duo1 de2)hard to come by; rare
(cha2)to research; to check; to investigate; to examine; to refer to; to search
张扬 (zhang1 yang2)publicize; make known
形形色色 (xing2 xing2 se4 se4)all kinds of; all sorts of; every (different) kind of
出差 (chu1 chai1)be on a business trip
垂下 (chui2 xia4)to hang down
姿势 (zi1 shi4)posture; position
摆脱 (bai3 tuo1)break away from; cast away (old ideas, etc.); to get rid of; to break away (from); to break out (of); free (extricate) oneself from
价值 (jia4 zhi2)value; worth
(bao4)to announce; to inform; report; newspaper; recompense; revenge
(chen4)avail oneself of; take advantage of
统一 (tong3 yi1)to unify; to unite; to integrate
裁减 (cai2 jian3)to reduce; to lessen; to cut down
抄送 (chao1 song4)to make a copy (and send it to sb)
笔头 (bi3 tou2)ability to write; writing skill; written; in written form
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 21(25 Vokabeln)
密友 (mi4 you3)close friend
(jia3)€A€ (in a sequence of examples involving €A€, €B€, €C€, etc.); 1st heavenly stem; 1st in order; armor
终端 (zhong1 duan1)end; terminal
增强 (zeng1 qiang2)to increase; to strengthen
(deng1)scale; climb; ascend; mount; go up; register; note; to publish; to issue; to record
社会 (she4 hui4)society
生命迹象 (sheng1 ming4 ji1 xiang4)sign of life
持续 (chi2 xu4)continue
联通 (lian2 tong1)connection; link; to link together
这个月 (zhe4 ge4 yue4)this (current) month
复制 (fu4 zhi4)to duplicate; to reproduce; to make a copy of; to copy
上半 (shang4 ban4)first half
(bi4)to close; stop up; shut; obstruct
(xing1)star; satellite; small amount
(za1)tie with string or ribbon; bind with rope or cord; to stop
从来不 (cong2 lai2 bu4)never
(qi2)divergent; side road
北国 (bei3 guo2)the northern part of the country; the North
只读 (zhi1 du2)read only
(hong2)(surname); big; gate
梦见 (meng4 jian)to dream; to see in a dream
(kang4)to resist; to fight; to defy
(hu4)a household; door; family
银行, 垠 (yin2 hang2, yin2)bank
帮工 (bang1 gong1)help with farm work; helper
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 22(25 Vokabeln)
成长 (cheng2 zhang3)mature; grow up
阅览, 阅读 (yue4 lan3, yue4 du2)to read
(yi4)benefit; increase
(yao1)demand; ask; request; coerce
重回 (chong2 hui2)return
(fu3)look down; stoop
签字 (qian1 zi4)to sign (a signature)
博得, 赢得 (bo2 de2, ying2 de2)win; gain
三天 (san1 tian1)three days
(shao3)few; little; lack
(ran3)to catch (a disease); dye
答话, 答对 (da2 hua4, da2 dui4)to reply; to answer
致函 (zhi4 han2)send a letter
(zhong4)to grow; to plant
官员 (guan1 yuan2)government official
国有 (guo2 you3)nationalized; public; government owned; state-owned
(chong2)high; dignified; lofty; to honor
糟糕 (zao1 gao1)too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad
(gu4)hard; strong; solid; sure
(sun3)to damage; injure; to lose; to harm
不折不扣 (bu4 zhe2 bu4 kou4)a hundred per cent; to the letter; out-and-out
在未来 (zai4 wei4 lai2)in the future
牵涉 (qian1 she4)involve; implicated
辩护 (bian4 hu4)speak in defence of; argue in favour of; defend; plead; defend
原委 (yuan2 wei3)the whole story
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 23(25 Vokabeln)
重大 (zhong4 da4)great; important; major; significant
攻击 (gong1 ji1)to attack; to accuse; to charge; (miliary) attack
六十四万 (liu4 shi2 si4 wan4)64 0 000
派出 (pai4 chu1)send; dispatch
阻击 (zu3 ji1)to check; to stop
公司会议 (gong1 si1 hui4 yi4)company meeting
坐好 (zuo4 hao3)to sit properly; to sit up straight
(ge4)(a measure word); individual
报名 (bao4 ming2)enter one's name; apply; sign up
可得到 (ke3 de2 dao4)available
星期 (xing1 qi1)week
强迫 (qiang3 po4)compel; force
(huan2)(surname); pay back; return
(si4)to raise; to rear; to feed
重返 (chong2 fan3)return (to)
别称 (bie2 cheng1)another name; alternative name
(liao1)lift up (skirt); pull up (sleeve)
分钟 (fen1 zhong1)minute
尊重 (zun1 zhong4)to value (something); to esteem; to respect
减少 (jian3 shao3)to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower
四月十七号 (si4 yue4 shi2 qi1 hao4)April 17
不解 (bu4 jie3)not understand; indissoluble
问题 (wen4 ti2)problem; issue; topic
不少 (bu4 shao3)not (just) a few
提炼 (ti2 lian4)to extract (ore, minerals, etc); to refine; to purify; to process
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 24(25 Vokabeln)
一定 (yi1 ding4)surely; certainly; necessarily; fixed; a certain (extent, etc.); given; particular
(feng1)to confer; to grant; to seal; (a measure word)
(di4)look down upon
到处 (dao4 chu4)in all places; everywhere
(gan3)catch up; drive away; hurry
报数 (bao4 shu4)number off; count off
简单的说 (jian3 dan1 de shuo1)to put it simply; simply put
不可终日 (bu4 ke3 zhong1 ri4)be unable to carry on even for a single day; be in a desperate situation
本身 (ben3 shen1)itself; in itself; per se
全力以赴 (quan2 li4 yi3 fu4)do at all costs; make an all-out effort
迟到 (chi2 dao4)to arrive late
出走 (chu1 zou3)to flee; to run away
(bei1)to be burdened; to carry on the back or shoulder
笼统 (long3 tong3)(in) general (terms); broadly (speaking)
(ju4)a saw; to saw
燃放 (ran2 fang4)light; set off (firecrackers, etc.)
管制 (guan3 zhi4)control; supervision
(tian2)to fill in
(ying2)clear; limpid (of water)
修建 (xiu1 jian4)to build; to construct
不待说 (bu4 dai4 shuo1)needless to say; it goes without saying
拆散 (chai1 san4)to break up (a marriage, family, etc.)
(yin3)(surname); to rule
漂流 (piao1 liu2)carried by the current
主干 (zhu3 gan4)trunk; main; core
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 25(25 Vokabeln)
(shu1)to transport; to lose
售价 (shou4 jia4)to sell for; selling price
表面化 (biao3 mian4 hua4)come to the surface; become apparent
(ying2)full; filled; surplus
(chou2)entertain; repay; return; reward; compensate
方面 (fang1 mian4)respect; aspect; field; side
(suo1)to withdraw; to pull back; to contract; to shrink; to reduce
或称 (huo4 cheng1)also called; also known as; a.k.a.
战斗 (zhan4 dou4)to fight; to battle
考查 (kao3 cha2)investigate; study
实行 (shi2 xing2)implement; carry out; to put into practice
(meng4)first month; eldest brother; (surname)
服完 (fu2 wan2)serve out (a sentence)
(ting4)let; allow
一月 (yi1 yue4)first month; January
(jia1)to add; plus
(ji1)base; foundation; basic; radical (chem.)
(cha3)to diverge; to open (as legs)
生活 (sheng1 huo2)life; activity
(liao2)clear sound; cry (of cranes etc.)
(cha1)difference; error; discrepancy; to differ; to err; to make a mistake; to lack
(yuan2)former; original; primary; raw; level; cause; source
引入 (yin3 ru4)to draw into; to pull into
(pu1)sound of escaping laughter; water
图案 (tu2 an4)design; pattern
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 26(25 Vokabeln)
保守 (bao3 shou3)(politically) conservative; guard; keep
(zhuo2)pull out; select
表里 (biao3 li3)the outside and the inside; one's outward show and inner thoughts; exterior and interior
描画 (miao2 hua4)to draw; to describe
百思不解 (bai3 si1 bu4 jie3)remain puzzled after pondering over sth; a hundred times; remain perplexed despite much thought
国立 (guo2 li4)national; state-run; public
(lan2)cut off; hinder
按捺 (an4 na4)restrain; control
(xian4)to fall; trap
(xue1)to reduce; to pare (away); to cut (down)
人身 (ren2 shen1)personal; (on someone's) person or body
编号 (bian1 hao4)number; serial number
违约 (wei2 yue1)to break a promise; to violate an agreement
(mo2)to sharpen; to delay; hardship; to grind; to rub
年之久 (nian2 zhi1 jiu3)period of ... years
(yu2)(place); district
可见 (ke3 jian4)it can clearly be seen (that this is the case); it is (thus) clear; clear; visible
(l`)rate; frequency
有联系 (you3 lian2 xi4)to be connected; to be related
(bing3)the third of the ten heavenly stems; the third position; third; number three
(zuo4)to sit; to take a seat
搬家 (ban1 jia1)move (house)
(zhai2)pick over
从来没有 (cong2 lai2 mei2 you3)have|has never; never before
(bo2)mean; slight; thin
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 27(25 Vokabeln)
变色 (bian4 se4)change colour; discolour; change countenance; become angry
就任, 就职 (jiu4 ren4, jiu4 zhi2)take office; assume a post
(dun1)kind-hearted; place name
在密切注意 (zai4 mi4 qie4 zhu4 yi4)to pay close attention (to sth)
(gao1)high; tall
(yan2)grind fine; study; research
路线 (lu4 xian4)route; (political) course
道理 (dao4 li3)reason; argument; sense; principle; basis; justification
两国 (liang3 guo2)both countries; two countries
(luo2)(surname); gauze; to collect; to gather; to catch; to shift
(you4)forgive; help; profound
彼得前书 (bi3 de2 qian2 shu1)1 Peter
不够 (bu4 gou4)not enough; insufficient; inadequate
不期而遇 (bu4 qi1 er2 yu4)meet by chance; have a chance encounter
提议 (ti2 yi4)proposal; suggestion; to propose; to suggest
(fu4)secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant; vice-; (measure word for a pair)
住院 (zhu4 yuan4)to be in hospital; to be hospitalized
幼女 (you2 n`)young girl
(ji2)(surname); record; register; native place
宦, 仕 (huan4, shi4)an official
暗中 (an4 zhong1)in the dark; in secret; on the sly; surreptitiously
申诉 (shen1 su4)to appeal (to sb)
(jing1)classics; sacred book; pass through; to undergo; scripture
辩论 (bian4 lun4)debate; argue over
不凡 (bu4 fan2)out of the ordinary; out of the common run
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 28(25 Vokabeln)
成绩 (cheng2 ji1)result; score; mark; achievement
(yi2)apparatus; rites; appearance; present; ceremony
结合 (jie2 he2)to combine; to link; to integrate
(ju3)destroy; to stop
号码 (hao4 ma3)number
(wang3)deceive; there is none
日子 (ri4 zi)a (calendar) date; days of (someone's) life; day; date
近年 (jin4 nian2)recent year(s)
(zhou1)(United States) state; province; sub-prefecture
保尔 (bao3 er3)(a personal name)
(feng2)every time; meet by chance
(shuai4)to lead; command
政治 (zheng4 zhi4)politics; political
操心 (cao1 xin1)to worry about
(zhuo2)increase; sprout
第三次 (di4 san1 ci4)third; third time
崩陷 (beng1 xian4)fall in; cave in
简明 (jian3 ming2)simple and clear; concise
设在 (she4 zai4)located at; set up in a particular location
不在乎 (bu4 zai4 hu1)not mind; not care
恭贺新禧 (gong1 he4 xin1 xi3)Happy New Year
频繁 (pin2 fan2)frequently; often
标尺 (biao1 chi3)surveyor's rod; staff; staff gauge; rear sight
(ju4)drama; play; show; severe
就是说 (jiu4 shi4 shuo1)in other words; that is
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 29(25 Vokabeln)
(xie4)to walk
(liu4)to stroll; walk a horse; to linger
(fan3)to return (to)
兵书 (bing1 shu1)a book on the art of war
表决权 (biao3 jue2 quan2)right to vote; vote
流派 (liu2 pai4)school (of thought)
散发 (san4 fa1)distribute; emit; issue
伦敦 (lun2 dun1)London (capital of England)
(yi4)idea; meaning; wish; desire
形式 (xing2 shi4)form; shape; situation; circumstance
摆事实讲道理 (bai3 shi4 shi2 jiang3 dao4 li3)present the facts and reason things out
感官 (gan3 guan1)sense
(chao1)to exceed; overtake; surpass; transcend; ultra-; super-; to pass; to cross
(gan1)dry; to concern; shield
(qiu1)autumn; fall; harvest time; a swing
(e4)to stop; check
(jie3)to separate; to divide; to break up; to loosen; to explain; to untie; to emancipate
足够 (zu2 gou4)enough; sufficient
深思 (shen1 si1)to ponder; to consider
保险 (bao3 xian3)insurance; safe; secure; be sure; be bound to
(ting3)a club (weapon)
题签 (ti2 qian1)to write the title of a book on a label
(bi3)to cause; to enable
安插 (an1 cha1)place in a certain position; assign to a job; plant
编剧 (bian1 ju4)write a play; scenario; playwright; screenwriter; scenarist
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 30(25 Vokabeln)
(jiao4)proofread; to check; to compare
躯体 (qu1 ti3)the body
(qiao2)outstanding; to raise
听见 (ting1 jian4)hear
国会议长 (guo2 hui4 yi4 zhang3)Speaker of the House
(chuan2)to pass on; to spread; to transmit; to infect; to transfer; to circulate; to pass on; to conduct (electricity)
虚弱 (xu1 ruo4)weak; in poor health
(wu4)mistake; error; to miss; to harm; to delay; to neglect
为首 (wei2 shou3)head; be headed by
普通 (pu3 tong1)common; ordinary; general; average
本月 (ben3 yue4)this month; the current month
表露 (biao3 lu4)show; reveal
(qiu2)consolidate; end; strong
(yu4)to advance; in advance; beforehand; to prepare
(chen2)submerge; immerse; sink; deep; profound; to lower; to drop
(song3)excite; raise up; to shrug; high; lofty; towering
参谋长 (can1 mou2 zhang3)chief of staff
报警 (bao4 jing3)report (an incident) to the police; give an alarm
数百万 (shu4 bai3 wan4)several million
登陆 (deng1 lu4)to land
五百 (wu3 bai3)five hundred
可惜 (ke3 xi1)it is a pity; what a pity; (it's) too bad
政策 (zheng4 ce4)policy
(ren4)to assign; to appoint; office; responsibility
总数 (zong3 shu4)a total; a sum
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 31(25 Vokabeln)
(kai1)open; operate (vehicle); start
撰写 (zhuan4 xie3)write; compose
(jia2)hold between; lined; narrow lane
上星期 (shang4 xing1 qi1)last week; previous week
切换 (qie1 huan4)to cut over
(lang3)clear; bright
打破 (da3 po4)to break; to smash
价目 (jia4 mu4)(marked) price
穿过 (chuan1 guo4)to pass through
身分 (shen1 fen4)position; rank
不止 (bu4 zhi3)incessantly; without end; more than; not limited to
包产 (bao1 chan3)make a production contract
(tai2)to lift; to raise; (of two or more persons) to carry
乡下 (xiang1 xia4)country (as opposed to town or city); rural
(cheng1)support; prop-up; to pole a boat; to open; to overfill
不予 (bu4 yu2)not grant
使高兴 (shi3 gao1 xing4)please; make happy; gratify; rejoice
脱离 (tuo1 li2)separate; break away
(yuan1)injustice; to wrong
开门 (kai1 men2)open (the) door
沉重打击 (chen2 zhong4 da3 ji1)to hit hard
笔底下 (bi3 di3 xia4)ability to write
程度 (cheng2 du4)degree (level or extent); level
热门货 (re4 men2 huo4)goods in great demand
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 32(25 Vokabeln)
(ming2)name; (measure word for persons); place (e.g. among winners)
鸣叫 (ming2 jiao4)hoot; animal call
(zhu4)to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; to note; to comment on; to record; to register; to annotate
密切 (mi4 qie1)close; familiar; intimate; frequent
政治性 (zheng4 zhi4 xing4)political
(huo4)goods; money; commodity
(kao3)to check; to verify; to test; to examine
分割 (fen1 ge1)to cut up; to break up
等於 (deng3 yu2)equal to; amount to
生产 (sheng1 chan3)to produce; manufacture
携带 (xie2 dai4)to carry; portable
历来 (li4 lai2)always; throughout (a period of time); (of) all-time
寻衅 (xun2 xin4)to provoke; to start a fit
探路 (tan4 lu4)to find a path
(nang3)in former times
半壁江山 (ban4 bi4 jiang1 shan1)half of country
乱写 (luan4 xie3)to write without basis
效应 (xiao4 ying4)effect (eg, greenhouse effect)
为止, 直到 (wei2 zhi3, zhi2 dao4)until
(qin2)hold in the mouth
(jie2)festival; section; temperate; point; part
大部份 (da4 bu4 fen)(in) large part; (the) greater part; the majority
(zhong3)great; mound
(ye4)business; occupation; study
(di4)earth; ground; field; place; land
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 33(25 Vokabeln)
达成 (da2 cheng2)to reach (an agreement); to accomplish
作法 (zuo4 fa3)course of action; method of doing something; practice; modus operandi
傍晚 (bang4 wan3)in the evening; when night falls; towards evening; at night fall; at dusk
为生 (wei2 sheng1)to make a living
(qun2)crowd; flock; group
(lai4)name of a river; rushing of water
坦途 (tan3 tu2)highway; level road
(po1)quite; rather; uneven; sloping
一般性 (yi1 ban1 xing4)(in) general (terms); generalized
(qiang3)fight over; to rush; to scamble; to grab; to rob; to snatch
一定要 (yi1 ding4 yao4)must
世纪末 (shi4 ji4 mo4)end of the century
官方 (guan1 fang1)official; (by the) government
不值 (bu4 zhi2)not worth
顾及 (gu4 ji2)take into account; take into consideration
不失为 (bu4 shi1 wei2)can still be considered (to be...); may after all be accepted as
在?之上 (zai4 zhi1 shang4)above; upon
(gong1)merit; achievement; result; service; accomplishment
(xue2)learn; study; science; -ology
阻隔 (zu3 ge2)to separate; to cut off
保证 (bao3 zheng4)to guarantee; to ensure; to safeguard; to pledge
(qing2)clear; fine (weather)
确实 (que4 shi2)indeed; really; reliable; real; true
(yin1)bury; mound; to dam; close
(shu4)number; figure; to count; to calculate; several
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 34(25 Vokabeln)
(hua4)to delimit; to transfer
(hu2)pot; (a measure word)
(ting1)listen; hear; obey
(tao1)fish out (from pocket)
(lian4)to practice; to train; to perfect (one's skill); to drill
迎风 (ying2 feng1)in the wind
行为 (xing2 wei2)action; conduct; behavior; activity
不谋而合 (bu4 mou2 er2 he2)agree without prior consultation; happen to hold the same view
(zhao4)to call together; to summon; to convene
迟了 (chi2 le)late
(jian3)choose; pick up
(qia4)accord; make contact
(hua1)flower; blossom; to spend (money, time); fancy pattern
构件 (gou4 jian4)member; component; part
(ji2)level; grade; rank; step
(jin1)metal; money; gold
进一步 (jin4 yi1 bu4)(one step) further; to move forward a single step; further (onwards)
结尾 (jie2 wei3)ending; wind up; coda
白宫 (bai2 gong1)White House
(che4)clear (water); thorough
(bu4)ministry; department; section; part; division; troops; board; (a measure word); (a measure word for works of literature, films, machines, etc.)
(jian4)fulfill (a promise); tread; walk
(men2)door; gate; field of endeavor
进行调查 (jin4 xing2 diao4 cha2)to carry out an investigation
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 35(25 Vokabeln)
描绘, 描摹 (miao2 hui4, miao2 mo2)to describe; to portray
逼真 (bi1 zhen1)lifelike; true to life; distinctly; clearly
(yu2)carriage; sedan chair; world
(kong3)afraid; frightened; to fear
争论 (zheng1 lun4)to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate
采伐 (cai3 fa2)fell; cut
(zhao1)encourage; to cut; to strain
闭合 (bi4 he2)close
(pan4)bank; field-path
工具 (gong1 ju4)tool; instrument; utensil; means
(lu2)name of a river; place name
(xu4)order; sequence; preface
(zhi4)sign; mark; to record; write a footnote
(cuo1)bring together; little bit; shovel; gather up; bring together; pick
(hao4)bright; place name; stove
开战 (kai1 zhan4)start a war
来年 (lai2 nian2)next year; the coming year
统称 (tong3 cheng1)collectively called; common name
有能力 (you3 neng2 li4)able
(ao3)bend; break in two
(rui4)(surname); small
(fu4)again; recover; reply to a letter; to repeat; to duplicate
制约 (zhi4 yue1)to restrict; condition
议题 (yi4 ti2)topic of discussion; topic; subject; issue (under discussion)
不赞一词 (bu4 zan4 yi1 ci2)keep silent; make no comment
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 36(25 Vokabeln)
产业 (chan3 ye4)industry; estate; property; industrial
安歇 (an1 xie1)go to bed; retire for the night
(niu1)little girl
(zhong3)kind; type; race (of people); seed
包涵 (bao1 han2)excuse; forgive; bear with
不对碴儿 (bu4 dui4 cha2 er)not proper; not fit for the occasion
(tuo3)secure; sound
增添 (zeng1 tian1)add to; increase
球? (qiu2 tai2)table (for games using balls)
五百万 (wu3 bai3 wan4)five million
女人, 妇, 妇女 (n` ren2, fu4, fu4 n`)woman
自从 (zi4 cong2)since (a time); ever since
缘由, 缘故 (yuan2 you2, yuan2 gu4)reason; cause
一百 (yi1 bai3)a hundred
(yi4)(surname); change; easy; simple
担心 (dan1 xin1)anxious; worried; uneasy; to worry; to be anxious; worry
(yun3)fall; meteor; perish
经济 (jing1 ji4)economy; economic
(ti3)body; form; style; system
国事访问 (guo2 shi4 fang3 wen4)state visit
抱病 (bao4 bing4)be ill; be in bad health
认定 (ren4 ding4)maintain (that something is true); be of the firm opinion that; to firmly believe
尖峰 (jian1 feng1)peak; top
请看 (qing3 kan4)please see ...; vide
卑贱 (bei1 jian4)lowly; mean and low
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 37(25 Vokabeln)
(wu4)(surname); cut off the feet
(ba3)target; mark
别名 (bie2 ming2)another name
指挥 (zhi3 hui1)to conduct; to command; to direct
提出 (ti2 chu1)to raise (an issue); to propose; to put forward; to post (Usenet)
时常, 往往 (shi2 chang2, wang3 wang3)often; frequently
没有差别 (mei2 you3 cha1 bie2)there is no difference; it makes no difference
授予 (shou4 yu3)to award; to confer
允许 (yun3 xu3)to permit; to allow
国务次卿 (guo2 wu4 ci4 qing1)Under Secretary of State
景色 (jing3 se4)scenery; scene; landscape; view
(gui3)course; path; track; rail
(wei4)speak of
博取 (bo2 qu3)try to gain; court
高涨 (gao1 zhang3)upsurge; (tensions, etc.) run high
(wo4)to lie; to crouch
政权 (zheng4 quan2)regime; (wield) political power
七月三十号 (qi1 yue4 san1 shi2 hao4)July 30
(bu3)to catch; to seize; to capture; to catch
争取 (zheng1 qu3)fight for; compete for (a prize); to struggle
(chong2)an animal; an invertebrate; a worm; an insect
避风 (bi4 feng1)take shelter from the wind; lie low; stay away from trouble
案子 (an4 zi)long table; counter; <¿Ú> case; law case; legal case; judicial case
後期 (hou4 qi1)late stage; later period
(jiu4)old (opposite of new); former
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 38(25 Vokabeln)
面积 (mian4 ji)area
纠纷 (jiu1 fen1)dispute; issue; to dispute
(e4)shut; stop
(chi2)late; delayed; slow
(pou1)to cut
信件 (xin4 jian4)a letter (ie, sent in the mail)
兴趣 (xing4 qu)interest (directed towards, not inherent in something)
清楚 (qing1 chu)clear; clearly understood; distinct
呈现 (cheng2 xian4)to appear; to emerge
挨打 (ai2 da3)take a beating; get a thrashing; come under attack
相当 (xiang1 dang1)equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; to a certain extent; fairly
访问 (fang3 wen4)pay a visit (to); to access; to interview
究竟 (jiu1 jing4)after all (when all is said and done); actually; outcome; result
(xun2)ten days; ten years
高阶 (gao1 jie1)high level
检验 (jian3 yan4)to inspect; to examine; to test
高级 (gao1 ji2)high level; high grade; advanced; high-ranking
月份 (yue4 fen4)month
(chi1)laugh at; jeer; scoff at; sneer at
(wen2)(surname); hear; sniff at
(yi4)talk in sleep
(wu3)associate with; five; company
(zi3)11 p.m.-1 a.m.; 1st earthly branch; child; midnight; son; child; seed; egg; small thing
(yuan4)hope; wish; desire; ready; willing
三百 (san1 bai3)three hundred
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 39(25 Vokabeln)
(zhu3)islet; bank
补益 (bu3 yi4)benefit; help
擘画 (bo4 hua4)plan; arrange
包办 (bao1 ban4)take care of everything concerning a job; run the whole show
公园 (gong1 yuan2)a public park
拍照 (pai1 zhao4)to take a picture
适合, 适 (shi4 he2, shi4)to fit; to suit
六点半 (liu4 dian3 ban4)half past six; 6:3 0
订单 (ding4 dan1)(purchase) order
(qu1)to expel; to urge on; to drive; to run quickly
(jian3)card; note; letter
便条 (bian4 tiao2)(informal) note
违例 (wei2 li4)to break the rules
以下 (yi3 xia4)below; under; following
吃不住 (chi1 bu zhu4)be unable to bear or support
发展 (fa1 zhan3)development; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand
时刻 (shi2 ke4)moment
上涨 (shang4 zhang3)rise; go upward
下个星期 (xia4 ge4 xing1 qi1)next week
语系 (yu3 xi4)language system
陨落 (yun3 luo4)fall down; decay
吃不服 (chi1 bu fu2)not be accustomed to eating sth; not be used to certain food
分子 (fen1 zi3)molecule; numerator of a fraction; (political) elements; members (of a group)
经济发展 (jing1 ji4 fa1 zhan3)economic development
(xu4)continue; replenish
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 40(25 Vokabeln)
(fa2)short of; tired
(tan3)flat; open-hearted; level; smooth
(xu3)brag; harmony; make known
同样 (tong2 yang4)same; equal; equivalent
授课 (shou4 ke4)to teach; to give lesons
学院 (xue2 yuan4)college; educational institute; school; faculty
(chan3)level off; root up
发电厂 (fa1 dian4 chang3)power plant
(chou2)a tally; counter; ticket; plan; devise; manage
(que1)lack; scarce; vacant post; to run short of
(gai4)general; approximate
八级风 (ba1 ji2 feng1)force 8 wind; fresh gale
巨细 (ju4 xi4)big and small
(jian1)point (of needle); sharp; shrewd; pointed
(fen4)name of a river; valley vapor
四百万 (si4 bai3 wan4)four million
世界语, 世界的语言 (shi4 jie4 yu3, shi4 jie4 de yu3 yan2)world language
(zhi1)M for one of a pair
开阔 (kai1 kuo4)wide; open (of spaces)
新闻界 (xin1 wen2 jie4)the press; the media
席卷 (xi2 juan3)engulf; sweep; carry away everything
(zhong1)end; finish
抱歉 (bao4 qian4)be sorry; feel apologetic; regret
水平 (shui3 ping2)level (of achievement, etc.); standard
第一步 (di4 yi1 bu4)step one; first step
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 41(25 Vokabeln)
(lian2)to ally; to unite; to join
声音 (sheng1 yin1)voice; sound
发表声明 (fa1 biao3 sheng1 ming2)to issue a statement; to issue a declaration
(hang2)fly down
帐号 (zhang4 hao4)account number
(ban4)petal; section
(yi4)different; unusual; strange
排除 (pai2 chu2)exclude; rule out
(chai1)send; a messenger; a mission; to comission
(chan2)market place
(feng4)to receive (from superior); to offer; to revere
(li3)li, a Chinese unit of length = 1; 2 kilometer; village; within; inside
使用方便 (shi3 yong4 fang1 bian4)easy to use; convenient to use
(di4)aim; clear
(liang4)to dry in the air
每人 (mei3 ren2)per person; each person
失望 (shi1 wang4)be disappointed; to lose hope; to dispair
尸体 (shi1 ti3)(lifeless) body; corpse
(xie2)side of body; threaten
(cao2)transport by water; watercourse; canal
侧躺 (ce4 tang3)to lie down (on one's side)
密室 (mi4 shi4)cell; private room
争夺 (zheng1 duo2)fight over; contest; vie over
(jue2)breach (a dyke); to decide; to determine
主任 (zhu3 ren4)director; head
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 42(25 Vokabeln)
按照 (an4 zhao4)according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of
卷入 (juan3 ru4)to draw into; to involve
收盘 (shou1 pan2)market close
(hua4)dialect; language; spoken words; speech; talk; words; conversation; what someone said
低级语言, 低阶语言 (di1 ji2 yu3 yan2, di1 jie1 yu3 yan2)low level (computer) language
百姓 (bai3 xing4)common people
上个星期 (shang4 ge4 xing1 qi1)last week
课题 (ke4 ti2)task; problem
每隔 (mei3 ge2)at intervals of; every (so often)
测良 (ce4 liang2)to survey and measure
信息 (xin4 xi1)information; news; message
一小时以後 (yi4 xiao3 shi2 yi3 hou4)a short time later
效果 (xiao4 guo3)result; effect
将来 (jiang1 lai2)(the) future
不虞 (bu4 yu2)unexpected; eventuality; contingency; not worry about
钞票 (chao1 piao4)paper money; a (dollar, etc.) bill
各国 (ge4 guo2)each country; every country; various countries
(qing1)(old) minister; (old) term of endearment between spourses; thou (poet.)
(ken3)to agree; to consent; to be ready (to do sth); willing
部份 (bu4 fen)part (of a whole); piece; section; share; shell (Unix)
建造 (jian4 zao4)construct; build
(ji2)put to death
(pi4)give an example
峒, 岍, 岢, 崞, 崆 (tong2, qian1, ke3, guo1, kong1)name of a mountain
(qing1)clear; distinct; complete; pure
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 43(25 Vokabeln)
(shu2)familar; skilled; ripe; done; ripe; cooked
暗示 (an4 shi4)drop a hint; hint; suggest; suggestion
(ying4)hard; stiff; strong; firm
损失 (sun3 shi1)a (financial, etc.) loss; to lose
(bei4)to dry over a fire; to bake
(kuo4)enclose; include
周期 (zhou1 ji1)period; cycle
术语 (shu4 yu3)term; terminology
切断 (qie1 duan4)cut off (a supply, etc.)
愿意不愿意 (yuan4 yi4 bu2 yuan4 yi4)whether one wants to or not
规划 (gui1 hua4)plan; program
过不去 (guo4 bu qu4)make life difficult for; embarrass; can't make it through
之下, 在下 (zhi1 xia4, zai4 xia4)under
符号 (fu2 hao4)symbol; mark; sign
送行 (song4 xing2)to see someone off
在於 (zai4 yu2)(the problem or explanation or advantage etc.) lies in (the fact that...); to lie in; to reside in; to rest in; to depend on
(zhang3)mother; surname of Mencius
屁股 (pi4 gu)buttocks; bottom; arse; end; butt
(kui2)chief; head
金融市场 (jin1 rong2 shi4 chang2)financial market
王子 (wang2 zi3)prince; son of a king
(ba4)father; dad; pa; papa
远程 (yuan3 cheng2)remote; long distance; long range
(chuang4)begin; initiate; inaugurate; start; create
报时 (bao4 shi2)give the correct time
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 44(25 Vokabeln)
有待 (you3 dai4)not yet (done); pending
(da2)attain; pass through; achieve; reach; realise; clear; inform; notify; dignity
主科 (zhu3 ke1)required courses in the major subject
(wang4)to forget; to overlook; to neglect
(jian4)example; mirror; to view; eflection; to reflect; to inspect; to warn; (ancient bronze mirror)
(jian3)to lower; to decrease; to reduce; to subtract; to diminish
(xu4)to raise (animals)
力, 力量 (li4, li4 liang)power; force; strength
难以 (nan2 yi3)hard to (predict, imagine, etc.)
(chang3)bright; long day
(mi2)full; to fill
力足以做 (li4 zu2 yi3 zuo4)afford; able to
常常 (chang2 chang2)frequently; usually; often
小型企业 (xiao3 xing2 qi3 ye4)small business
畏, 惧 (wei4, ju4)to fear
(qi4)as yet; until
(qin1)to invade; to infringe; to approach
大局 (da4 ju2)general situation; present conditions
工资 (gong1 zi1)wages; pay
人物 (ren2 wu4)characters (in a play, novel, etc.); figure; someone who plays a part
南北 (nan2 bei3)north and south
使固定 (shi3 gu4 ding4)rivet; make firm
(fu1)husband; man
呈送 (cheng2 song4)present; render
(bin1)best man; entertain
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 45(25 Vokabeln)
礼物 (li3 wu4)gift; present
三月二十三号 (san1 yue4 er4 shi2 san1 hao4)March 23rd
见闻 (jian4 wen2)what one sees and hears; knowledge; information
(chuo4)stop; cease; suspend
(cha4)different; short of; poor; to lack
犯愁 (fan4 chou2)to worry; to be anxious
小姐 (xiao3 jie)young lady; miss
开支 (kai1 zhi1)expenditures; pay; expenses
轻而易举 (qing1 er2 yi4 ju3)easy; with no difficulty
开发 (kai1 fa1)exploit (a resource); open up (for development); to develop
领域 (ling3 yu4)domain; sphere; field; territory; area
坠, 落下, 跌落 (zhui4, luo4 xia4, die1 luo4)fall
(chun1)spring (time); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life
送人 (song4 ren2)to see (or walk) someone home; to see someone off
保育 (bao3 yu4)child care; child welfare
(fu2)mark; sign; talisman; to seal; to correspond (to); tally; symbol; written charm; to coincide
建筑业 (jian4 zhu4 ye4)building industry
(zhao1)catch; receive; suffer
栽培 (zai1 pei2)to grow; to cultivate
(bi4)to benefit; to aid; advantageous; profitable
交替 (jiao1 ti4)to replace; alternately; in turn
在头版 (zai4 tou2 ban3)on the front page
(man3)Manchurian; to full; to fulfill; filled; packed
隔开 (ge2 kai1)to separate
(a2)an interjection; to express doubt or to question; to show realization; to stress
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 46(25 Vokabeln)
母亲 (mu3 qin1)mother (formal)
建筑物 (jian4 zhu4 wu4)(a) building
必然 (bi4 ran2)inevitable; certain; necessity
(zhuan1)for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; particular (to sth); concentrated; specialized
名称 (ming2 cheng1)name (of a thing); name (of an organization)
(jue1)break off; stick up (as a tail)
友, 朋友, 朋 (you3, peng2 you, peng2)friend
(que4)authenticated; solid; firm; real; true
手里 (shou3 li3)(a situation is) in (someone's) hands
部门 (bu4 men2)department; branch; section; division
阵线 (zhen4 xian4)a front (ie, militant group)
瞩望 (zhu3 wang4)to look forward to
感染 (gan3 ran3)infection; to infect; to influence
(kui2)in opposition to; separated from
包干 (bao1 gan1)be responsible for a task unit until it is completed
(yu4)defend; imperial; to drive
降世 (jiang4 shi4)come to earth
(cheng3)hasten; run; open up; gallop
及格 (ji2 ge2)to pass a test
开放式系统 (kai1 fang4 shi4 xi4 tong3)open system(s)
某种 (mou3 zhong3)some kind (of)
(ban1)remove; transport; move; shift
最主要 (zui4 zhu3 yao4)main
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 47(25 Vokabeln)
接收 (jie1 shou1)to receive; to accept
坦率 (tan3 shuai4)frank (discussion); blunt; open
土地 (tu3 di4)land; territory
年初 (nian2 chu1)beginning of the year
城市 (cheng2 shi4)city; town
得病 (de2 bing4)to fall ill; to contract a disease
硬磁盘 (ying4 ci2 pan2)hard drive; hard disk
(yu4)brood over; old woman; protect
(zhuan4)earn; make a profit
测绘 (ce4 hui4)to survey and draw; to map
公务 (gong1 wu4)official business
(fan4)deal in; trade in; to peddle; to sell
信守 (xin4 shou3)abide by; keep (promises, etc)
描述 (miao2 shu4)to describe
绘图, 绘制 (hui4 tu2, hui4 zhi4)to draw; to draft
认真 (ren4 zhen1)earnest; serious; take seriously; take to heart
捷报 (jie2 bao4)report of success; report of a victory
三分之一 (san1 fen1 zhi1 yi1)one third
汽车展览会 (qi4 che1 zhan3 lan3 hui4)car show; automobile expo
死亡 (si3 wang2)death; deadly
家用电脑 (jia1 yong4 dian4 nao3)home computer
(chao3)to quarrel; to make a noise; noisy; to disturb by making a noise
会晤 (hui4 wu4)meet; meeting; conference
共享 (gong4 xiang3)to share
(qu2)big; stream or canal; drain; ditch
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 48(25 Vokabeln)
响应时间 (xiang3 ying4 shi2 jian1)response time
准许 (zhun3 xu3)to allow; to grant; to permit
(kui4)be dispersed; break down
(lei2)beat; to grind
意思 (yi4 si1)idea; opinion; meaning
拼起来 (pin1 qi lai)to put together
编排 (bian1 pai2)to arrange; to lay out
报捷 (bao4 jie2)report a success; announce a victory
(shi4)explain; to release
碰触 (peng4 chu4)to touch
帐户 (zhang4 hu4)(bank, computer, etc.) account
(miao3)(a measure word); second
职位 (zhi2 wei4)post; office; position
期望 (qi1 wang4)hope; expectation
支持率 (zhi1 chi2 l`)support level; popularity rating
亿 (yi4)a hundred million; calculate
(cang1)barn; granary; storehouse; cabin; hold (in ship)
班主任 (ban1 zhu3 ren4)a teacher in charge of a class
几次 (ji3 ci4)several times
(shen1)to stretch; to extend
权威 (quan2 wei1)authority; authoritative
姑娘 (gu1 niang)girl
将近 (jiang1 jin4)almost; nearly; close to
(teng2)make a (clean) copy
撞击 (zhuang4 ji1)to strike; to hit; to ram
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 49(25 Vokabeln)
主宰 (zhu3 zai3)dominate; rule
国际法 (guo2 ji4 fa3)international law
驾驶, 驱动 (jia4 shi3, qu1 dong4)to drive
不识大体 (bu4 shi2 da4 ti3)fail to see the larger issues; ignore the general interest
(huang1)out of practice; uncultivated
(dai4)substitute; replace; generation; dynasty; geological era; era; age; period
不入虎穴焉得虎子 (bu4 ru4 hu3 xue2 yan1 de2 hu3 zi3)how can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair; nothing venture; nothing to gain or have
其次 (qi2 ci4)next; secondly
经营 (jing1 ying2)engage in (a business activity, etc.); run; operate
仁慈 (ren2 ci2)benevolent; charitable; kind; kindly; kindness; merciful
白人 (bai2 ren2)white man and woman
包容 (bao1 rong2)pardon; forgive; contain; hold
失误 (shi1 wu4)lapse; miss
致, 缜 (zhi4, zhen3)fine and close
关注 (guan1 zhu4)follow (an issue) closely; to pay close attention to
不分彼此 (bu4 fen1 bi3 ci3)make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's; share everything; be on very intimate terms
家园 (jia1 yuan2)home; homestead
打击 (da3 ji1)to hit; to strike; to attack
地面 (di4 mian4)floor; ground; surface
保健 (bao3 jian4)health protection; health care
(yue4)peruse; review; to read
(kuan3)section; paragraph; funds
(mian3)inundation; name of a river
头部, 头 (tou2 bu4, tou2)head
贯彻 (guan4 che4)implement; put into practice; carry out
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 50(25 Vokabeln)
能力 (neng2 li4)capability; capable; able; ability
题材 (ti2 cai2)subject matter
(bu4)a step; a pace; walk; march; stages in a process
近年来 (jin4 nian2 lai2)for the past few years
往日 (wang3 ri4)in former days
费用 (fei4 yong4)cost; expenditure; expense
(shan4)make a fair copy of
整个 (zheng3 ge4)whole; entire; total
(qu4)live alone; quiet
章节 (zhang1 jie2)chapter; section
表面 (biao3 mian4)surface; face; outside; appearance
促进 (cu4 jin4)to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boost
两百万 (liang3 bai3 wan4)two million
信任 (xin4 ren4)trust; have confidence in
大型企业 (da4 xing2 qi3 ye4)large scale industry; major industry
(chou2)worry about
(huo4)to catch; to obtain; to capture
游戏 (you2 xi4)game; play
南面 (nan2 mian4)south side; south
财贸 (cai2 mao4)finance and trade
(yuan2)along; predestined affinity; reason; edge
许可 (xu3 ke3)to allow; to permit
(ai3)short (not tall)
发了言 (fa1 le yan2)(€past tense€ of :·¢ÑÔ) spoke publicly; made a speech
书面 (shu1 mian4)in writing; written (guarantee, etc.)
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 51(25 Vokabeln)
巡警 (xun2 jing3)police officer
研究 (yan2 jiu1)research
不理 (bu4 li3)refuse to acknowledge; pay no attention to; take no notice of; ignore
(zhua1)to grab; to catch; to arrest; to snatch
现阶段 (xian4 jie1 duan4)at the present stage
(hao1)pull out (weed)
踏, 蹋 (ta4, ta4)step on
(che4)to remove; to withdraw
安逸 (an1 yi4)easy and comfortable; easy
不到黄河心不死 (bu4 dao4 huang2 he2 xin1 bu4 si3)not stop until one reaches the Huanghe River - not stop until one reaches one's goal; refuse to give up until all hope is gone
锻炼 (duan4 lian4)to do physical training
主角 (zhu3 juer2)leading role; lead
(hui1)to restore; to recover; great
比较 (bi3 jiao4)compare; contrast; fairly; comparatively; relatively; quite; rather
逐步 (zhu2 bu4)progressively; step by step
提前 (ti2 qian2)to shift to an earlier date; to bring forward; to advance
上门 (shang4 men2)drop in; visit
言语 (yan2 yu3)speech; talk
出院 (chu1 yuan4)to leave hospital
(du4)capacity; degree; standard
警察 (jing3 cha2)police; policeman; policewoman
严竣 (yan2 jun4)tight.strict; severe; stern; difficult
(liu4)six (fraudproof)
老天爷 (lao3 tian1 ye3)God; Heavens
(yan3)cover up; to surprise
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 52(25 Vokabeln)
结果 (jie2 guo3)outcome; result
(zhi4)back and lower of chariot; short; low
(liang2)to measure
(xu3)to allow; to permit; to praise; (surname)
党组 (dang3 zu3)leading party group
(zhun3)to allow; to grant; to permit; accurate; standard
(niang2)mother; young lady
(si4)four (fraudproof); market
为时过早 (wei2 shi2 guo4 zao3)premature; too soon
速度 (su4 du4)speed; rate; velocity
(ye4)to visit (a superior)
(sheng1)sound; voice; (a measure word, used for sounds); tone; noise
(huo4)clear; open; exempt (from); liberal-minded
膀子 (bang3 zi3)upper arm; arm; wing
考验 (kao3 yan4)(put to the) test
(yong3)forever; always; perpetual (ly)
新闻处 (xin1 wen2 chu4)news service; information agency
国际贸易 (guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4)international trade
明白 (ming2 bai)clear; obvious; unequivocal; to understand; to realize
迫不得已 (po4 bu4 de2 yi3)have no choice; compelled
跟前 (gen1 qian2)front; in front (of)
把持 (ba3 chi2)control; dominate; monopolize
当场 (dang1 chang3)at the scene; on the spot
电信局 (dian4 xin4 ju2)central office; telecommunications office
包园儿 (bao1 yuan2 er2)buy the whole lot; finish up or off
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 53(25 Vokabeln)
(bai1)to break with both hands
步骤 (bu4 zou4)step; move; measure
免费 (mian3 fei4)free (of charge)
操作 (cao1 zuo4)to operate
(ji4)discipline; age; era; period; order; record
(ju2)(a measure word used for games) set or roundoffice; situation; office
家庭 (jia1 ting2)family; household
白区 (bai2 qu1)White Area
另起炉灶 (ling4 qi3 lu2 zao4)to start from scratch; to set up a separate kitchen
(cheng2)rule; order; regulations; formula; journey; procedure; sequence; a surname
罢工 (ba4 gong1)strike; go on strike
通红 (tong1 hong2)very red; red through and through; to blush (deep red)
(pei2)to cultivate; to earth up
寻常 (xun2 chang2)usual; common; ordinary
例如, 比如 (li4 ru2, bi3 ru2)for example; for instance; such as
原因 (yuan2 yin1)cause; origin; root cause; reason
(liu2)clear; deep (of water); swift
署名 (shu3 ming2)sign (a signature)
低成本 (di1 cheng2 ben3)low cost; inexpensive
故意 (gu4 yi4)deliberately; on purpose
订立 (ding4 li4)agree to (treaty, contract, agreement)
短暂 (duan3 zan4)short
国家安全 (guo2 jia1 an1 quan2)national security
谎言, 谎话 (huang3 yan2, huang3 hua4)lie
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 54(25 Vokabeln)
变质 (bian4 zhi4)go bad; deteriorate; metamorphism
(di1)carry (suspended)
(hong2)great; liberal
档案 (dang4 an4)file; record; archive
壁立 (bi4 li4)(of cliffs; etc; ) stand like a wall; rise steeply
整理 (zheng3 li3)arrange; sort out; list systematically
年代初 (nian2 dai4 chu1)beginning of an age; beginning of a decade
金融系统 (jin1 rong2 xi4 tong3)financial system
(jie4)arrive at (place or time); period; to become due
指控 (zhi3 kong4)accusation; a (criminal) charge; to accuse
弟妹 (di4 mei4)sister in law (wife's side); younger brother and younger sister
收费 (shou1 fei4)fee; charge
警方 (jing3 fang1)police
承认 (cheng2 ren4)recognize; to acknowledge; to admit
(ji1)footprint; mark; trace; vestige; sign; indication
小型 (xiao3 xing2)small scale; small size
不轨 (bu4 gui3)against the law or discipline
巨擘 (ju4 bo4)thumb; authority (knowledgeable person)
摘由 (zhai1 you2)high points (of a document); resume
病历 (bing4 li4)medical record; case history
办事处 (ban4 shi4 chu4)office; agency
(shi2)real; true; honest; really; solid
(du3)stop up
不动声色 (bu4 dong4 sheng1 se4)maintain one's composure; stay calm and collected; not turn a hair; not bat an eyelid
(xun4)high water; sprinkle water
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 55(25 Vokabeln)
权力 (quan2 li4)(wield) power
摆布 (bai3 bu4)order about; manipulate
销售 (xiao1 shou4)sell; market; to sell; sales
高中 (gao1 zhong1)high and middle
搭伴 (da1 ban4)travel with another; accompany another
详细 (xiang2 xi4)detailed; in detail; minute
避免 (bi4 mian3)to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from
产卵 (chan3 luan3)lay (an egg)
(cai2)cut out (as a dress); cut; trim; reduce; diminish; decision; judgement
长期以来 (chang2 qi1 yi3 lai2)ever since a long time ago
(pu3)general; popular; everywhere; universal
速率 (su4 l`)speed; rate
(ying1)oppose; to attack
欧洲语言 (ou1 zhou1 yu3 yan2)European language
二月 (er4 yue4)February; second month
艺术 (yi4 shu4)art
父母 (fu4 mu3)father and mother; parents
(dang4)a pond; pool; wash; squander; sweep away; move; shake; dissolute
政党 (zheng4 dang3)political party
(song3)horrified; incite; raise
越过 (yue4 guo4)to cross; to surmount; to surpass
(shun4)to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable
(bi4)money; coins; currency
(zhi4)infantile; young
(zhu4)resident in; stationed in; located at; to station (troops)
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 56(25 Vokabeln)
小孩, 孩, 囝, 孩子, 儿童 (xiao3 hai2, hai2, jian3, hai2 zi, er2 tong2)child
领受 (ling3 shou4)to accept
法院 (fa3 yuan4)court of law; court
坚固 (jian1 gu4)firm; firmly; hard; stable
八年 (ba1 nian2)eight years
理由 (li3 you2)reason; ground(s); justification
家常 (jia1 chang2)the daily life of a family
真情 (zhen1 qing2)real situation; the truth
(chu3)savings; to save; to deposit; to store; (a surname)
动力 (dong4 li4)power; motion; propulsion; force
名副其实 (ming2 fu4 qi2 shi2)not just in name only, but also in reality
五天 (wu3 tian1)five days
监视 (jian1 shi4)oversee; watch over
(ping2)flat; level; equal; to make the same score; to tie; to draw; calm; peaceful
(ke4)class; lesson
事业 (shi4 ye4)cause; undertaking; enterprise; plant
保障 (bao3 zhang4)to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard
(luo4)cough (blood); to argue; debate
病号, 病员 (bing4 hao4, bing4 yuan2)sick personnel; person on the sick list; patient
结婚 (jie2 hun1)to marry; to get married
学级 (xue2 ji2)class
(po4)to break; to split; broken; damaged; worn out
(luo4)brindled ox; clear; eminent
抵达 (di3 da2)arrive; reach (a destination)
晚上 (wan3 shang)in the evening
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 57(25 Vokabeln)
栽子 (zai1 zi)seedling; young plant
(gao3)a pick
高质量 (gao1 zhi4 liang4)high quality
收缩 (shou1 suo1)pull back; shrink; contract
空防 (kong1 fang2)air force; air defence
跨越 (kua4 yue4)to step across; step over
任期 (ren4 qi1)term of office
低费用 (di1 fei4 yong4)low cost
知名 (zhi1 ming2)well known; famous
(ge2)council-chamber; shelf; side door
(ku1)to cut open; rip up; scoop out
不见得 (bu4 jian4 de)not necessarily; not likely
几年 (ji3 nian2)a few years; several years
一同 (yi1 tong2)along; together
能源 (neng2 yuan2)energy; power source
媾和 (gou4 he2)to make peace
(yin1)sound; noise; news
操持 (cao1 chi)to manage; to handle
显然 (xian3 ran)clear; evident; obvious
在?之中 (zai4 zhi1 zhong1)amid; among
改名 (gai3 ming2)to change ones name
得出 (de2 chu1)obtain (results); arrive at (a conclusion)
文学家 (wen2 xue2 jia1)writer; man of letters
(zhang4)account; mosquito net; tent; curtain; debt; credit
推崇 (tui1 chong2)value; accord great importance to
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 58(25 Vokabeln)
来历 (lai2 li4)history; antecendents; origin
本来 (ben3 lai2)original; originally; at first; it goes without saying; of course
符合美国利益 (fu2 he2 mei3 guo2 li4 yi4)in line with American interests
坐下 (zuo4 xia)sit down
武装 (wu3 zhuang1)arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed (forces)
方案 (fang1 an4)plan; program (for action, etc); proposal
面对 (mian4 dui4)confront; face
(yue4)moon; month
江面 (jiang1 mian4)the surface of the river
宁, 宁, 宁 (ning2, ning4, ning2)peaceful; rather
校舍 (xiao4 she4)school building
大意 (da4 yi4)general idea; main idea; careless
水准 (shui3 zhun3)level
仗义执言 (zhang4 yi4 zhi2 yan2)speak out on a matter of principle or justice
(chan2)to bother; wind around; wrap round; coil; involve; annoy; tangle
现年 (xian4 nian2)current age
(jiu1)(draw) lots; lot (in a game of chance)
半价 (ban4 jia4)half price
(qiao1)extort; knock; to strike; to knock (at a door); to hit
(gao1)bank; marsh
评选 (ping2 xuan3)to choose
他人 (ta1 ren2)other person; someone else
半截 (ban4 jie2)half (of a section)
(shan4)usurp; without authority
标明 (biao1 ming2)mark; indicate
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 59(25 Vokabeln)
主意 (zhu3 yi)plan; idea; decision
国务院 (guo2 wu4 yuan4)State Department (USA); State Council (China)
(wan3)draw; pull; send funeral ode
(en1)kind act (from above)
(wen2)language; culture; writing; formal; literary
使满意 (shi3 man3 yi4)to make content
管理信息库 (guan3 li3 xin4 xi1 ku4)Management Information Base; MIB
(sou1)blow (as of wind); sound of wind
延续 (yan2 xu4)continue; last longer
损伤 (sun3 shang1)to harm; to damage; to injure
三次 (san1 ci4)third; three times
吵架 (chao3 jia4)to quarrel; to have a row
破坏 (po4 huai4)wreck; break; destroy
察看 (cha2 kan4)to watch; to look carefully at
面临困难 (mian4 lin2 kun4 nan2)to be faced with problems
(yi4)strong; brave
(qi4)to marry off (a daughter)
业界标准 (ye4 jie4 biao1 zhun3)industry standard
(cai3)to pick; to pluck; to collect; to select; to choose; to gather
(ju4)great; hard iron
大类 (da4 lei4)main type; main class; main category
一举两得 (yi4 ju3 liang3 de)kill two birds with one stone
今昔 (jin1 xi1)past and present; yesterday and today
(bo4)thumb; break; tear; pierce; split; to analyze
一步 (yi2 bu4)(single) step
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 60(25 Vokabeln)
机场 (ji1 chang3)airport; management; to manage; to administer
(mi4)secret; confidential; close; thick; dense
一匹马 (yi4 pi3 ma3)one horse
卫生部 (wei4 sheng1 bu4)health department
史, 历史 (shi3, li4 shi3)history
(sa4)declining; sound of wind
跟从 (gen1 cong2)follow
接驳 (jie1 bo2)to access
哎呀 (ai1 ya1)Damn; Ah; My God
(yan2)to prolong; to extend; to delay
股票 (gu3 piao4)share; stock (market)
(jiao4)clear; distinct; compare
备考 (bei4 kao3)(an appendix; note; etc; ) for reference
酬答, 酬谢 (chou2 da2, chou2 xie4)to thank with a gift
纽约时报 (niu3 yue1 shi2 bao4)New York Times (newspaper)
(ju3)carpenter's square; rule
外语 (wai4 yu3)foreign language
(chu4)step with the right foot
艰苦 (jian1 ku3)difficult; hard; arduous
数月 (shu4 yue4)several months
趋奉 (qu1 feng4)to fawn on; to kiss up to
种, 植 (zhong4, zhi2)to plant
(mu3)governess; old woman
不厌 (bu4 yan4)not mind doing sth; not tire of; not object to
课时 (ke4 shi2)class; period
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 61(25 Vokabeln)
不落窠臼 (bu4 luo4 ke1 jiu4)not follow the beaten track; have an original style
(hong1)death of a prince; swarming
(ling2)apprehend; hear; listen
公开钥匙 (gong1 kai1 yao4 shi)public key (in encryption)
关闭 (guan1 bi4)close; shut
大权 (da4 quan2)power; authority
(zhai1)a fast; studio
(mian3)give birth to a child
前途 (qian2 tu2)prospects; outlook (for the future); future
火灾 (huo3 zai1)fire (that burns buildings, etc.)
(l`e4)plan; strategy; outline; summary; slightly; rather; to rob; to plunder; to summarize
部队 (bu4 dui4)army; armed forces; troops; force; unit
签署 (qian1 shu3)to sign (an agreement)
不离儿 (bu4 li2 er)not bad; pretty good; pretty close
过程 (guo4 cheng2)course of events; process
主题 (zhu3 ti2)theme; subject
(tao1)bow case; to cover
消息 (xiao1 xi)news; information
摆摊子 (bai3 tan1 zi3)set up a stall; maintain a large staff and organisation
功率, 权能 (gong1 l`, quan2 neng2)power
(n`)female; woman
拷贝 (kao3 bei4)to copy
不好惹 (bu4 hao3 re3)not to be trifled with; not to be pushed around; stand no nonsense
大门 (da4 men2)entrance; door; gate
波及 (bo1 ji2)spread to; involve; affect
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 62(25 Vokabeln)
留言 (liu2 yan2)to leave one's comments; to leave a message
开列 (kai1 lie4)(make a) list
宰制 (zai3 zhi4)rule; dominate
靠近 (kao4 jin4)near; approach
大功告成 (da4 gong1 gao4 cheng2)successfully accomplished (project or goal); to be highly successful
後两者 (hou4 liang3 zhe3)the latter two
(che4)pervade; penetrate; pass through; thorough; penetrating
(peng3)hold or offer with both hands
暴发 (bao4 fa1)break out
社区, 体团 (she4 qu1, ti3 tuan2)community
转向 (zhuan3 xiang4)change of direction; to change direction
标高 (biao1 gao1)elevation; level
(zhuang4)to strengthen; strong; robust
世纪 (shi4 ji4)century
各地 (ge4 di4)in all parts of (a country); various regions
卑下 (bei1 xia4)base; low
都市 (du1 shi4)city; metropolis
(ji4)season; period
背债 (bei1 zhai4)be in debt; be saddled with debts
南方 (nan2 fang1)south; the southern part of the country; the South
(ne4)large; speak cautiously
二者之一 (er4 zhe3 zhi1 yi1)either
(kai3)norm; model; (writing)
背约 (bei4 yue1)break an agreement; go back on one's word; fail to keep one's promise
(ba2)travel; walk
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 63(25 Vokabeln)
介入 (jie4 ru4)intervene; get involved
实际上 (shi2 ji4 shang4)in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; in practice
场合 (chang3 he2)situation; occasion
某人 (mou3 ren2)a certain person
服务质量 (fu2 wu4 zhi4 liang4)Quality of Service; QOS
(shu3)office; bureau
脚步 (jiao3 bu4)footstep; step
经营费用 (jing1 ying2 fei4 yong4)business cost; business expense
规章 (gui1 zhang1)rule; regulation
抢, 呛 (qiang1, qiang1)against wind
连任 (lian2 ren4)continue in (a political) office; serve for another term of office
(di2)buy up (grain)
昔年 (xi1 nian2)former years; previous years
(lao2)firm; fast
(hao1)sound; noise
构造 (gou4 zao4)structure; composition
大家 (da4 jia1)authority; everyone
获益 (huo4 yi4)obtain a benefit; profit from something
(suo3)to lock up; to lock
(pi1)mate; one of a pair
子女 (zi3 n`)children; sons and daughters
站住 (zhan4 zhu4)stand
特产 (te4 chan3)special local product; (regional) specialty
晚间 (wan3 jian1)evening-time; in the evening
综合 (zong1 he2)composite; synthesized; to sum up; to integrate; to synthesize
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 64(25 Vokabeln)
(ge1)cut off
实时 (shi2 shi2)real time
(chang4)initiate; instigate; introduce; lead; initiate
电脑公司 (dian4 nao3 gong1 si1)computer company
发布新软件 (fa1 bu4 xin1 ruan3 jian4)to release new software
东部 (dong1 bu4)the east; the eastern part
(qiu2)collect; to match
安土重迁 (an1 tu3 zhong4 qian1)hate to leave a place where one has lived long; be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it
失败是成功之母 (shi1 bai4 shi4 cheng2 gong1 zhi1 mu3)€Failure is the mother of success€ (proverb)
(cun2)exist; deposit; store; keep; survive
规矩 (gui1 ju)rule; custom; well-behaved
(zhe1)cover up (a shortcoming); screen off; to hide; to conceal
(da1)(phonetic); command to a horse; clatter (of horses' hoofs)
识见 (shi2 jian4)knowledge and experience
城墙 (cheng2 qiang2)city wall
(yan2)to speak; to say; talk; word
(li3)reason; logic; science; inner principle or structure
膀臂 (bang3 bi4)upper arm; arm; reliable helper; right-hand man
打死, 戮 (da3 si3, lu4)kill
兵役 (bing1 yi4)military service
(gou4)to marry; to copulate
损坏 (sun3 huai4)to damage; to injure
(zhu4)invoke; pray to; wish; to express good wishes
(fei1)to fly
冒险 (mao4 xian3)take a risk
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 65(25 Vokabeln)
募集 (mu4 ji2)to raise; to collect
级别 (ji2 bie2)(military) rank; level; grade
负责人 (fu4 ze2 ren2)person in charge (of something)
就此 (jiu4 ci3)and thus; thereupon
笔挺 (bi3 ting3)(standing) very straight; straight as a ramrod; bolt upright; well-ironed; trim
兵戈 (bing1 ge1)weapons; arms; fighting; war
(ying2)full; overplus; profit; win
互换 (hu4 huan4)to exchange
出面 (chu1 mian4)act in a (official or personal) capacity
本意 (ben3 yi4)original idea; real intention
观察 (guan1 cha2)to observe; to watch; to survey; to examine
(jie4)swear off; warn against
艰巨 (jian1 ju4)very difficult (task)
图片 (tu2 pian4)image; picture
不拘 (bu4 ju1)not stick to; not confine oneself to; whatever
代价 (dai4 jia4)price; cost
大公无私 (da4 gong1 wu2 si1)just and fair
(chong4)strong; powerful; forceful; dynamic; to punch
二十万 (er4 shi2 wan4)200 thousand
战争 (zhan4 zheng1)war; conflict
采制 (cai3 zhi4)collect and process
(jian1)letter; note-paper
棹, 桌 (zhuo1, zhuo1)table
态度 (tai4 du)manner; bearing; attitude; approach
(ying1)breast; receive
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 66(25 Vokabeln)
货币 (huo4 bi4)currency; monetary; money
力量均衡, 均势 (li4 liang4 jun1 heng2, jun1 shi4)balance of power
指令 (zhi3 ling4)order; command; instruction
自身 (zi4 shen1)itself; oneself; one's own
便利 (bian4 li4)convenient; easy; facilitate
遴选 (lin2 xuan3)to pick; to choose; to select
别开生面 (bie2 kai1 sheng1 mian4)start something new or original; break a new path; break fresh ground
编次 (bian1 ci4)order of arrangement
(qing3)100 mu; a short while ago
确定 (que4 ding4)definite; certain; fixed; to fix; to determine
买帐 (mai3 zhang4)to show respect (for sb)
欺压 (qi1 ya1)to bully; to push around
不过意 (bu4 guo4 yi4)be sorry; feel apologetic
培土 (pei2 tu3)to earth up
生存 (sheng1 cun2)to exist; to survive
差不多 (cha4 bu duo1)almost, nearly
方针 (fang1 zhen1)policy; guidelines
大业 (da4 ye4)great cause; great undertaking
(zi1)black; name of a river
(nie4)move the mouth as in speaking
(ba2)pull up; pull out; select; promote
交换 (jiao1 huan4)to exchange; to swap; to switch (telecom)
行走 (xing2 zou3)walk
工会 (gong1 hui4)union
响应 (xiang3 ying4)respond to; answer
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 67(25 Vokabeln)
当作 (dang4 zuo4)treat as; regard as
向东 (xiang4 dong1)towards the east
架势 (jia4 shi)attitude; position (on an issue, etc)
职工 (zhi2 gong1)workers; staff
(xiang1)box (in theater); side room
(ban1)to pull or draw (up or out)
领先地位 (ling3 xian1 di4 wei4)lead(ing) position
艰难 (jian1 nan2)difficult
报界 (bao4 jie4)the press; journalistic circles; the journalists
例题 (li4 ti2)example
(dao4)cover over; to envelope
粉碎 (fen3 sui4)crash; break up
(yi4)assist; ready to fly; respect
(huan4)misfortune; suffer (from illness); trouble; danger; worry; to contract (a disease)
(qing1)to overturn; to collapse; to lean; to tend; to incline; to pour out
开设 (kai1 she4)offer (goods or services); open (for business, etc.)
不屑 (bu4 xie4)disdain to do sth; think sth; not worth doing; feel it beneath one's dignity to do something
中欧 (zhong1 ou1)Central Europe
(ku1)to cry; to weep
大学 (da4 xue2)university
(zhun3)accurate; standard
商业行为 (shang1 ye4 xing2 wei2)business activity; commercial activity
碰巧 (peng4 qiao3)by chance; by coincidence; to happen to
宣布 (xuan1 bu4)to declare; to announce; to proclaim
长征 (chang2 zheng1)the Long March
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 68(25 Vokabeln)
意愿 (yi4 yuan4)aspiration; wish (for); desire
(jian3)base (chem.); soda; alkali
步调 (bu4 diao4)gait; marching order; step; pace
支撑 (zhi1 cheng)prop up; support
主要来源 (zhu3 yao4 lai2 yuan2)principle source; main source
精神 (jing1 shen2)vigor; vitality; drive; spiritual
派遣 (pai4 qian3)send (on a mission); dispatch
汲水 (ji2 shui3)to draw water
免除 (mian3 chu2)to prevent; to avoid
外国公司 (wai4 guo2 gong1 si1)foreign company
工委 (gong1 wei3)working committee
凉快 (liang2 kuai)nice and cold; pleasantly cool
(fan4)float; general; vague
(yu2)hole in a wall
後来 (hou4 lai2)afterwards; later
上将 (shang4 jiang4)general; admiral; air chief marshal
措施 (cuo4 shi1)measure; step (to be taken)
十几个月 (shi2 ji3 ge4 yue4)ten months or so; about ten months
并重 (bing4 zhong4)lay equal stress on; pay equal attention to
笔算 (bi3 suan4)do a sum in writing; written calculation
(lan2)mist; name of a mountain
相近 (xiang1 jin4)close; similar to
(wu4)meet (socially)
(yu3)room; universe
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 69(25 Vokabeln)
遍地开花 (bian4 di4 kai1 hua1)blossom everywhere; spring up all over the place; to flourish on a large scale
私人 (si1 ren2)private (citizen); private
(chuo4)generous; ample; wide; spacious; well-off
女子 (n` zi3)woman; female
教育 (jiao4 yu4)to educate; to teach; education
形容 (xing2 rong2)describe; look or appearance
(xun2)to follow; to adhere to; to abide by
(cai2)money; wealth; riches; property; valuables
覆亡 (fu4 wang2)fall (of an empire)
捕捞 (bu3 lao1)fish for (aquatic animals and plants); catch
(zhu1)(a measure word, use with plants); trunk of tree
(wang2)king; Wang (proper name)
白皮书 (bai2 pi2 shu1)white paper; white book
(qiang2)strength; force; power; powerful; better
旨意 (zhi3 yi4)decree; order
共同 (gong4 tong2)common; joint; jointly; together; collaborative
早晨, 早上 (zao3 chen2, zao3 shang)early morning
(xu4)to store
旁听 (pang2 ting1)be a visitor (at a meeting, class, trial, etc)
(xun4)example; pattern; to teach; to train; instruction
(ju1)hesitate; mark time
(dong3)(surname); supervise; to direct; director
(kou3)mouth; (a measure word)
逮, 迨 (dai4, dai4)catch; seize; until
霸道 (ba4 dao4)overbearing; high-handed; (of liquor, medicine, etc) strong; potent; (feudal) rule by force
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 70(25 Vokabeln)
变迁 (bian4 qian1)changes; vicissitudes
令人 (ling4 ren2)cause someone to (be, feel, etc); reader
(tan4)to explore; to search out; to scout; to visit
纽约 (niu3 yue1)New York
没有生育能力 (mei2 you3 sheng1 yu4 neng2 li4)infertile; unable to have children
经济体制 (jing1 ji4 ti3 zhi4)economic system
(bang4)pound (sterling)
游行 (you2 xing2)march; parade; demonstration
花费 (hua1 fei4)expense; cost
(bai3)(complicated form of) hundred (used to avoid fraud)
饱经风霜 (bao3 jing1 feng1 shuang1)weather-beaten; having experienced the hard ship of life
欢迎 (huan1 ying2)to welcome; welcome
(qi4)air; anger; gas
困境 (kun4 jing4)predicament; in difficulty
汇集 (hui4 ji2)to collect; to compile; to converge
前面 (qian2 mian)fore; front
(shao4)connect; to introduce
(yuan2)circle; round; circular; spherical; (of the moon) full; unit of Chinese currency (Yuan); tactful; to justify
(deng4)step into (as tight shoe)
曰, 说 (yue1, shuo1)to speak; to say
气候 (qi4 hou4)climate; atmosphere; situation
样式 (yang4 shi4)type; style
在很多方面 (zai4 hen3 duo1 fang1 mian4)in many aspects; in many regards
游览 (you2 lan3)to go sight-seeing; to tour; to visit
王权 (wang2 quan2)royalty; royal power
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 71(25 Vokabeln)
基础 (ji1 chu3)base; foundation; basis
远端 (yuan3 duan1)far end; remote end; remote; distant
年限 (nian2 xian4)age limit; fixed number of years
(yao2)shake; to rock
落後 (luo4 hou4)fall behind; lag (technologically, etc.)
少将 (shao4 jiang4)major general; rear admiral; air vice marshal
(meng4)to dream
握别, 握手 (wo4 bie2, wo4 shou3)to shake hands
锯开 (ju1 kai1)saw
根据 (gen1 ju4)according to; based on; basis; foundation
安康 (an1 kang1)good health
(mao4)length; distance from north to south
正面 (zheng4 mian4)front; positive; direct; open
注重 (zhu4 zhong4)pay attention to; emphasize
法庭 (fa3 ting2)court (of law)
典? (dian3 fan4)model; example
(cun4)a unit of length; inch; thumb
皙, 皤 (xi1, po2)white
审查 (shen3 cha2)to examine; to investigate
纤细 (xian1 xi4)fine; slim; tender
改过 (gai3 guo4)to correct; to fix
区别 (qu1 bie2)difference; to distinguish; to discriminate; to make a distinction
(pan2)firm; stable; rock
预期 (yu4 qi1)expect; expected
不讳 (bu4 hui4)without concealing anything; die
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 72(25 Vokabeln)
宁愿 (ning4 yuan4)would rather; better
(feng1)point or edge of a tool
一切事物 (yi1 qie4 shi4 wu4)everything
基金, 笔钱 (ji1 jin1, bi3 qian2)fund
标识 (biao1 shi2)mark
拨付 (bo1 fu4)appropriate sum of money
(bi4)associate with; be near
(tong2)(surname); red
会议 (hui4 yi4)meeting; conference
勃发 (bo2 fa1)thrive; prosper; break out
升值 (sheng1 zhi2)rise in value; appreciate
谎报 (huang3 bao4)to lie
(juan3)coil; to roll
预付 (yu4 fu4)pay in advance
贸易额 (mao4 yi4 e2)volume of trade (between countries)
初学者 (chu1 xue2 zhe1)beginning student
派给工作 (pai4 gei3 gong1 zuo4)to task
(ai2)white (of snow; etc.)
(kang4)husband; wife
食品 (shi2 pin3)foodstuff; food; provisions
报表 (bao4 biao3)forms for reporting statistics; etc; report forms
阻止 (zu3 zhi3)to prevent; to block
(gan4)sunset; evening
模式 (mo2 shi4)mode; method
裱糊 (biao3 hu2)wall paper
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 73(25 Vokabeln)
棍棒 (gun4 bang4)club
媒体报导 (mei2 ti3 bao4 dao3)media report; news report
大选 (da4 xuan3)general election
比上不足比下有余 (bi3 shang4 bu4 zu2 bi3 xia4 you3 yu2)fall short of the best but be better than the worst; can pass muster
线 (xian4)thread; string; wire; line
经理 (jing1 li3)manager; director
猜想 (cai1 xiang3)suppose; guess; suspect
(xi1)sound of rain; sleet etc.
(shui4)to sleep
高级语言, 高阶语言 (gao1 ji2 yu3 yan2, gao1 jie1 yu3 yan2)high level language
饱满 (bao3 man3)full; plump
勉强 (mian3 qiang3)manage (to do something) with difficulty
交流 (jiao1 liu2)exchange; give-and-take; to exchange; to alternate
(si4)until; wait for
(qi2)divergent; side road; steep
(cou4)assemble; put together; press near; come together
势在必行 (shi4 zai4 bi4 xing2)be imperative; be required by circumstances
院长 (yuan4 zhang3)president (of a university, etc.); department head; dean
解雇 (jie3 gu4)to fire; to sack; to dismiss
国际级 (guo2 ji4 ji2)(at an) international level
白热化 (bai2 re4 hua4)turn white hot
空儿 (kongr4)spare time; free time
本固枝荣 (ben3 gu4 zhi1 rong2)when the root is firm; the branches flourish
毕业 (bi4 ye4)graduation; to graduate; to finish school
踏上 (ta4 shang4)set foot on
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 74(25 Vokabeln)
(zha2)short note
纠缠 (jiu1 chan2)be entangled; be worried by; to worry; to get entangled in sth
敦促 (dun1 cu4)to press; to urge; to hasten
(da2)reply; answer; return; respond; echo
(gou3)(surname); if indeed; thoughtless
昨, 昨天 (zuo2, zuo2 tian1)yesterday
(pei2)lose in trade; pay damage
播弄 (bo1 nong4)order subject about; stir up
第三方 (di4 san1 fang1)third party
抬头 (tao2 tou2)to raise one's head; to gain ground
(shi4)devour; to bite
洛德 (luo4 de2)(Winston) Lord (former assistant Secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific Affairs)
据悉 (ju4 xi1)according to reports; it is reported (that)
步步 (bu4 bu4)step by step; at every step
输送 (shu1 song4)transport; carry
(cheng2)clear; limpid; settle (liquid)
名字 (ming2 zi)(a person's) name
白种, 白色人种 (bai2 zhong3, bai2 se4 ren2 zhong3)the white race
列举 (lie4 ju3)(make a) list; enumerate
板子 (ban3 zi)board; plank; bamboo or birch for corporal punishment
临摹 (lin2 mo2)to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting, etc.)
庾, 嵇, 华 (yu3, ji1, hua4)(surname); name of a mountain
自由 (zi4 you2)freedom; free; liberty
应有尽有 (ying1 you3 jin4 you3)everything (one could imagine)
莞, 哂, 微笑 (wan3, shen3, wei1 xiao4)smile
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 75(25 Vokabeln)
上身 (shang4 shen1)upper part of the body
立场 (li4 chang3)position; standpoint
(gu1)goblet; rule; law
汇率 (hui4 l`)exchange rate
(yuan2)circle; round
直接 (zhi2 jie1)direct (opposite of indirect); immediate
(yao2)distant; remote; far; far away
(ju3)hunchbacked; walk alone
谈话 (tan2 hua4)talk; conversation
三月 (san1 yue4)March; third month
连接 (lian2 jie1)to link; to join; to attach; connection
原先 (yuan2 xian1)former; original
不胫而走 (bu4 jing4 er2 zou3)get round fast; spread like wildfire
(zhi1)branch; (a measure word)
百尺杆头更尽一步 (bai3 chi3 gan1 tou2 geng4 jin4 yi1 bu4)make still further progress
父母亲 (fu4 mu3 qin1)parent
(chuang1)a wound; cut; injury; trauma
(yao3)bite; nip
巴望 (ba1 wang4)look forward to
目录 (mu4 lu4)catalog; table of contents; directory (computer); list; contents
服役 (fu2 yi4)serve in the army; be in active service
(zhan4)to tremble; to shiver; to shake; to vibrate
马路 (ma3 lu4)street; road
改善关系 (gai3 shan4 guan1 xi)to improve relations
打开 (da3 kai1)to break open
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 76(25 Vokabeln)
不言而喻 (bu4 yan2 er2 yu4)it goes without saying; it is self-evident
栽植 (zai1 zhi2)to plant; to transplant
病床 (bing4 chuang2)hospital bed; sickbed
相连 (xiang1 lian2)to link; to join; link; connection
个人 (ge4 ren2)individual; personal; oneself
预备 (yu4 bei4)to prepare; to make ready; preparation; preparatory
摘记 (zhai1 ji4)to take notes; to excerpt
(wu4)dock; low wall
寄予很大期望 (ji4 yu2 hen3 da4 qi2 wang4)to place great hope or expectation on (sth)
(chuang3)to rush; break through
条子 (tiao2 zi)a short note; a slip of paper
对美 (dui4 mei3)(policy, etc.) towards America
(ting3)be straight and stiff; rather (good)
早期 (zao3 qi1)early period; early phase; early stage
人权 (ren2 quan2)human rights
区域网路 (qu1 yu4 wang3 lu4)local area network; LAN
总额 (zong3 e2)total (amount or value)
法国 (fa3 guo2)France; French
(mo4)silent; write from memory
评论 (ping2 lun4)comment; to comment on; to discuss; commentary
好感 (hao3 gan3)good opinion; favorable impression
(zhuan4)food; delicacies
(chu4)fearful; timid; to fear
热烫 (re4 tang4)to burn
(qing1)hydrogen; light; easy; gentle; soft
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 77(25 Vokabeln)
(di1)a drop; to drip
媳, 媳妇 (xi2, xi2 fu4)daughter in law
不对 (bu4 dui4)incorrect; wrong; amiss; abnormal; queer
(sheng1)able to bear; peptide
将军 (jiang1 jun1)(army) general
两百 (liang3 bai3)two hundred
(yu4)order (from above)
阅览室 (yue4 lan3 shi4)reading room
(ting2)court; courtyard
退还 (tui4 huan2)return; send back
通用 (tong1 yong4)common (use); interchangeable
风险 (feng1 xian3)risk
(xuan1)to declare (publically); to announce
室, 房间 (shi4, fang2 jian1)room
全面 (quan2 mian4)all-around; comprehensive; total; overall
(zhu3)to gaze at; to stare at
(ti1)pick (as teeth)
他自己 (ta1 zi4 ji3)himself
职员 (zhi2 yuan2)office worker; staff member
读物 (du2 wu4)reading material
补发 (bu3 fa1)supply again (sth; lost; etc; ); reissue; pay retroactively
断绝 (duan4 jue2)sever; break off
(yuan4)(surname); park
(xiao4)laugh; smile
(ya4)receive (as a guest)
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 78(25 Vokabeln)
钟头, 小时 (zhong1 tou2, xiao3 shi2)hour
(geng1)7th heavenly stem; age
(shu4)method; technique
动物 (dong4 wu4)animal
(jia4)price; value; valence (on an atom)
(pian1)sheet; piece of writing; (a measure word); chapter; article
幅员 (fu2 yuan2)a country's surface area; extent of a country
连接至 (lian2 jie1 zhi4)to connect to
供需 (gong1 xu1)supply and demand
(han2)name of an ancient river
(jia3)far; grand
(kai3)joyful; kind
(en4)to press (with finger)
步子 (bu4 zi)step; pace
上帝 (shang4 di4)God
(yi4)descendants; distress; practice
目的 (mu4 di4)purpose; aim; goal; target; objective
书写语言 (shu1 xie3 yu3 yan2)written language
人性 (ren2 xing4)human
控告 (kong4 gao4)accuse; charge; sue
风土人情 (feng1 tu3 ren2 qing2)local conditions (human and environmental)
贲临 (bi4 lin2)(of distinguished guests) honour my house; firm; etc; with your presence
旧版 (jiu4 ban3)old version
(pi4)to break wind; to fart
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 79(25 Vokabeln)
病程 (bing4 cheng2)course of disease
半路出家 (ban4 lu4 chu1 jia1)switch to a job one was not trained for
(kong1)air; sky; empty; in vain
(ji1)(surname); women
警告 (jing3 gao4)to warn; to admonish
不欢而散 (bu4 huan1 er2 san4)part on bad terms; (of a meeting; etc; ) break up in discord
课程 (ke4 cheng2)course; class
(hui4)remit; to converge (of rivers); to exchange
(ying2)to welcome
(bi4)to protect; cover; shelter; hide or harbour
秩序 (zhi4 xu4)order (orderly); order (sequence)
(kuo4)big; empty; open
(shui3)water; river
初期 (chu1 qi1)initial stage; beginning period
光纤 (guang1 xian1)light; ray; optical; optical fiber; fiber optic
计算机工业 (ji4 suan4 ji1 gong1 ye4)computer industry
(ru4)mat; rushes
所在地, 址 (suo3 zai4 di4, zhi3)location; site
城关 (cheng2 guan1)area outside a city gate
意见 (yi4 jian4)view; opinion
(xi1)past; former
延缓 (yan2 huan3)defer; stay
(shuang3)invigorating; straightforward; frank; open; bright; clear
向前 (xiang4 qian2)forward; onward
几乎 (ji1 hu1)almost; nearly; practically
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 71 bis 80: Abschnitt 80(25 Vokabeln)
(cang1)blue; green(colour of water); cold; vast (of water)
常规 (chang2 gui1)conventional (weapons); conventional; common; routine
召开会议 (zhao4 kai1 hui4 yi4)to call a conference; to convene a meeting
(cuan2)bring together
以为 (yi3 wei2)consider (that); believe
(lou1)graft (money); solicit; to gather; to collect
板纸 (ban3 zhi3)paperboard; board
晚报 (wan3 bao4)evening paper
(liang4)light; bright
(qian1)green; luxuriant growth
调查 (diao4 cha2)investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey; (opinion) poll
回报 (hui2 bao4)(in) return; reciprocation; payback; retaliation
(yong1)dressed food; first meal of the day
(jian1)hard; strong; solid; firm; to supervise; to inspect; jail; prison
动态 (dong4 tai4)development; trend; dynamic state; movement; moving
生成 (sheng1 cheng2)be produced; generate
比邻 (bi3 lin2)neighbour; next-door neighbour; near; next to
(ting1)(recption) hall; office
(can1)outside horses of a team of 4
簿子 (bu4 zi)notebook; book
流量 (liu2 liang4)flow rate; rate (of flow)
止痛 (zhi3 tong4)to relieve pain; to stop pain
抄身 (chao1 shen1)to search (a person); to frisk
(pu4)a store
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 90: Abschnitt 81(25 Vokabeln)
货源 (huo4 yuan2)supply of goods
(jie1)knot; sturdy; to bear (fruit); bond; to tie; to bind
夫妇 (fu1 fu4)a (married) couple; husband and wife
延展 (yan2 zhan3)to scale; scalable
委员会 (wei3 yuan2 hui4)committee
(wu1)a crow; black
(hu3)bank of a river
本子 (ben3 zi)book; notebook; edition
(qian1)graft (tree); stick in
反映 (fan3 ying4)reaction; response; to reflect; to mirror
三月二十一号 (san1 yue4 er4 shi2 yi1 hao4)March 21
电脑企业 (dian4 nao3 qi3 ye4)computer company; computer firm
早些 (zao3 xie1)(a bit) earlier
阶段 (jie1 duan4)stage; section
涉及 (she4 ji2)involve; touch upon (a topic)
红海 (hong2 hai3)Red Sea
(keng1)jingling of metals; to strike
八字 (ba1 zi4)character 8; Eight Characters
(chu2)chick; young bird
(qi4)abandon; relinquish; to discard; to throw away
确有其事 (que4 you3 qi2 shi4)(confirm to be) true; authentic
出访 (chu1 fang3)visit a foreign country
连结 (lian2 jie2)connect; join; link
户头 (hu4 tou2)bank account
(nu2)child; offspring
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 90: Abschnitt 82(25 Vokabeln)
游说 (you2 shui4)drum up support; sell (an idea)
本家 (ben3 jia1)a member of the same clan; a distant relative with the same family name
(qian2)(surname); coin; money
磨碎 (mo4 sui4)grind
(diao4)to hang a person
(wai4)outside; in addition; foreign; external
好几 (hao3 ji3)several; quite a few
(bing4)arrange; drive off; expel
报分 (bao4 fen1)call the score
跟进 (gen1 jin4)follow; follow up
(sang4)lose (by death)
事件 (shi4 jian4)event; happening; incident
城池, 邑 (cheng2 chi2, yi4)city
种种 (zhong3 zhong3)all kinds of
民主党人 (min2 zhu3 dang3 ren2)a Democratic party member
蔬菜 (shu1 cai4)vegetables; produce
个别 (ge4 bie2)individual; respective; respectively
(ci2)compassionate; gentle; merciful; kind; humane
三十年来 (san1 shi2 nian2 lai2)for the past thirty years
(wen4)involved; tangled
(hao2)hair; drawing brush; (in the) least
(hong2)clear; vast and deep
摆脱危机 (bai3 tuo1 wei1 ji1)to break out of a crisis
植物 (zhi2 wu4)botanical; plant; vegetation
服刑 (fu2 xing2)serve a prison sentence
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 90: Abschnitt 83(25 Vokabeln)
(ci4)confer; bestow; grant
享受 (xiang3 shou4)to enjoy (rights, benefits, etc.)
等级 (deng3 ji2)degree; rate
宝贵 (bao3 gui4)valuable; precious; value; treasure; set store by
患者 (huan4 zhe3)patient; sufferer
怀疑 (huai2 yi2)to doubt; to suspect; doubt; suspicion
老婆 (lao3 po2)wife; darling (used in speaking to one's wife)
璧还 (bi4 huan2)return (a borrowed object) with thanks; decline (a gift) with thanks
(chao1)money; paper money
平原 (ping2 yuan2)field; plane
男, 雄性, 牡 (nan2, xiong2 xing4, mu3)male
允诺 (yun3 nuo4)to promise; to consent (to do sth)
单字 (dan1 zi4)individual character; separate character
欣, 忻, 欣 (xin1, xin1, xin1)happy
期? (qi1 kao3)end of term examination
传输服务 (chuan2 shu1 fu2 wu4)transport service
开玩笑 (kai1 wan2 xiao4)to play a joke; to make fun of; to joke
(zhi2)office; duty
(cui4)crisp; brittle; fine animal hair
基本 (ji1 ben3)basic; fundamental; main
(yu2)to exceed; to go beyond; to jump over
吸毒 (xi1 du2)to take drugs
不学无术 (bu4 xue2 wu2 shu4)have neither learning nor skill; be ignorant and incompetent
(pai2)irresolute; not serious; variety show
通讯社 (tong1 xun4 she4)a news service (eg, Xinhua)
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 90: Abschnitt 84(25 Vokabeln)
(tao2)cleanse; eliminate; to clean out; to wash
编印 (bian1 yin4)compile and print; publish
日益增加 (ri4 yi4 zeng1 jia1)to increase daily
登月 (deng1 yue4)go (up) to the moon
身体 (shen1 ti3)(human) body; health
批准 (pi1 zhun3)to approve; to ratify
主语 (zhu3 yu3)(grammatical) subject
授与 (shou4 yu3)grant; confer
後天 (hou4 tian1)day after tomorrow
(xuan3)to choose; to pick; to select; to elect
四月 (si4 yue4)April; fourth month
(mou2)to wind round
成群结队 (cheng2 qun2 jie2 dui4)in large numbers; as a large crowd
按说 (an4 shuo1)in the ordinary course of events; ordinarily; normally
军事科学 (jun1 shi4 ke1 xue2)military science
逝世 (shi4 shi4)pass away; die
生育能力 (sheng1 yu4 neng2 li4)fertility; ability to have children
(li2)happen to; sorrow; suffer from
信息时代 (xin4 xi2 shi2 dai4)information age
知名人士 (zhi1 ming2 ren2 shi4)public figure; celebrity
(yao1)invite to come
高速, 高速率 (gao1 su4, gao1 su4 l`)high speed
管理站 (guan3 li3 zhan4)management station
巧计 (qiao3 ji4)maneuver; scheme
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 90: Abschnitt 85(25 Vokabeln)
辩白 (bian4 bai2)offer an explanation; plead innocence; try to defend oneself
下? (xia4 tai2)step down (from office, etc.)
吃饭 (chi1 fan4)to eat a meal
媒体访问控制 (mei2 ti3 fang3 wen4 kong4 zhi4)Media Access Control; MAC
机械 (ji1 xie4)machine; mechanical
(zou1)choose; consult
(xiong2)heroic; male
值得 (zhi2 de)to be worth; to deserve
骨头 (gu2 tou)bone; man of character
跟随 (gen1 sui2)to follow
(deng1)lamp; light
山脚 (shan1 jiao3)foot of a mountain
(mu3)female; mother
首都 (shou3 du1)capital (city)
使烦恼 (shi3 fan2 nao3)worry
规率 (gui1 l`)law; pattern
(zhao4)according to; in accordance with; to shine; to illuminate; to reflect; photograph
公审 (gong1 shen3)public trial (in a court of law)
(gen1)radical (chem.); root; basis
本位 (ben3 wei4)standard; one's own department or unit
(xi4)fine; minutely; thin; slender
显得 (xian3 de)appear (to be); seem
冲击 (chong1 ji1)(be under) attack
(jian1)difficult; hard; hardship
数据 (shu4 ju4)data; numbers; digital
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 90: Abschnitt 86(25 Vokabeln)
特工 (te4 gong1)secret service; special service
美国人 (mei3 guo2 ren2)American person; American people
价钱, 价格, 价 (jia4 qian, jia4 ge2, jia4)price
一半, 半拉 (yi1 ban4, ban4 la1)half
母语 (mu3 yu3)native language; mother language
自然 (zi4 ran2)nature; natural; naturally
优点 (you1 dian3)merit; strong point
外来 (wai4 lai2)external; foreign; outside
病包儿 (bing4 bao1 er)a person who is always falling ill; chronic invalid
迹象 (ji1 xiang4)mark; indication; sign; indicator
涉嫌 (she4 xian2)to be a suspect (in a crime)
碧蓝 (bi4 lan2)dark blue
笔墨 (bi3 mo4)pen and ink; words; writing
大中学生 (da4 zhong1 xue2 sheng)university and high school students
相信 (xiang1 xin4)be convinced (that something is true); believe; to accept sth. as true
(pu4)to air; to sun
授命 (shou4 ming4)to give orders
勘测 (kan1 ce4)to investigate; to survey
运动 (yun4 dong4)movement; campaign; sports
听取 (ting1 qu3)hear (news); listen to
才疏学浅 (cai2 shu1 xue2 qian3)have little talent and less learning
字段 (zi4 duan4)(numeric, datda) field
经济力量 (jing1 ji4 li4 liang)economic strength
下榻 (xia4 ta4)stay at (a hotel, etc. during a trip)
(li4)grind; sandstone
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 90: Abschnitt 87(25 Vokabeln)
(mi2)(surname); moose; river bank
(yan4)eat to the full
(pian1)(surname); small boat
(huan2)(ancient measure); money
罚金 (fa2 jin1)fine; to forfeit
(dang1)clank; clang; sound of metal
年代 (nian2 dai4)a decade of a century (eg, the Sixties); age; era; period
(niang2)mother; troubled
核武器试验 (he2 wu3 qi4 shi4 yan4)nuclear test
征战 (zheng1 zhan4)campaign; expidition
首任 (shou3 ren4)first person to be appointed to a post
(xing2)border the stove; defile; pass
变法儿 (bian4 fa3 er)try different ways
盈亏 (ying2 kui1)profit and loss; waxing and waning
(sui2)to follow; to comply with; to allow; (surname)
(du1)(surname); metropolis; capital city
(da1)to answer; agree
绿 (l`)green; chlorine
时机 (shi2 ji1)occasion; opportunity
苏格兰 (su1 ge2 lan2)Scotland
盖子 (gai4 zi)cover; lid; shell
上升 (shang4 sheng1)rise; go up
驱动器, 驾车 (qu1 dong4 qi4, jia4 che1)drive
边门, 便门 (bian1 men2, bian4 men2)side door; wicket door
熟人 (shu2 ren2)acquaintance; friend
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 90: Abschnitt 88(25 Vokabeln)
提交 (ti2 jiao1)submit (a report, etc); refer (a problem) to
(pan2)big; wooden tray
从头到脚 (cong2 tou2 dao4 jiao3)from head to foot
作品 (zuo4 pin3)works (of art)
(you2)cause; means
(ye4)page; leaf
抨击 (peng1 ji1)attack (verbally or in writing)
(cheng2)clear; limpid; name of a river
胶片 (jiao1 pian4)(photographic) film
(mao2)hair; pore; fur
挑选 (tiao1 xuan3)choose; select
依赖 (yi1 lai4)to depend on; to be dependent on
几千 (ji3 qian1)several thousand
主要原因 (zhu3 yao4 yuan2 yin1)main reason; primary cause
包场 (bao1 chang2)book a whole theatre
(xu3)official pay; sacrificial rice
刚才 (gang1 cai2)(just) a moment ago
它本身 (ta1 ben3 shen1)itself
现状 (xian4 zhuang4)current situation
(gua3)few; widowed
邦交 (bang1 jiao1)relations between two countries; diplomatic relations
搬运 (ban1 yun4)carry; transport
股市 (gu3 shi4)stock market
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 90: Abschnitt 89(25 Vokabeln)
(wan3)bind up; string together
第三世界 (di4 san1 shi4 jie4)Third World
裁员 (cai2 yuan2)to cut staff; to lay off employes
报到 (bao4 dao4)report for duty; check in; register
(ying2)fly; musca
(beng4)to jump; bounce or hop
(lin2)clear (as of water)
北面 (bei3 mian4)northern side; north
大楼 (da4 lou2)large building
(chen4)balanced; to fit; well-off; suitable
(bo2)to anchor; touch at; to moor
责任 (ze2 ren4)responsibility; blame; duty
声明 (sheng1 ming2)statement; declaration
例会 (li4 hui4)regular meeting
刀口 (dao1 kou3)cut; incision
摄影 (she4 ying3)to take a photograph
好处 (hao3 chu)benefit; advantage
(ming2)to cry (of birds)
保密 (bao3 mi4)maintain secrecy; keep secret
(shu3)to count
基础速率 (ji1 chu3 su4 l`)basic rate (as in ISDN)
瞩目 (zhu3 mu4)to focus on
(men2)lay hands on; to cover
变工 (bian4 gong1)exchange work
(guo2)name of an ancient state
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 81 bis 90: Abschnitt 90(25 Vokabeln)
指导 (zhi3 dao3)to guide; (give) directions; to direct
白头谐老 (bai2 tou2 xie2 lao3)live to ripe old age in conjugal bliss; remain a devoted couple to the end of their lives
减肥 (jian3 fei2)to lose weight
性情 (xing4 qing)nature; temperament
不三不四 (bu4 san1 bu4 si4)dubious; shady; neither one thing nor the other; neither fish nor fowl; nondescript
(fu1)announce; apply
(qu1)to exercise
不知所云 (bu4 zhi1 suo3 yun2)not know what sb; is driving at; be unintelligible
警惕 (jing3 ti4)vigilant; alert; on guard; to raise one's guard
安全性 (an1 quan2 xing4)security; safety
投票 (tou2 piao4)to vote; vote
体现 (ti3 xian4)to embody; to reflect; to give expression to; to be reflected in
交易 (jiao1 yi4)(business) transaction; business deal
公安部 (gong1 an1 bu4)Ministry of Public Security
修理 (xiu1 li3)repair; perform maintenance; to overall; to fix
七月一号 (qi1 yue4 yi1 hao4)July 1
启程 (qi3 cheng2)set out on a journey
(liu2)(surname); to kill
(ye4)(surname); name of ancient district
实况 (shi2 kuang4)what is actually happening; scene
(kui1)laugh at
冰天雪地 (bing1 tian1 xue3 di4)a world of ice and snow
兵马 (bing1 ma3)troops and horses; military forces
病况, 病情 (bing4 kuang4, bing4 qing2)state of an illness; patient's condition
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 91 bis 100: Abschnitt 91(25 Vokabeln)
句子 (ju4 zi)sentence
实际应用 (shi2 ji4 ying4 yong4)practical application
不可估量 (bu4 ke3 gu1 liang4)inestimable; incalculable; beyond measure
客户应用 (ke4 hu4 ying4 yong4)client application
(xiao4)effect; efficacy; imitate
亲切 (qin1 qie4)amiable; friendliness; gracious; hospitality; intimate; cordial; kind; close and dear; familiar
(mao4)brave; bold; to cover
教师, 老师 (jiao4 shi1, lao3 shi1)teacher
西欧 (xi1 ou1)Western Europe
不快 (bu4 kuai4)be unhappy; be displeased; be in low spirits; be indisposed; feel under the weather; be out of sorts
平坦 (ping2 tan3)flat
耐心, 耐烦 (nai4 xin1, nai4 fan2)patient (adjective)
入狱 (ru4 yu4)go to jail; get sent to prison
深刻 (shen1 ke4)profound; deep; deepgoing
字母 (zi4 mu3)letter (of the alphabet)
比试 (bi3 shi4)have a competition; measure with one's hand or arm; make agesture of measuring
(ban4)to trip; stumble; hinder
(ceng2)a measure word for layers; laminated; repeated; floor; story (of a building); layer
大规模 (da4 gui1 mo2)large scale; extensive; wide scale; broad scale
(dai1)foolish; stupid; no expression; stay
区域网络 (qu1 yu4 wang3 luo4)local area network ; LAN
栽赃 (zai1 zang1)to frame someone (by planting sth on them)
论文 (lun4 wen2)paper; treatise; thesis
无论如何 (wu2 lun4 ru2 he2)anyhow; anyway; whatever
不远千里 (bu4 yuan3 qian1 li3)make light of travelling a thousand li; go to the trouble of travelling a long distance
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 91 bis 100: Abschnitt 92(25 Vokabeln)
几个 (ji3 ge)several
说不定 (shuo1 bu ding4)can't say for sure; maybe
牢固 (lao2 gu4)firm; secure
二十四号 (er4 shi2 si4 hao4)24 th day of a month
世界知名 (shi4 jie4 zhi1 ming2)world famous
(pu1)to rush at; to throw oneself on
(zhan1)to observe; to divine
使兴奋 (shi3 xing1 fen4)exciting; to excite
基地 (ji1 di4)(military) base
体育之窗 (ti3 yu4 zhi1 chuang1)Window on Sports
(hui4)favor; kind act (from above)
(chang3)cliff; slope; factory; yard; depot; workhouse; works
(mian3)to exempt; to remove; to avoid; to excuse
璧谢 (bi4 xie4)decline (a gift) with thanks
忽然 (hu1 ran2)suddenly; all of a sudden
领袖, 领导人, 领导者 (ling3 xiu4, ling3 dao3 ren2, ling3 dao4 zhe3)leader
红色 (hong2 se4)red (color); revolutionary
记录 (ji4 lu4)record
(cui1)(surname); high mountain; precipitous
前言 (qian2 yan2)preface; forward; introduction
常委会 (chang2 wei3 hui4)standing committee
成绩 (cheng2 ji1)performance
廿 (nian4)twenty
(you2)consult with; to scheme
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 91 bis 100: Abschnitt 93(25 Vokabeln)
狡赖 (jiao3 lai4)to deny (through sophism)
升起 (sheng1 qi3)hoist; raise
(jun1)monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler
实肘 (shi2 zhou3)full arm (method of painting)
椿 (chun1)Cedrela chinensis; father
广域网路, 广域网 (guang3 yu4 wang3 lu4, guang3 yu4 wang3)wide area network; WAN
理论 (li3 lun4)theory
保养 (bao3 yang3)take good care of (or conserve) one's health; keep in good repair
概念 (gai4 nian4)concept; idea
纤度 (xian1 du4)size
天然气 (tian1 ran2 qi4)natural gas
包扎 (bao1 za1)wrap up; bind up; pack
总经理 (zong3 jing1 li3)general manager
双方 (shuang1 fang1)bilateral; both sides; both parties involved
分歧 (fen1 qi2)difference (of opinion, position)
仿效, 照搬 (fang3 xiao4, zhao4 ban1)to copy; to imitate
出於 (chu1 yu2)be due to; stem from
舴, 艇, 艋 (ze2, ting3, meng3)small boat
透明 (tou4 ming2)transparent; open (non-secretive)
断桥 (duan4 qiao2)The Broken Bridge (at West Lake in Hangzhou)
(bang4)a stick; club or cudgel; smart; capable; strong
(cang2)to hide away; to conceal; to harbour; store; accumulate
牌匾 (pai2 bian3)board (attached to a wall)
联盟 (lian2 meng2)alliance; union; coalition
情绪 (qing2 xu4)feeling; sentiment
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 91 bis 100: Abschnitt 94(25 Vokabeln)
企图 (qi3 tu2)attempt
外面 (wai4 mian)outside
充份 (chong1 fen4)ample; sufficient; abundant; full
收到 (shou1 dao4)receive
有生以来 (you3 sheng1 yi3 lai2)since birth; for one's whole life
媳妇儿 (xi2 fur)wife; young married woman
加油 (jia1 you2)to make an extra effort; to cheer sb. on
警戒 (jing3 jie4)to warn; to be alert for
(yu2)to lift; raise
狗, 犬 (gou3, quan3)dog
车站 (che1 zhan4)(bus) station
特别待遇 (te4 bie2 dai4 yu4)special treatment
大型 (da4 xing2)large scale; wide scale; broad scale
(wu4)fast; greedy; run rapidly
经济安全 (jing1 ji4 an1 quan2)economic security
挂念 (gua4 nian4)concerned
兵权 (bing1 quan2)military leadership; military power
制度 (zhi4 du4)(political) system or institution
触电 (chu4 dian4)to get an electric shock
(yan3)to spead out; to develop; to overflow; to amplify
丈夫 (zhang4 fu)husband
高中生 (gao1 zhong1 sheng1)senior high school student
(jiao3)a kick; foot; role
调动 (diao4 dong4)transfer; maneuver (troops, etc.)
经济前途 (jing1 ji4 qian2 tu2)economic future; economic outlook
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 91 bis 100: Abschnitt 95(25 Vokabeln)
(xi3)to wash; to bathe
不简单 (bu4 jian3 dan1)not simple; rather complicated; remarkable; marvellous
币值 (bi4 zhi2)value of a currency
盎然 (ang4 ran2)abundant; full; overflowing; exuberant
灯光 (deng1 guang1)(stage) lighting; light
外流 (wai4 liu2)outflow; to flow out; to drain
句号 (ju4 hao4)period
(mang2)name of a hill
遥望 (yao2 wang4)to look into the distance
编程 (bian1 cheng2)to program
(dai1)stay; delay
(gong1)body; oneself; personally; to bow
世界和平 (shi4 jie4 he2 ping2)world piece
空军 (kong1 jun1)air force
强调 (qiang2 diao4)to emphasize (a statement); to stress
释放 (shi4 fang4)release; liberate (a prisoner)
(chi1)eat; eradicate; destroy; receive
(jue2)a peg; low post
高级官员 (gao1 ji2 guan1 yuan2)high ranking official; high level official
租税 (zu1 shui4)land tax
报失 (bao4 shi1)report the loss to the authorities concerned
无论何事 (wu2 lun4 he2 shi4)anything; whatever
(tang4)to scald; to burn; to iron; hot
拥挤 (yong1 ji3)to crowd
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 91 bis 100: Abschnitt 96(25 Vokabeln)
(ye4)bright light; to sparkle
度假 (du4 jia4)go on holiday
(jing3)to alert; to warn
(que4)section of a song; shut
来访 (lai2 fang3)pay a visit
在前 (zai4 qian2)forward
伟人 (wei3 ren2)great person
浪荡 (lang4 dang4)to loiter; to hang around
(shuai4)commander-in-chief; to command
按语 (an4 yu3)note; comment
(zhi2)value; (to be) worth; to happen
难题 (nan2 ti2)difficult problem
网络管理系统 (wang3 luo4 guan3 li3 xi4 tong3)network management system; NMS
(po2)name of a lake
病故 (bing4 gu4)die of an illness
安心 (an1 xin1)feel at ease; be relieved; set one's mind at rest; keep one's mind on something
发送功率 (fa1 song4 gong1 l`)transmission power; output power
(zi1)fine instead of punishment; property
(zhan4)to fight; fight; war; battle
吃不上 (chi1 bu shang4)be unable to get something to eat; miss a meal
讲解 (jiang3 jie3)to explain
不经意 (bu4 jing1 yi4)carelessly; by accident
根本 (gen1 ben3)(not) at all; simply; fundamental; basic; root
补足 (bu3 zu2)bring up to full strength; make up a deficiency; fill (a vacancy; gap; etc; )
(meng2)Tabanus trigonus; house fly
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 91 bis 100: Abschnitt 97(25 Vokabeln)
(zou4)beat up; break to pieces
尊敬 (zun1 jing4)respect; respectfully; revere; reverence
(yi3)€B€ (in a sequence of examples involving €A€, €B€, €C€, etc.); 2nd heavenly stem; 2nd in order
尺度 (chi3 du4)scale; yardstick
百听不厌 (bai3 ting1 bu4 yan4)worth hearing a hundred times
捕食 (bu3 shi2)catch and feed on; prey on
(bo2)argue; parti-colored; tranship
彼此 (bi3 ci3)each other; one another
(cuo4)to file
(dui1)a pile; a mass; heap; stack
(xi1)laugh; giggle
低层, 低阶, 低级 (di1 ceng2, di1 jie1, di1 ji2)low level
(jiu4)to save; to assist; to rescue
告诫, 儆 (gao4 jie4, jing3)warn; admonish
前者 (qian2 zhe3)the former
(a1)(interj.); ah
对外政策 (dui4 wai4 zheng4 ce4)foreign policy
类似 (lei4 si4)similar; analogous
全部 (quan2 bu4)whole; entire; complete
(cai3)step upon; tread on; stamp
未来 (wei4 lai2)future; tomorrow; approaching; coming; pending
简单 (jian3 dan1)simple; not complicated
交通 (jiao1 tong1)(automobile) traffic; communication
一秘 (yi2 mi4)first secretary
(zi1)industrious; produce; bear
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 91 bis 100: Abschnitt 98(25 Vokabeln)
匀溜 (yun2 liu)even and smooth
(bing3)(surname); ancient city name; happy
(za2)mixed; miscellaneous; various; to mix
法案 (fa3 an4)bill; proposed law
合法 (he2 fa3)lawful; legitimate; legal
公众电信网路 (gong1 zhong4 dian4 xin4 wang3 lu4)public telephone network
邮递 (you2 di4)to send by mail; to post
(cun3)ponder; consider; guess
(zhong3)kind; race (of people); seed
太阳 (tai4 yang2)sun
撕毁 (si1 hui3)tear up (a contract, etc)
开放式网路 (kai1 fang4 shi4 wang3 lu4)open network
(xie4)crumbs; filings; worth while
有限 (you3 xian4)limited
(chuang2)(measure word for houses); tents
来源 (lai2 yuan2)source (of information, etc); origin
(yin4)stamp; seal; mark; print
暖, 温暖, 燠 (nuan3, wen1 nuan3, yu4)warm
(bei1)low; base; vulgar; inferior; humble
损耗 (sun3 hao4)wear and tear
年纪, 龄 (nian2 ji4, ling2)age
(chang2)a legendary beauty who flew to the moon; the lady in the moon
几百, 数百 (ji3 bai3, shu4 bai3)several hundred
(yi4)to shoot
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 91 bis 100: Abschnitt 99(25 Vokabeln)
(li2)(surname); black
不妥 (bu4 tuo3)not proper; inappropriate
成本 (cheng2 ben3)(manufacturing, production, etc.) costs
特制 (te4 zhi4)special; unique
帮会 (bang1 hui4)secret society; underworld gang
公告 (gong1 gao4)post
排斥 (pai2 chi4)reject; exclude; eliminate; remove
(tian2)fill up; rumbling sound
爸爸, 父亲, 父 (ba4 ba, fu4 qin, fu4)father
迅速 (xun4 su4)rapid; speedy; fast
姐夫 (jie3 fu)brother in law (husband's side)
(xiang4)guide; opposite to
美国之音 (mei3 guo2 zhi1 yin1)Voice of America radio
震惊 (zhen4 jing1)to shock; to astonish
特殊 (te4 shu4)special; particular; unusual; extraordinary
审判 (shen3 pan4)put (someone) to trial
电脑软件 (dian4 nao3 ruan3 jian4)computer software
学生 (xue2 sheng)student
丢掉, 扔, 拽 (diu1 diao4, reng1, zhuai1)throw
提醒 (ti2 xing3)remind; call attention to; warn of
(zhi2)pick up; to select
表决 (biao3 jue2)decide by vote; vote
梦想 (meng4 xiang3)to dream of (in vain)
(tun2)to station (soldiers); to store up
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 91 bis 100: Abschnitt 100(25 Vokabeln)
邬, 郦, 郝 (wu1, li4, hao3)(surname); ancient place name
喜悦 (xi3 yue4)happy; joyous
归还 (gui1 huan2)return; revert
(bang1)near (approaching)
兵器 (bing1 qi4)weaponry; weapons; arms
行驶 (xing2 shi3)(vehicles, etc.) travel along a route
(tiao4)jump; hop; skip (a grade); to leap; to bounce; to beat
鋈, 镀 (wu4, du4)-plated; to plate
简易 (jian3 yi4)simple; easy
外来投资, 外资 (wai4 lai2 tou2 zi, wai4 zi1)foreign investment
进行性交 (jin4 xing2 xing4 jiao1)to have sex; to have sexual intercourse
(man4)creeper; to spread
人权观察 (ren2 quan2 guan1 cha2)Human Rights Watch (organization)
西 (xi1)west
普及 (pu3 ji2)widespead; popular; universal; ubiquitous
产品经理 (chan3 pin3 jing1 li3)product manager
特定 (te4 ding4)special; specific; designated; particular; designated
指南 (zhi3 nan2)to guide
推动力 (tui1 dong4 li4)driving force
适应 (shi4 ying4)suit; fit; be suitable
百分制 (bai3 fen1 zhi4)hundred mark system
队长 (dui4 zhang3)captain; team leader
尺寸 (chi3 cun)size; dimension; measurement
靶场 (ba3 chang3)shooting range; range
(yi4)hang; strangle oneself
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 101 bis 110: Abschnitt 101(25 Vokabeln)
(qi4)gas; air; smell; weather; vital breath; to make sb. angry; to get angry; to be enraged
(qing1)9th of month (tele.); blue-green
不可告人 (bu4 ke3 gao4 ren2)hidden; kept secret; not to be divulged
在内 (zai4 nei4)including
(shi4)attend on
(yao3)deep; quiet and elegant
武库 (wu3 ku4)arsenal; store of arms
追查 (zhui1 cha2)investigate; track down (information)
操练 (cao1 lian4)drill; practice
十月 (shi2 yue4)October
安全理事会 (an1 quan2 li3 shi4 hui4)the U; N; security Council
基准 (ji1 zhun3)data; standard
欢乐 (huan1 le4)gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure; happy; joyous; gay
(yao4)medicine; drug; cure
金融改革 (jin1 rong2 gai3 ge2)financial reform
广泛 (guang3 fan4)extensive; wide range
联想 (lian2 xiang3)associate
(kai3)high quality iron
约束 (yue1 shu4)restrict; limit to
度量 (du4 liang4)measure
坚定 (jian1 ding4)firm; steady; staunch
关联 (guan1 lian2)be related; be linked
科目, 主词 (ke1 mu4, zhu3 ci2)subject
(cou4)the tissue between the skin and the flesh
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 101 bis 110: Abschnitt 102(25 Vokabeln)
属性 (shu3 xing4)attribute; property
取得大学学位 (qu3 de2 da4 xue2 xue2 wei4)to obtain a university education
侧重 (ce4 zhong4)place extra emphasis on
拴, 縻 (shuan1, mi2)tie up
暗记儿 (an4 ji4 er2)secret mark
屏门 (ping2 men2)screen door
篇章 (pian1 zhang1)writing; sections and chapters
电影 (dian4 ying3)movie; film
角色, 脚 (jue2 se4, jue2)role
校验 (jiao4 yan4)to check; to examine
(ying2)wind around
小学 (xiao3 xue2)primary school
精简开支 (jing1 jian3 kai1 zhi1)to reduce spending; to cut spending
一臂之力 (yi1 bi4 zhi1 li4)(lend) a helping hand
(mu4)evening; sunset
已经, 业经 (yi3 jing1, ye4 jing1)already
弟兄 (di4 xiong1)brother
酬报 (chou2 bao4)to repay; to reward
老二 (lao3 er4)the second child or brother (or sister)
拿手 (na2 shou3)expert in; good at
下决心 (xia4 jue2 xin1)determine; resolve
大自然 (da4 zi4 ran2)nature (as in Mother Nature)
有用 (you3 yong4)useful
(tu1)to dash; to move forward quickly
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 101 bis 110: Abschnitt 103(25 Vokabeln)
(hua2)to row
(cha2)a raft made of bamboo or wood; to fell trees; to hew
京, 本钱 (jing1, ben3 qian2)capital
(gao1)bank; marsh; testicles
原理 (yuan2 li3)principle; theory
摈弃 (bin4 qi4)abandon; discard; cast away
(jiong3)bright; clear
推选, 推举 (tui1 xuan3, tui1 ju3)elect; choose
医院 (yi1 yuan4)hospital
便当 (bian4 dang4)convenient; handy; easy
真实 (zhen1 shi2)true; real
民主党 (min2 zhu3 dang3)Democratic Party
把式 (ba3 shi4)person skilled in a trade; skill
败露 (bai4 lu4)(of a plot; etc; ) fall through and stand exposed
业余大学 (ye4 yu2 da4 xue2)college for people who attend after work (lit.: spare-time college)
竭尽全力 (jie2 jin4 quan2 li4)to spare no effort; do one's utmost
(sang3)push back; push over
完全 (wan2 quan2)complete; whole; totally; entirely
鼻梁 (bi2 liang2)bridge of the nose
(hui4)class; collection
军用 (jun1 yong4)(for) military (use)
目标 (mu4 biao1)target; goal; objective
(ge2)frame; rule
农村 (nong2 cun1)rural area; village
证明 (zheng4 ming2)prove
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 101 bis 110: Abschnitt 104(25 Vokabeln)
(miao2)to aim
(lai4)scabies; skin disease
交叉 (jiao1 cha1)cross; intersect
元件 (yuan2 jian4)element; component
发达国家 (fa1 da2 guo2 jia1)developed nation
军备 (jun1 bei4)(military) arms; armaments
(bu1)evening meal
寒冷 (han2 leng3)cold (climate); frigid; very cold
肩膀, 肩 (jian1 bang3, jian1)shoulder
查证 (cha2 zheng4)investigate; check out (a story)
拒绝 (ju4 jue2)to refuse; to decline; to reject
名片 (ming2 pian4)(business) card
(ge3)excellent; happy; well-being
程序 (cheng2 xu4)procedures; sequence; order
受害 (shou4 hai4)to be injured; to be killed
经济改革 (jing1 ji4 gai3 ge2)economic reform
红茶 (hong2 cha2)black tea
花店 (hua1 dian4)flower shop
纠偏 (jiu1 pian1)to correct an error
法理 (fa3 li3)legal principle; jurisprudence
(lu4)clear (water); strain liquids
记者招待会, 记者会 (ji4 zhe3 zhao1 dai4 hui4, ji4 zhe3 hui4)press conference
地址 (di4 zhi3)address
(yi4)anxiety; worry
一千 (yi1 qian1)one thousand
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 101 bis 110: Abschnitt 105(25 Vokabeln)
爱人如己 (ai4 ren2 ru2 ji3)love others as self
律, 法律 (l`, fa3 l`)law
注解 (zhu4 jie3)comment
检阅 (jian3 yue4)inspect; review (troops)
(pi4)low; rustic; secluded
拨乱反正 (bo1 luan4 fan3 zheng4)bring order out of chaos; set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder
地球 (di4 qiu2)the Earth; planet
九月 (jiu3 yue4)ninth month; September
款项 (kuan3 xiang4)funds; a sum of money
却病 (que4 bing4)to prevent or treat a disease
不容 (bu4 rong2)not tolerate; not allow; not brook; not admit
白日做梦 (bai2 ri4 zuo4 meng4)day dream; indulge in wishful thinking
一般来说 (yi4 ban1 lai2 shuo1)generally speaking
负债?? (fu4 zhai4 lei3 lei3)heavily in debt
解析 (jie3 xi1)to analyze; to resolve
(qiang1)educated; name of a tribe; strong
(chen2)statesman; vassal; courtier; minister; official
就绪 (jiu4 xu4)ready; in order
访华 (fang3 hua2)visit China
过了五分钟 (guo4 le wu3 fen1 zhong1)five minutes passed
(you4)urge to eat
记者报导 (ji4 zhe3 bao4 dao3)press report
学期 (xue2 qi1)term; semester
反对党 (fan3 dui4 dang3)opposition (political) party
不变资本 (bu4 bian4 zi1 ben3)constant capital
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 101 bis 110: Abschnitt 106(25 Vokabeln)
总机 (zong3 ji1)central exchange; telephone exchange; switchboard
(hu2)(measure); frightened
安全考虑 (an1 quan2 kao3 l`)security consideration
试样 (shi4 yang4)style; type; model
环绕 (huan2 rao4)to surround; to rotate
(xi4)connect; to tie
军政 (jun1 zheng4)army and government
精干 (jing1 gan4)crack (troops); special (forces); highly capable
网络应用, 网路应用 (wang3 luo4 ying4 yong4, wang3 lu4 ying4 yong4)network application
安全 (an1 quan2)safe; secure; safety; security
贸易 (mao4 yi4)(commercial) trade
到期 (dao4 qi1)become due (eg, loans)
出生日期 (chu1 sheng1 ri4 qi1)date of birth
情形 (qing2 xing)circumstances; situation
(de2)Germany; virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favour; character; kind
(gong1)offer (information etc.); supply
(yu4)beforehand; honan; prepare
(dui4)to cash
军校 (jun1 xiao4)military school; military academy
(she1)buy on credit
本事 (ben3 shi4)ability; skill; source material; original story
叹, 喟 (tan4, kui4)to sigh
网路服务 (wang3 lu4 fu2 wu4)network service
牌价 (pai2 jia4)list price
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 101 bis 110: Abschnitt 107(25 Vokabeln)
会长 (hui4 zhang3)president of a club, committee, etc.
演讲 (yan3 jiang3)(give) a speech or lecture
不便 (bu4 bian4)inconvenient; inappropriate; unsuitable; short of cash
训令 (xun4 ling4)order; instruction
皎, 颢 (jiao3, hao4)bright; white
联结 (lian2 jie2)to bind; to tie; to link
当局 (dang1 ju2)authorities
暴卒 (bao4 zu2)die of sudden illness; die suddenly
(zong4)even if; release
入伍 (ru4 wu3)enter the army; enlist
地皮 (di4 pi2)lot, section of land, ground
三百亿 (san1 bai3 yi4)30 billion
(ci4)wait on
捉取 (zhuo1 qu3)to capture
(ji1)machine; opportunity; secret
厂址 (chang3 zhi3)factory site; location
样子 (yang4 zi)manner; air; looks; aspect
摹画 (mo2 hua4)describe
英文, 英语 (ying1 wen2, ying1 yu3)English (language)
遗憾 (yi2 han4)regret; pity; sorry
(miao2)depict; to trace (a drawing); to copy; to touch up
资料 (zi1 liao4)data; material
(jiu4)hire; to rent
耕种 (geng1 zhong4)to till; to cultivate
不准 (bu4 zhun3)not allow; forbid; prohibit
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 101 bis 110: Abschnitt 108(25 Vokabeln)
消除 (xiao1 chu2)to eliminate; to remove
十字架 (shi2 zi4 jia4)cross
鉴定 (jian4 ding4)to appraise; to identify; to evaluate
美联社 (mei3 lian2 she4)Associated Press (AP)
列车 (lie4 che1)train (railway term)
(ya4)eradicate; pull up
遵守 (zun1 shou3)comply with; respect (an agreement)
撤除 (che4 chu2)remove
木材 (mu4 cai2)wood
保罗 (bao3 luo2)Paul
雌性, 雌, 牝 (ci2 xing4, ci2, pin4)female
(shu1)pretty woman
白净 (bai2 jing4)(of skin) fair and clear
(gua1)to scrape; to blow
百万 (bai3 wan4)million; millions
有趣 (you3 qu4)interesting; fascinating; amusing
国际见闻 (guo2 ji4 jian4 wen2)International Background Knowledge
信仰 (xin4 yang3)firm belief; conviction
(yi3)moor a boat to the bank
河流, 河, 江 (he2 liu2, he2, jiang1)river
下唇 (xia4 chun2)lower lip
总统 (zong3 tong3)president (of a country)
型状 (xing2 zhuang4)shape
(jiao3)to disturb; to annoy; to mix; to stir
开庭 (kai1 ting2)begin a (judicial) court session
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 101 bis 110: Abschnitt 109(25 Vokabeln)
(zai3)slaughter; butcher; govern; rule; official
注意看 (zhu4 yi4 kan4)watch carefully
星期六 (xing1 qi1 liu4)Saturday
联合发表 (lian2 he2 fa1 biao3)joint statement; joint announcement
指挥者 (zhi3 hui1 zhe3)conductor; director
(cheng2)city walls; city; town
越野 (yue4 ye3)cross country
(gan4)manage; stem
难捱 (nan2 ai2)trying, difficult
(shao4)(surname); name of an ancient state
(hang2)a row; profession; professional
(ke1)to tap; knock
储存 (chu3 cun2)stockpile; to store; to stockpile
平常 (ping2 chang2)ordinary; common; usually; ordinarily
(bao3)dense foliage; to cover
(li4)husband and wife
得宜 (de2 yi2)proper; appropriate; suitable
耳子 (er3 zi)handle (on a pot)
出狱 (chu1 yu4)leave prison
打针 (da3 zhen1)to give or have an injection
文献, 公文 (wen2 xian4, gong1 wen2)document
捐助 (juan1 zhu4)offer; contribution; donation
外交关系 (wai4 jiao1 guan1 xi4)foreign relations; diplomatic relations
判定 (pan4 ding4)judge; decide; judgement; determination
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 101 bis 110: Abschnitt 110(25 Vokabeln)
奠定 (dian4 ding4)establish; fix; settle
发展的国家 (fa1 zhan3 de guo2 jia1)developing country; developing nation
(liao2)to treat; to cure
买卖 (mai3 mai4)buying and selling; business dealings; transactions
(jun4)complete; finish
运行状况 (yun4 xing2 zhuang4 kuang4)operational state; running state
遇见 (yu4 jian4)meet
桃花运 (tao2 hua1 yun4)luck with the opposite sex
白乾儿 (bai2 gan1 er2)spirit
光源 (guang1 yuan2)light source
(cen2)a small hill; (a surname)
笔试 (bi3 shi4)written examination
惩戒 (cheng2 jie4)to discipline; reprimand
(di2)enemy; match
(bi4)king; emporer; monarch; royal
(jiao1)(surname); cunning; pretty
(bao4)sudden; violent; cruel; to show or expose; to injure
辩解 (bian4 jie3)explain; justify; defend (a point of view, etc); provide an explanation; try to defend oneself
外部 (wai4 bu4)external part; external
感冒 (gan3 mao4)to catch cold; (common) cold
岸然 (an4 ran2)solemn; serious
薄油层 (bo2 you2 ceng2)oil sheet
(zhi3)imperial decree; purport; aim; purpose
前辈 (qian2 bei4)senior; older generation
相片 (xiang4 pian4)image; photograph
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 111 bis 120: Abschnitt 111(25 Vokabeln)
(tuan2)roll round with hand
起死回生 (qi3 si3 hui2 sheng1)arise from the dead
推出 (tui1 chu1)to release
生长 (sheng1 zhang3)grow
话题 (hua4 ti2)subject (of a talk or conversation); topic
(quan1)circle; ring; loop
驳倒 (bo2 dao3)demolish sb; 's argument; refute; outargue
(jue2)cut short; extinct; to disapper; to vanish; absolutely; by no means
咖啡馆 (ka1 fei1 guan3)cafe; coffee shop
朝, 上午, 夙 (zhao1, shang4 wu3, su4)morning
有决心 (you3 jue2 xin1)determined
(quan2)estimate; select
(zu2)foot; to be sufficient
七百万 (qi1 bai3 wan4)seven million
官方语言 (guan1 fang1 yu3 yan2)official language
物件, 宾语 (wu4 jian4, bin1 yu3)object
影像 (ying3 xiang4)image
森林, 森 (sen1 lin2, sen1)forest
手法 (shou3 fa3)technique; trick; skill
本源 (ben3 yuan2)origin; source
运输 (yun4 shu1)transit; transport
(fang2)to protect; to defend; to guard (against)
团队 (tuan2 dui4)team
(dou4)to fight; to battle; to struggle; to incite
一起 (yi4 qi3)together
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 111 bis 120: Abschnitt 112(25 Vokabeln)
(dun1)block; gate pillar; pier
(ru2)(surname); child
明文 (ming2 wen2)(laws, rules, etc) state in writing
备战 (bei4 zhan4)prepare for war; be prepared against war
一百五十亿 (yi1 bai3 wu3 shi2 yi4)15 billion
容纳 (rong2 na4)contain; accomodate
总裁 (zong3 cai2)chairman; director-general (of a company, etc)
菲菲 (fei1 fei1)very fragrant; luxurious; beautiful
(dian1)inverted; jolt; top
(wo4)fertile; rich
电视节目 (dian4 shi4 jie2 mu4)television program
办理 (ban4 li3)to handle; to transact; to conduct
(zao4)dry; parched; impatient
衡量 (heng2 liang)weight; measure
安步当车 (an1 bu4 dang4 che1)walk over leisurely instead of riding in a carriage; walk rather than ride
截然 (jie2 ran2)completely; sharply (differing)
(chou4)stench; stink; smelly; to smell (bad)
(shi2)eat up slowly; eclipse
首相 (shou3 xiang4)(Japanese) prime minister
企业集团 (qi3 ye4 ji2 tuan2)industry association
病倒 (bing4 dao3)be down with an illness; be laid up
连续 (lian2 xu4)continous; in a row
比价 (bi3 jia4)price relations; parity; rate of exchange
扩充 (kuo4 chong1)to expand
平板 (ping2 ban3)tablet; flat
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 111 bis 120: Abschnitt 113(25 Vokabeln)
信号? (xin4 hao4 tai2)signal station
抢先 (qiang3 xian3)to rush (to do sth urgent)
死?? (si3 hu2 tong4)dead end; blind alley
可选择丢弃 (ke3 xuan3 ze2 diu1 qi4)discard eligible (Frame Relay); DE
(ge2)leather; remove
保修 (bao3 xiu1)guarantee to keep in good repair
(jiao4)religion; teaching
(ming2)drizzle; sea
(qian1)road leading north and south
教堂 (jiao4 tang2)church; chapel
拜渴 (bai4 ye4)pay a formal visit; call to pay respects; pay homage (at a monument, mausoleum, etc)
爆炸 (bao4 zha4)explosion; to explode; to blow up; to detonate
表率, 榜样 (biao3 shuai4, bang3 yang4)example; model
秉承 (bing3 cheng2)take orders; receive commands
(xian2)sides of boat
满意 (man3 yi4)to be satisfied; to be pleased; satisfied; pleased
(xian3)few; rare
白饭 (bai2 fan4)plain cooked rice; rice with nothing to go with it
军费 (jun1 fei4)military expenditure
国防 (guo2 fang2)national defence
(yi4)cut off the nose
(qian2)(surname); male; strong
章孝严 (zhang1 xiao4 yan2)John Chang (Taiwan Foreign Minister)
第三 (di4 san1)third; No. 3
白色 (bai2 se4)white (colour); White (as a symbol of reaction)
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 111 bis 120: Abschnitt 114(25 Vokabeln)
冲突 (chong1 tu1)conflict; conflict; clash of opposing forces; contention
(pei4)girdle ornaments; wear (belt; etc.)
承担 (cheng2 dan1)undertake; assume (responsibility, etc.)
现成 (xian4 cheng2)ready made
(bao4)a plane; to plane
(bang4)to slander; defame; speak ill of
(man2)to blame
(xing3)to wake up; to be awake
特定含义 (te4 ding4 han2 yi4)specific meaning
网桥 (wang3 qiao2)(network) bridge
程式理员 (cheng2 shi4 quan3 li3 yuan2)program manager (Windows)
(xiong1)chest; busom; heart; mind; thorax
步伐 (bu4 fa2)pace; (measured) step; march
开发环境 (kai1 fa1 huan2 jing4)development environment (computer)
申请书 (shen1 qing3 shu1)application
技巧 (ji4 qiao3)skill; technique
报馆 (bao4 guan3)newspaper office
(jia2)a lance; standing alone
渴望 (ke3 wang4)desirous; wishful; desire
(kan1)kill; suppress
保外就医 (bao3 wai4 jiu4 yi1)(of a prisoner) released for medical treatment
网络环境, 网路环境 (wang3 luo4 huan2 jing4, wang3 lu4 huan2 jing4)network environment
(ju1)entirely; without exception
链结, 链路 (lian4 jie2, lian4 lu4)link
(bin1)shore; beach; coast; bank
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 111 bis 120: Abschnitt 115(25 Vokabeln)
高速网络 (gao1 su4 wang3 luo4)high speed network
十倍 (shi2 bei4)tenfold; ten times (sth)
棕色 (zong1 se4)brown (the color)
东西 (dong1 xi1)east and west
训练 (xun4 lian4)drill; exercise; train; training
(zhi4)order (liness)
时代 (shi2 dai4)age; era; epoch; period
(du2)ditch; trouble (some one to do)
安宁 (an1 ning2)peaceful; tranquil; calm; composed; free from worry
(guang4)to stroll; to visit
摆轮 (bai3 lun2)balance (of a watch or clock); balance wheel
(xia4)summer; Xia (proper name)
闹事 (nao4 shi4)cause trouble; create a disturbance
股价 (gu3 jia4)stock price; share price
(dan1)red; pellet; powder; cinnabar
本末倒置 (ben3 mo4 dao3 zhi4)take the branch for the root; put the incidental before the fundamental; put the cart before the horse
新闻 (xin1 wen2)news
拔营 (ba2 ying2)strike camp
雇主 (gu4 zhu3)employer
(zhou4)name of an emperor; saddle crupper
整整 (zheng3 zheng3)whole; full
有责任 (you3 ze2 ren4)liable; responsible
大写 (da4 xie3)capital letters; block letters
同谋 (tong2 mou2)to conspire with someone; (be an) accomplice; to plot; (co)conspirator; partner in crime
简略 (jian3 l`e4)simple; brief
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 111 bis 120: Abschnitt 116(25 Vokabeln)
农场 (nong2 chang3)farm
生涯 (sheng1 ya2)career
背诵 (bei4 song4)recite; repeat from memory
绿色 (l` se4)green
(biao3)hang (paper); mount (painting)
财力 (cai2 li4)financial resources
不置可否 (bu4 zhi4 ke3 fou3)decline to comment; not express an opinion; be noncommittal; hedge
相对 (xiang1 dui4)relatively; opposite (side of the table); to resist; to oppose
(wei4)(surname); milit. official; to quiet
(die2)fold up; repeat
闻名 (wen2 ming2)well-known; famous; renowned; eminent
(qi1)(surname); relative
对手 (dui4 shou3)opponent; adversary; match
今儿, 今日 (jinr1, jin1 ri4)today
(gai1)step; terrace
严词 (yan2 ci2)(criticize, etc.) forcefully; using strong words
婚事 (hun1 shi4)wedding; marriage
违章 (wei1 zhang1)to break the rules; to violate regulations
说服 (shuo1 fu2)to persuade; to convince; to talk sb. over
窿 (long2)cavity; hole
(bang3)upper arm; wing
法官 (fa3 guan1)a judge; judge; to judge
(che4)pull; obstruct; hinder; draw
教材 (jiao4 cai2)teaching material
忍受 (ren3 shou4)bear; endure
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 111 bis 120: Abschnitt 117(25 Vokabeln)
交往 (jiao1 wang3)association; contact
不辨菽麦 (bu4 bian4 shu1 mai4)be unable to tell beans from wheat - have no knowledge of practical matters
洗刷 (xi3 shua1)wash; brush; scrub
可口 (ke3 kou3)tasty; to taste good
颈部 (jing3 bu4)the neck area of the body
案验 (an4 yan4)investigate the evidence of a case
公共汽车, 气车 (gong1 gong4 qi4 che1, qi4 che1)bus
传输媒界 (chuan2 shu1 mei2 jie4)transport method
内阁 (nei4 ge2)(government) cabinet
(yun3)perish; die
兵种 (bing1 zhong3)(military) branch of the armed forces
爱莫能助 (ai4 mo4 neng2 zhu4)willing to help but unable to do so
珍藏 (zhen1 cang2)collection; collect (valuables)
(lin2)(surname); select for appointment
重量 (zhong4 liang4)weight
(long2)grind; mill
随後 (sui2 hou4)soon after
中国人民 (zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2)the Chinese people
国际商业机器 (guo2 ji4 shang1 ye4 ji1 qi4)International Business Machines; IBM
除了之外 (chu2 le zhi1 wai4)except
跑道 (pao3 dao4)athletic track; runaway; track
(cheng1)stare at something beyond reach
白煤 (bai2 mei2)anthracite; hard coal; white coal; waterpower
(diao4)condole with; hang
不见棺材不落泪 (bu4 jian4 guan1 cai2 bu4 luo4 lei4)not shed a tear until one sees the coffin - refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 111 bis 120: Abschnitt 118(25 Vokabeln)
(xun4)to yield
变故 (bian4 gu4)an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune
不受理 (bu4 shou4 li3)reject a complaint; refuse to entertain (a proposal)
(ban3)board; plank; plate; slab
申请 (shen1 qing3)apply (for); application (form, etc.)
徒刑 (tu2 xing2)(prison) sentence
(wen3)kiss; mouth
(yi2)to doubt; to misbelieve; to suspect
(cuo4)a file (tool for shaping metal); to file
活跃 (huo2 yue4)active; vigorous
识别 (shi2 bie2)to distinguish; to discern
(dai4)lend on interest; borrow; loan; make excuses; pardon; forgive
会谈 (hui4 tan2)talks; discussions
(pian1)fly fast
谋取 (mou2 qu3)try to gain; seek; obtain
(qiu3)(surname); dry provisions
大学生 (da4 xue2 sheng)university student
一带 (yi1 dai4)region; district
(qian4)deficient; owe; to lack; yawn
(li2)colored glaze; glass
标兵 (biao1 bing1)parade guards (usually spaced out along parade routes); example; model; pacesetter
(bo2)argue; parti-colored; tranship; dispute; contradict; refute
电灯 (dian4 deng1)electric light
(pei2)to accompany; to keep sb. company
大容量 (da4 rong2 liang4)high capacity
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 111 bis 120: Abschnitt 119(25 Vokabeln)
迁就 (qian1 jiu4)to yield; to adapt to; to accomodate to (sth)
遏制 (e4 zhi4)check; contain; hold back or within limits
败阵 (bai4 zhen4)be defeated on the battlefield; be beaten in a contest
图像 (tu2 xiang4)image; picture; graphic
(duan3)lack; short
产权 (chan3 quan2)property right
(shi2)rock; stone
版面 (ban3 mian4)space of a whole page; layout (makeup) of a printed sheet
强度 (qiang2 du4)strength; intensity
沦陷 (lun2 xian4)(territory) fall to enemy occupation
真, 真正 (zhen1, zhen1 zheng4)real; true; genuine
食物 (shi2 wu4)food
(wei2)door to women's room; gate to palace
跑警报 (pao3 jing3 bao4)to run for shelter
药物 (yao4 wu4)medicaments; pharmaceuticals; medication; medicine; drug
运算环境, 作业环境, 操作环境 (yun4 suan4 huan2 jing4, zuo4 ye4 huan2 jing4, cao1 zuo4 huan2 jing4)operating environment
街, 街道 (jie1, jie1 dao4)street
(xian4)a district; county
需求, 必要条件 (xu1 qiu2, bi4 yao4 tiao2 jian4)requirement
(he2)nuclear; atomic; stone (of fruit)
现金, 现款 (xian4 jin1, xian4 kuan3)cash
不可名状 (bu4 ke3 ming2 zhuang4)indescribable; beyond description
先进 (xian1 jin4)advanced (technology); to advance
居住 (ju1 zhu4)reside; be a resident (of)
日报 (ri4 bao4)daily newspaper
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 111 bis 120: Abschnitt 120(25 Vokabeln)
兵团 (bing1 tuan2)large military unit; formation; corps; army
主修 (zhu3 xiu1)(school) major
恰好 (qia4 hao3)as it turns out; by lucky coincidence
心得 (xin1 de2)knowledge gained
(pin1)piece together; stake (all); spell; join together
长短 (chang2 duan3)length; duration
广 (guang3)wide; numerous; to spread
暗探 (an4 tan2)secret agent; detective
(le4)(surname); happy; laugh; cheerful
欣赏 (xin1 shang3)to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire
百分点 (bai3 fen1 dian3)percentage point
这次危机 (zhe4 ci4 wei1 ji1)present crisis; current crisis
(qi1)seven (fraudproof)
讲解员, 向导 (jiang3 jie3 yuan2, xiang4 dao3)guide
太平 (tai4 ping2)peace and security
(bin1)fine steel
在某种程度上 (zai4 mou3 zhong3 cheng2 du4 shang4)to a certain extent
科研 (ke1 yan2)(scientific) research
随ぴ (sui2 zhe)along with; in the wake of
宣称 (xuan1 cheng1)assert; claim
(sao1)have sex appeal
不即不离 (bu4 ji2 bu4 li2)be neither too familiar nor too distant; keep sb; at arm's length
三十亿 (san1 shi2 yi4)three billion
晚餐 (wan3 can1)evening meal; dinner
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 121 bis 125: Abschnitt 121(25 Vokabeln)
(zhong4)hit (the mark)
进展 (jin4 zhan3)to make headway; to make progress
严重问题 (yan2 zhong4 wen4 ti2)serious problem
撞见 (zhuang4 jian4)to meet by accident
(wen3)cut across (throat)
特区 (te4 qu1)special (administrative) region
高科技 (gao1 ke1 ji4)high tech; high technology
(mo4)raised path; street
(ke4)subject; class; lesson
财物 (cai2 wu4)property; belongings
汉字 (han4 zi4)Chinese character
答案 (da2 an4)answer; solution
大吃 (da4 chi1)gobble; eat quickly
广播网路 (guang3 bo1 wang3 lu4)broadcast network
覃, 潭 (tan2, tan2)(surname); deep
留下 (liu2 xia4)remain
比值 (bi3 zhi2)specific value; ratio
(lu4)(surname); shore; land; continent
清爽 (qing1 shuang3)fresh and cool
自负 (zi4 fu4)conceited; responsible
便宜行事 (bian4 yi2 xing2 shi4)act at one's discretion; act as one sees fit
护, 佑 (hu4, you4)protect
皂, 黑色 (zao4, hei1 se4)black
终端用户 (zhong1 duan1 yong4 hu4)end user
冲洗 (chong1 xi3)to rinse; to wash
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 121 bis 125: Abschnitt 122(25 Vokabeln)
(xuan2)black; mysterious
语音通讯通道 (yu3 yin1 tong1 xun4 tong1 dao4)voice (communications) channel
(shi1)a division (milit.); teacher; master; expert; model
队部 (dui4 bu4)office; headquarters
毡, 毛毡 (zhan1, mao2 zhan1)felt
病人 (bing4 ren2)sick person; [medical] patient; invalid
完善 (wan2 shan4)perfect; complete
常委 (chang2 wei3)member of standing committee
办报 (ban4 bao4)to run a newspaper
不好意思 (bu4 hao3 yi4 si)feel embarrassed; be ill at ease; find it embarrassing (to do sth; )
空气 (kong1 qi4)air; atmosphere
政治关系 (zheng4 zhi4 guan1 xi4)political relations
接纳 (jie1 na4)admit (into membership of an organization)
金融风波 (jin1 rong2 feng1 bo1)financial crisis; banking crisis
(you2)outstanding; particularly; especially
命令 (ming4 ling4)(an) order or command
杀人案 (sha1 ren2 an4)murder case; homicide case
荣获 (rong2 huo4)prize; award
实力, 力气, 劲 (shi2 li4, li4 qi, jin4)strength
航运 (hang2 yun4)shipping; transport
(zui4)guilt; crime; fault; blame; sin
世界经济 (shi4 jie4 jing1 ji4)global economy; world economy
不堪 (bu4 kan1)cannot bear; cannot stand; utterly; extremely
(che3)pull; tear; to talk casually
树林 (shu4 lin2)woods; grove; forest
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 121 bis 125: Abschnitt 123(25 Vokabeln)
雅各书 (ya3 ge4 shu1)James
(pao4)cannon; gun; firecracker
(bi4)to cover; to shield; to screen; to conceal
奔驰 (ben1 chi2)run quickly; speed
桌子 (zhuo1 zi)table; desk
幅度 (fu2 du4)width; extent
(xi1)to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale
疗法 (liao2 fa3)therapy; treatment
(chuai3)estimate; guess; figure; surmise
抱养 (bao4 yang3)adopt (a child)
北美, 北美洲 (bei3 mei3, bei3 mei3 zhou1)North America
(bang3)a notice or anouncement; a list of names; public roll of successful examinees
(guan4)pierce; to string
(gun3)to boil; to roll
(zhong1)clock; time as measured in hours and minutes; bell
精选 (jing1 xuan3)chosen
(zang3)powerful horse
(zheng1)Chinese 1st month of year
(zhu3)post; prop
视而不见 (shi4 er2 bu4 jian4)turn a blind eye to
报废 (bao4 fei4)report as worthless; discard as worthless; reject; scrap
报导 (bao4 dao4)to cover (report) news; news reporting; story; article
收听 (shou1 ting1)to listen (to); to listen (in)
(xi2)dispatch; order
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 121 bis 125: Abschnitt 124(25 Vokabeln)
苹果电脑 (ping2 guo3 dian4 nao3)Apple computer
知识工程师 (zhi1 shi4 gong1 cheng2 shi1)knowledge worker
(ben1)to hurry or rush; to run quickly; to elope
包管 (bao1 guan3)assure; guarantee
拨弄 (bo1 nong4)move to and fro (with hand; foot; stick; etc; ); fiddle with; stir up
规格, 规?, 标准规格 (gui1 ge2, gui1 fan4, biao1 zhun3 gui1 ge2)standard; norm
(an4)to shut the door; unilluminated
军事威胁 (jun1 shi4 wei1 xie2)military threat
定位 (ding4 wei4)position; location
舞弄 (wu3 nong4)to wave; to brandish
回归中国 (hui2 gui1 zhong1 guo2)to return to China (e.g. Hong Kong)
美国政府 (mei3 guo2 zheng4 fu3)U.S. government; American government
和平 (he2 ping2)peace
边沿 (bian1 yan2)edge; fringe
大量 (da4 liang4)great amount; large quantity; numerous
毒打, 殴打 (du2 da3, ou1 da3)beat up
军事 (jun1 shi4)military affairs; military matters; military
各大军区 (ge4 da4 jun1 qu1)€the greater military areas€
币制 (bi4 zhi4)currency system
原则 (yuan2 ze2)principle
不务正业 (bu4 wu4 zheng4 ye4)not engage in honest work; ignore one's proper occupation; not attend to one's proper duties
编目 (bian1 mu4)make a catalogue; catalogue; list
生产能力 (sheng1 chan3 neng2 li4)manufacturing ability
(ju4)poor; rustic
抄写 (chao1 xie3)to copy; to transcribe
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 121 bis 125: Abschnitt 125(25 Vokabeln)
臂膀, 手臂, 臂 (bi4 bang3, shou3 bi, bi4)arm
下齿 (xia4 chi3)bottom teeth
瓜分 (gua1 fen1)partition; divide up
奖金 (jiang3 jin1)premium; award money
约定 (yue1 ding4)engage; promise; make an appointment
(zhou4)(surname); (writing); develop
业主 (ye4 zhu3)owner; proprietor
国产 (guo2 chan3)made in one's own country; made in China
宽阔 (kuan1 kuo4)expanse; wide
生产队 (sheng1 chan3 dui4)production team
(shuai1)decay; decline
年轻化 (nian2 qing1 hua4)make more youthful; promote younger staff
通常 (tong1 chang2)regular; usual; ordinary; normal
(yi4)gown; to dress; to wear
总参谋部 (zong3 can1 mou2 bu4)(military) General Staff Headquarters
均衡 (jun1 heng2)equal; balanced
碑额 (bei1 e2)the top part of a tablet
坚决 (jian1 jue2)firm; resolute; determined
安全问题 (an1 quan2 wen4 ti2)safety issue; security issue
迟误 (chi2 wu4)to delay; to procrastinate
南华早报 (nan2 hua2 zao3 bao4)South China Morning Post (newspaper in Hong Kong)
现实情况 (xian4 shi2 qing2 kuang4)current state; current situation
席卷亚洲 (xi2 juan3 ya4 zhou1)to sweep through Asia
从前 (cong2 qian2)previously; formerly
Aufbauwortschatz: Abschnitt 121 bis 125: Abschnitt 126(3 Vokabeln)
嫂嫂 (sao3 sao)sister in law (husband's side)
大力发展 (da4 li4 fa1 zhan3)vigorous expansion; rapid development
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 1(25 Vokabeln)
(xing1)flourish; it is the fashion to; to become popular
内心 (nei4 xin1)heart; innermost being
(chuai4)kick; trample
(xian2)hold in mouth
年老, 耄, 旄 (nian2 lao3, mao4, mao4)aged
郢, 豳 (ying3, bin1)name of an ancient city
(chou2)hatred; animosity; enmity; a rival; an enemy; feud
意义 (yi4 yi4)meaning; significance
下至上 (xia4 zhi4 shang4)bottom to top
禁食 (jin4 shi2)fast (not eat)
耶稣基督 (ye1 su1 ji1 du1)Jesus Christ
私营 (si1 ying2)privately-owned; private
分别 (fen1 bie2)difference; distinction; apart; separate; separately; respectively
(chu4)dismiss; expel
暴病 (bao4 bing4)sudden attack of a serious illness
(ying2)eddy; small river
半中腰 (ban4 zhong1 yao1)middle; halfway
烟雾 (yan1 wu4)smoke
(an4)dark; gloomy; hidden; secret
(shi4)fit; suitable
兵员 (bing1 yuan2)soldiers; troops
裁判 (cai2 pan4)judgment ; act as referee; referee; umpire; judge
我们自己 (wo3 men2 zi4 ji3)ourselves
资产 (zi1 chan3)property; assets
正确 (zheng4 que4)correct; proper
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 2(25 Vokabeln)
通知 (tong1 zhi1)notify; inform; notice; notification
百发百中 (bai3 fa1 bai3 zhong4)every shot hits the target; shoot with unfailing accuracy; be a crack shot
存储 (cun2 chu3)memory; storage
巨轮 (ju4 lun2)large ship; large wheel
制品 (zhi4 pin3)products; goods
(qiao3)quiet; sad
补充 (bu3 chong1)to replenish; to supplement; to completement; additional; supplementary
(xi2)inherit; raid; suit of clothes
美丽, 锦绣, 娈, 丽, 婺, 妍 (mei3 li4, jin3 xiu4, luan2, li4, wu4, yan2)beautiful
做客 (zuo4 ke4)to be a guest or visitor
(gui4)cut; injure
不得人心 (bu4 de2 ren2 xin1)not enjoy popular support; be unpopular
英国 (ying1 guo2)England; Britain; English
加快 (jia1 kuai4)to accelerate; to speed up
作家 (zuo4 jia1)author
全程 (quan2 cheng2)(during an) entire journey
查调 (cha2 diao4)inquiry; inquire
盈利 (ying2 li4)profit; gain
善良 (shan4 liang2)good and honest; kind-hearted
全体人员 (quan2 ti3 ren2 yuan2)crew
低速率 (di1 su4 l`)low speed
课桌 (ke4 zhuo1)school desk
指标 (ji3 biao1)norm; index; target
(si4)team of 4 horses
妹夫 (mei4 fu)brother in law (wife's side)
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 3(25 Vokabeln)
解释 (jie3 shi4)explanation; to explain; to interpret; to resolve
品质, 质量 (pin3 zhi4, zhi4 liang4)quality
吃不下 (chi1 bu xia4)not feel like eating; be unable to eat any more
便盆 (bian4 pen2)bed pan
争议 (zheng1 yi4)controversy; dispute
夏天 (xia4 tian1)summer
在後, 後边 (zai4 hou4, hou4 bian1)behind
(bai2)white; snowy; empty; blank; bright; clear; plain; pure; gratuitous
零等待状态 (ling2 deng3 dai4 zhuang4 tai4)zero wait state
前任 (qian2 ren4)predecessor; ex-; former
附上 (fu4 shang4)attach
包干制 (bao1 gan1 zhi4)a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash
(zao1)to waste; spoil
(ji2)hurried; worried
(meng2)oath; pledge; union; to ally
屏幕 (ping2 mu4)(TV or movie) screen
议院, 议会 (yi4 yuan4, yi4 hui4)parliament; legislative assembly
并条 (bing4 tiao2)drawing
(yu2)fat on belly; fertile; rich
(ceng4)rub against; walk slowly
遮掩, 覆盖 (zhe1 yan3, fu4 gai4)to cover
蓝色, 蓝 (lan2 se4, lan2)blue
(hei1)black; dark
高技术 (gao1 ji4 shu4)high technology; high tech
(kun3)a bunch; tie together
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 4(25 Vokabeln)
样品 (yang4 pin3)sample; specimen
侵晨 (qin1 chen2)towards dawn
视窗 (shi4 chuang1)Windows (operating system)
必需 (bi4 xu1)essential; indispensable
最佳利益 (zui4 jia1 li4 yi4)best interests
厂子 (chang3 zi)yard; depot
(quan2)fountain; spring
宪法 (xian4 fa3)constitution (of a country)
十亿 (shi2 yi4)one billion; giga-
笔调 (bi3 diao4)(of writing) tone; style
(lai4)gaze; stare
厂主 (chang3 zhu3)factory owner
集会 (ji2 hui4)gather; assembly; meeting
星期日, 星期天 (xing1 qi1 ri4, xing1 qi1 tian1)Sunday
(qi2)dark grey; superlative; variegated
(ji2)extremely; pole (geog.; physics); utmost; top
功能集 (gong1 neng2 ji2)function library
播放机 (bo1 fang4 ji1)player (e.g. CD player)
遍及 (bian4 ji2)to extend (everywhere)
档案建立 (dang4 an4 jian4 li4)file creation
具体计划 (ju4 ti3 ji4 hua4)a concrete plan; a definite plan
照片 (zhao4 pian4)photograph; picture
弃置 (qi4 zhi4)to throw away; to discard
同时代 (tong2 shi2 dai4)contemporary
筹集 (chou2 ji2)collect money; raise funds
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 5(25 Vokabeln)
记帐 (ji4 zhang4)charge
不要脸 (bu4 yao4 lian3)have no sense of shame; shameless
推广 (tui1 guang3)popularize; make more widespread
取消禁令 (qu3 xiao1 jin4 ling4)to life a prohibition; to lift a ban
(pa2)crawl; climb
修正 (xiu1 zheng4)to revise; to ammend
成就 (cheng2 jiu4)accomplishment; success; attain a result; achievement
任用 (ren4 yong4)to appoint; to assign
复习 (fu4 xi2)to revise; to review
已经进行 (yi3 jing1 jin4 xing2)already underway; already in progress
(bo1)wave; ripple; storm; surge
(shu1)to strain; pour out
页码 (ye4 ma3)page number
文章 (wen2 zhang1)article; essay
(xu4)beginnings; clues; mental state; thread
捕拿 (bu3 na2)arrest; capture; catch
(han2)(former) Chinese state; (surname)
败仗 (bai4 zhang4)lost battle; defeat
安危 (an1 wei1)safety and danger; safety
(ju4)according to; act in accordance with; seize
节外生枝 (jie2 wai4 sheng1 zhi1)new problems complicate an issue; deliberately create such problems
财会 (cai2 kuai4)finance and accounting
教导 (jiao4 dao3)instruct; teach
电脑, 计算机 (dian4 nao3, ji4 suan4 ji1)computer
姊姊, 姐姐, 姊, 姐 (zi3 zi3, jie3 jie, zi3, jie3)older sister
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 6(25 Vokabeln)
(ru4)to enter
(yi4)to translate; to interpret
南北极 (nan2 bei3 ji2)south and north poles
计算机网络, 电脑网路 (ji4 suan4 ji1 wang3 luo4, dian4 nao3 wang3 lu4)computer network
(zhi3)note in Chinese musical scale
不巧 (bu4 qiao3)unfortunately; as luck would have it
候选人 (hou4 xuan3 ren2)candidate
细节 (xi4 jie2)details; particulars
天赋 (tian1 fu4)gift; innate skill
比重 (bi3 zhong4)proportion; specific gravity
外汇 (wai4 hui4)foreign (currency) exchange
(shi2)animal feed; eat; food
坚强 (jian1 qiang2)staunch; strong
广阔 (guang3 kuo4)wide; vast
说法 (shuo1 fa)statement; statement; wording; (someone's) version (of events)
陪同, 陪伴 (pei2 tong2, pei2 ban4)accompany
初级 (chu1 ji2)junior; primary
流血 (liu2 xue4)shed blood
见不得 (jian4 bu de2)may not be seen by or exposed to
游泳 (you2 yong3)swim
(du3)serious (illness); sincere; true
姿 (zi1)beauty; disposition; looks; appearance
百川归海 (bai3 chuan1 gui1 hai3)all things tends in one direction
房地产 (fang2 di4 chan3)real estate
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 7(25 Vokabeln)
报社 (bao4 she4)general office of a newspaper; newspaper office
(qi2)boundary; a border
(yue1)appointment; agreement; to arrange; to restrict; approximately
(dou4)fight; incite
(ye3)field; plain; open space; limit; boundry; rude; wild
材, 料子 (cai2, liao4 zi)material
失事 (shi1 shi4)(have an) accident
科学编辑 (ke1 xue2 bian1 ji2)science editor (of a publication)
笨鸟先飞 (ben4 niao3 xian1 fei1)clumsy birds have to start flying early - the slow need to start early
手足 (shou3 zu2)movement
不安 (bu4 an1)intranquil; unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; disturbed; restless; worried
专门 (zhuan1 men2)specialist; specialized; customized
老两口 (lao3 liang3 kour3)an old married couple
巨额 (ju4 e2)a huge sum (of money); large amount
吃完 (chi1 wan2)to finish eating
病机 (bing4 ji1)interpretation of the cause; onset and process of an illness; pathogenesis
现实 (xian4 shi2)reality; actuality; real; actual
先生 (xian1 sheng)sir; mister; teacher; (title of respect)
电视机 (dian4 shi4 ji1)television (set)
(ao4)a depression; cavity; hollow
通信技术 (tong1 xin4 ji4 shu4)communications technology
(yang2)positive (electric.); sun
(jue2)stumble; trample; to kick (as a horse)
(qian2)hidden; latent; secret; to hide; to conceal; secret; hidden; to submerge
五号 (wu3 hao4)the fifth; fifth day of a month
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 8(25 Vokabeln)
(pin4)betrothed; engage (teacher)
(luo1)strip (cow; leaves; branch)
基督教 (ji1 du1 jiao4)Christianity; Christian
(yu2)forewarned; peace; worry
担保 (dan1 bao3)guarantee; vouch for
信赖 (xin4 lai4)confide; trust
电脑网 (dian4 nao3 wang3)computer network; Internet
户主 (hu4 zhu3)head of the household
布帛菽粟 (bu4 bo2 shu1 su4)cloth; silk; beans and grain; food and clothing; daily necessities
主持 (zhu3 chi2)preside over; direct
(xiang1)fragrant; incense; (of food) savory; appetizing; sweet; scented; popular
悛, 改革 (quan1, gai3 ge2)to reform
(fu2)spoke of a wheel
(lang2)(surname); a youth
多方面 (duo1 fang1 mian4)many-sided; in many aspects
观测 (guan1 ce4)(scientific, etc) observation; to observe
差额 (cha1 e2)balance (financial)
(zou1)(surname); minnows; small fish
合适 (he2 shi4)suitable; fit; decent
变速 (bian4 su4)speed change; gear shift
人口 (ren2 kou3)population
奇数, 单数 (qi2 shu4, dan1 shu4)odd number
清单, 单子 (qing1 dan1, dan1 zi)list of items
疾病 (ji2 bing4)disease; sickness; ailment
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 9(25 Vokabeln)
(li4)advantage; benefit; profit; sharp
(biao1)hair; shaggy
报系 (bao4 xi4)newspaper chain; syndicate
(cheng2)door post
任免 (ren4 mian3)to appoint and dismiss
题目 (ti2 mu4)subject; tite; topic
激发 (ji1 fa1)to arouse; to excite
国内战争 (guo2 nei4 zhan4 zheng1)civil war; internal struggle
本地管理界面 (ben3 di4 guan3 li3 jie4 mian4)Local Management Interface; LMI
美国 (mei3 guo2)America; American; United States; USA
证实 (zheng4 shi2)confirm (something to be true); to verify
厂房 (chang3 fang2)a building used as a factory; factory (building)
(wei1)micro; tiny; minuature
(fan4)food; cuisine; cooked rice; meal
窗口, 窗户 (chuang1 kou3, chuang1 hu)window
(lao1)fish up
(lian2)to pity
采取措施 (cai3 qu3 cuo4 shi1)to adopt a measure
身高 (shen1 gao1)(a person's) height
鉴定委员会 (jian4 ding4 wei3 yuan2 hui4)evaluation committee; review board
瘦弱 (shou4 ruo4)thin and weak
(l`e4)(ancient unit of weight)
密码 (mi4 ma3)(secret) code; password
取代 (qu3 dai4)substitute; to replace; to supplant
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 1 bis 10: Abschnitt 10(25 Vokabeln)
请求 (qing3 qiu2)request
外交部 (wai4 jiao1 bu4)Foreign Affairs ministry; foreign office; Dept. of State
(si1)drain dry; to exhaust
(tian2)(surname); field; farm
音乐 (yin1 yue4)music
稀少 (xi1 shao3)rare; rarely
压力 (ya1 li4)pressure
脖颈儿 (bo2 geng3 er)back of the neck; nape
对准 (dui4 zhun3)aim
表观 (biao3 guan1)apparent
体重 (ti3 chong2)(body) weight
操作系统, 作业系统 (cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3, zuo4 ye4 xi4 tong3)operating system
便服 (bian4 fu2)everyday clothes; informal dress; civilian clothes
(zha4)salted vegetable; to extract
阴影 (yin1 ying3)shadow
(chan2)course of stars; follow precedent
品种 (pin3 zhong3)breed; variety
大惊小怪 (da4 jing1 xiao3 guai4)much fuss about nothing
北方 (bei3 fang1)north; the northern part of the country especially the area north of the Yellow River (Huang-He)
泪水 (lei4 shui3)teardrop; tears
出价 (chu1 jia4)bid
轰轰烈烈 (hong1 hong1 lie4 lie4)strong; vigorous; large-scale
主动 (zhu3 dong4)(to take the) initiative
画廊 (hua4 lang2)gallery
人体, 躯 (ren2 ti3, qu1)human body
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 11(25 Vokabeln)
电话机 (dian4 hua4 ji1)telephone equipment
电? (dian4 tai2)radio (or broadcasting) station
任何人 (ren4 he2 ren2)anyone
步兵 (bu4 bing1)infantry; foot; infantryman; foot soldier
周围 (zhou1 wei2)surroundings; environment
(dou4)comma; phrase marked by pause
彻底 (che4 di3)thorough; complete
健康 (jian4 kang1)health
(kuai4)fast; quick; swift
留学 (liu2 xue2)to study abroad
(ban1)mark; scar on the skin
关切 (guan1 qie4)be deeply concerned; be troubled (by)
喘气 (chuan3 qi4)to breathe deeply; to pant
(kuang4)ore; mine
常任理事国 (chang2 ren4 li3 shi4 guo2)permanent member state (of UN Security Council)
沐浴, 澡 (mu4 yu4, zao3)bath
顺序 (shun4 xu4)sequence; order
(fan1)(measure word for acts); deeds; foreign
(fan4)pattern; model; example; (surname)
(huan1)joyous; happy; pleased
恨, 瘅 (hen4, dan4)to hate
冷战 (leng3 zhan4)(the) Cold War
采油 (cai3 you2)oil extraction; oil recovery
缺点 (que1 dian3)weak point; fault; shortcoming
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 12(25 Vokabeln)
经济危机 (jing1 ji4 wei1 ji1)economic crisis
伪书 (wei3 shu1)(forged, dubious, misclassified) old books
人类 (ren2 lei4)humanity; human race; mankind
彼得後书 (bi3 de2 hou4 shu1)2 Peter
暴洪 (bao4 hong2)a sudden; violent flood; flash flood
生产设施 (sheng1 chan3 she4 shi1)production facility
毁灭 (hui3 mie4)perish; ruin; destroy
挣扎, 挣 (zheng1 zha2, zheng1)struggle
(chi4)step with left foot
叛逆 (pan4 ni4)to rebel; to revolt
(guo2)cap worn by women; feminine
(jian3)to check; to examine; to inspect
勃兴 (bo2 xing1)rise suddenly; grow vigorously
(hu3)intimidate; tiger's roar; to fool
(huang2)(surname); sulfur; yellow
挂, 悬 (gua4, xuan2)hang; suspend
电话信号 (dian4 hua4 xin4 hao4)telephone signal
(ai4)a pass or defile; narrow; confined; in distress
(jian4)interstice; separate
梆子腔 (bang1 zi3 qiang1)a general term for local operas in Shangxi; Henan ; Hebei; Shandong; etc; the music of such operas
电话 (dian4 hua4)telephone; phone call
(jin4)red silk
所长 (suo3 zhang3)head of an institute, etc.
(shi1)poem; poetry; verse
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 13(25 Vokabeln)
把守 (ba3 shou3)guard
并驾齐驱 (bing4 jia4 qi2 qu1)run neck and neck; keep abreast of; or keep pace with; be on a par with one another
军区 (jun1 qu1)a military region; a geographical area of command
(ji1)to arouse; to incite; to excite; to stimulate; sharp; fierce; violent
格式化 (ge2 shi4 hua4)to format
共有 (gong4 you3)to have altogether; in all
天然 (tian1 ran2)natural
(liang4)(a measure word for vehicles)
暴涨 (bao4 zhang3)rise suddenly and sharply
(liao2)lines for a sail; wind round
催促 (cui1 cu4)urge
(shai4)to sun
卫星城 (wei4 xing1 cheng2)€satellite€ town; edge city; exurb
(kuai1)piece; chunk; lump; (measure word for chunks, lumps)
进行通信 (jin4 xing2 tong1 xin4)to communicate; to carry out communications
重复 (chong2 fu4)to repeat; to duplicate
财务软件 (cai2 wu4 ruan3 jian4)financial software; accounting software
灵魂 (ling2 hun2)soul; spirit
生产设备 (sheng1 chan3 she4 bei4)production equipment; manufacturing equipment
一个中国政策 (yi1 ge4 zhong1 guo2 zheng4 ce4)one China policy
拯救 (zheng3 jiu4)to save; to rescue
(chu2)a hoe; to hoe or dig; to weed; get rid of
收集 (shou1 ji2)to gather; to collect
每端口价格 (mei3 duan1 kou3 jia4 ge2)price per port
针对性 (zhen1 dui4 xing4)direction
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 14(25 Vokabeln)
政局 (zheng4 ju2)political situation
(you3)black; dark green
取决 (qu3 jue2)depend upon; hinge upon
建立正式外交关系 (jian4 li4 zheng4 shi4 wai4 jiao1 guan1 xi4)formally establish diplomatic relations
冰期 (bing1 qi1)glacial epoch; ice age
佣金 (yong4 jin1)commission
商务 (shang1 wu4)commercial affairs
武器 (wu3 qi4)weapon; arms
刚强 (gang1 qiang2)firm; unyielding
军事部门 (jun1 shi4 bu4 men2)military branch
说明 (shuo1 ming2)to explain; to illustrate; explanation; directions; caption
(ai3)cloudy sky; friendly
随意 (sui2 yi4)as one wishes; according to one's wishes
(ma4)scold; abuse
商业应用 (shang1 ye4 ying4 yong4)business application
表册 (biao3 ce4)statistical form; book of tables or forms
客户 (ke4 hu4)client
矛头 (mao2 tou2)spearhead; barb; an attack or criticism
一对 (yi1 dui4)couple; pair
冻结 (dong4 jie2)(loan, wage, price) freeze
言论自由 (yan2 lun4 zi4 you2)(constitutional) freedom of speech
脏话 (zang1 hua4)bad language; speaking rudely
棒子 (bang4 zi3)stick; club; cudgel; maize (corn); ear of maize; corncob
(juan1)(surname); brook; to select
画面 (hua4 mian4)(picture) frame
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 15(25 Vokabeln)
客车 (ke4 che1)coach
经济衰退 (jing1 ji4 shuai1 tui4)(economic) recession
庆, 庆祝 (qing4, qing4 zhu4)celebrate
无声 (wu2 sheng1)noiseless; noiselessly; silent
结社自由 (jie2 she4 zi4 you2)(constitutional) freedom of association
(xing1)tranquil; understand
循环 (xun2 huan2)circle; loop
识相 (shi2 xiang4)sensitive; tactful
(jin3)brocade; embroidered work; bright
婚姻 (hun1 yin1)matrimony; wedding; marriage
饽饽 (bo1 bo)pastry; steamed bun; cake
婚期 (hun1 qi1)wedding day
(jing4)lower part of leg
(hua2)(abbreviation for) China; (surname) Hua; magnificent; splendid; flowery
析疑 (xi1 yi2)to resolve a doubt
检察 (jian3 cha2)to inspect; check up (on)
棍子 (gun4 zi)stick; rod
公安官员 (gong1 an1 guan1 yuan2)public safety officials
规则 (gui1 ze2)rule; regulation; rules and regulations
目前世界 (mu4 qian2 shi4 jie4)modern world
元老院 (yuan2 lao3 yuan4)upper house; senate; senior statesmen's assembly
振兴 (zhen4 xing1)promote; cause to develop
顶替 (ding3 ti4)to replace
毫无疑问 (hao2 wu2 yi2 wen4)certainty; without a doubt
邮局 (you2 ju2)post office
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 16(25 Vokabeln)
北海 (bei3 hai3)the North Sea
非常感谢 (fei1 chang2 gan3 xie4)extremely grateful; very thankful
(lan2)basket; goal
罚酒 (fa2 jiu3)to drink as the result of having lost a bet
寻的 (xun2 di4)homing; target seeking
受格, 旨趣 (shou4 ge2, zhi3 qu4)objective
(lian4)prepare body for coffin
国家机密 (guo2 jia1 ji1 mi4)state secret
乾杯 (gan1 bei1)to drink a toast; to propose a toast; here's to; cheers
人员 (ren2 yuan2)staff; crew; personnel
连同 (lian2 tong2)together with; along with
利率 (li4 l`)interest rates
(gu1)buy; sell
震动 (zhen4 dong4)shake; shock
总参谋长 (zong3 can1 mou2 zhang3)(military) Chief of Staff
魂, 魄 (hun2, po4)soul
权钥 (quan2 yao4)keys of authority
不求甚解 (bu4 qiu2 shen4 jie3)not seek to understand things thoroughly; be content with superficial understanding
束缚 (shu4 fu4)bind; restrict; tie
(chui1)to blow; blast; puff; boast; brag; end in failure
丰富 (feng1 fu4)rich; plentiful
(ni4)to hide
教区 (jiao4 qu1)parish
派任, 选派 (pai4 ren4, xuan3 pai4)set apart
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 17(25 Vokabeln)
四个小时 (si4 ge4 xiao3 shi2)four hours
靶子 (ba3 zi)target
公元前 (gong1 yuan2 qian2)before Christ; BC
(du4)(surname); fabricate; restrict; to prevent
(cha4)Buddhist monastery or temple; a brief moment
(zhang4)to block; to hinder; to obstruct
不在了 (bu4 zai4 le)be dead
裂缝 (lie4 feng4)crack; crevice
常问问题 (chang2 wen4 wen4 ti2)frequently asked questions; FAQ
签入 (qian1 ru4)to log on; to log in
(kan1)to print; publish
探险 (tan4 xian3)to explore
(pei4)to respect; wear (belt; etc.)
发烧 (fa1 shao1)have a high temperature (from illness); have a fever
(fu2)prisoner of war
常规武器 (chang2 gui1 wu3 qi4)conventional weapon
开学 (kai1 xue2)school opens; new term begins
悲喜交集 (bei1 xi3 jiao1 ji2)mixed feelings of grief and joy
(bie4)contrary; difficult; awkward
罚款 (fa2 kuan3)(impose a) fine; penalty; fine (monetary)
结局 (jie2 ju2)conclusion; ending
(qu1)to hasten; to hurry; walk fast
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 18(25 Vokabeln)
庞大 (pang2 da4)huge; enormous; tremendous
兵源 (bing1 yuan2)manpower resources (for military service); sources of troops
不得要领 (bu4 de2 yao4 ling3)fail to grasp the main points
(e2)lofty; name of a mountain
六月 (liu4 yue4)June; sixth month
搅乱 (jiao3 luan4)to confuse
建交 (jian4 jiao1)to establish diplomatic relations
罗马 (luo2 ma3)Rome; Roman
爱人 (ai4 ren)spouse; husband; wife; sweetheart
辛苦 (xin1 ku3)hard; exhausting; with much toil
(dang4)at or in the very same...; to pawn; suitable; adequate; fitting; proper; replace; represent
突然 (tu1 ran2)sudden; abrupt; unexpected
不名一文 (bu4 ming2 yi1 wen2)without a penny to one's name; penniless; stony-broke
接口 (jie1 kou3)interface; port; connector
糊弄 (hu4 nong)to fool; to deceive
(hao2)grand; heroic
本族语 (ben3 zu2 yu3)native language; mother tongue
盖层 (gai4 ceng2)cap rock
(gou4)sense of shame; to abuse
层见迭出 (ceng2 jian4 die2 chu1)to occur frequently; to occur repeatedly
专员 (zhuan1 yuan2)assistant director
隐瞒, 隐藏 (yin3 man2, yin3 cang2)to hide; to conceal
宴会 (yan4 hui4)banquet; feast; dinner party
演说者 (yan3 shuo1 zhe3)orator; speaker
(mao1)cat; pussy
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 19(25 Vokabeln)
伪装 (wei3 zhuang1)to fake; to feign; to pretend
燃料 (ran2 liao4)fuel
蔚为 (wei4 wei2)to afford (a view of sth, e.g.)
印像 (yin4 xiang4)impression
(rang3)blurt out; to shout
(sai4)strategic pass
空间探测 (kong1 jian1 tan4 ce4)space probe
维持费 (wei2 chi2 fei4)maintenance costs
实体层 (shi2 ti3 ceng2)physical layer (OSI)
(chun2)pure; simple; unmixed; genuine
罢黜 (ba4 chu4)dismiss from office; ban; reject
(beng1)to stretch; taut; to tie; to bind
变通 (bian4 tong1)be flexible; accommodate something to circumstances
知识产权 (zhi1 shi chan3 quan2)intellectual property rights
录音机 (lu4 yin1 ji1)(tape) recording machine; tape recorder
备品 (bei4 pin3)machine parts or tools kept in reserve; spare parts
高性能, 更高性能 (gao1 xing4 neng2, geng1 gao1 xing4 neng2)high performance
责成 (ze2 cheng2)give somebody a task
(ke1)(surname); handle of axe; stem
半票 (ban4 piao4)half-price ticket; half fare
半失业 (ban4 shi1 ye4)semi-employed; partly employed; underemployed
隐蔽 (yin3 bi4)conceal; covert; under cover
故事 (gu4 shi4)narrative; story; tale
科学家 (ke1 xue2 jia1)scientist
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 11 bis 20: Abschnitt 20(25 Vokabeln)
(bian4)dispute; debate; argue; discuss
(li4)minor official
辨认 (bian4 ren4)identify; recognize
(ren3)to beat; to endure; to tolerate
协助 (xie2 zhu4)provide assistance; aid
摈斥 (bin4 chi4)reject; dismiss
(xiong1)fierce; terrible; ominous
双人房 (shuang1 ren2 fang2)double room
捍卫 (han4 wei4)defend; uphold; safeguard
(zu2)race; nationality; ethnicity; clan
两百亿 (liang3 bai3 yi4)twenty billion
总理 (zong3 li3)premier; prime minister
南海 (nan2 hai3)South China Sea
系列 (xi4 lie4)series
信用卡 (xin4 yong4 ka3)credit card
才学 (cai2 xue2)talent and learning; scholarship
(bao3)to eat till full; satisfied
电话网路, 电话网 (dian4 hua4 wang3 lu4, dian4 hua4 wang3)telephone network
(yu2)container; cup
相隔 (xiang1 ge2)be separated by (distance or time, etc)
影像处理 (ying3 xiang4 chu3 li3)image processing
喜糖 (xi3 tang2)sweet given on a happy occasion (esp. wedding)
(qing2)feeling; emotion; passion; situation
败局 (bai4 ju2)lost game; losing battle
圈套 (juan1 tao4)trap
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 21(25 Vokabeln)
(zu1)rent; taxes
来临 (lai2 lin2)approach; come closer
骨, 骨 (gu2, gu3)bone
任凭 (ren4 ping2)no matter what; despite
(hui3)blaze; destroy by fire
暗影 (an4 ying3)shadow; umbra
党派 (dang3 pai4)partisan; political party related
(chang4)smooth; fluent; joyful; happy
板眼 (ban3 yan3)measure in traditional Chinese music; orderliness
五万 (wu3 wan4)50 thousand
发明 (fa1 ming2)to invent; invention
初步 (chu1 bu4)initial; preliminary; tentative
承诺 (cheng2 nuo4)effort; undertaking; promise (to do something)
(li2)a fence
楞, 棱 (leng2, leng2)corner; square beam
报纸 (bao4 zhi3)newspaper; newsprint
受苦 (shou4 ku3)suffer
动作 (dong4 zuo4)movement; motion; action
(yao3)dark and quiet; disappear
(jiu1)after all; to investigate; to study carefully
份量 (fen4 liang4)quantity
果断 (guo3 duan4)firm; decisive
(wan2)white; white silk
(bian1)a stone probe; acupuncture
信息资源 (xin4 xi2 zi1 yuan2)information resource
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 22(25 Vokabeln)
明显 (ming2 xian3)clear; distinct; obvious
啤, 啤酒 (pi2, pi2 jiu3)beer
帏幕 (wei2 mu4)screen; backdrop
(shuo4)frequently; repeatedly
(heng2)horizontal; across; (horizontal character stroke)
支配 (zhi1 pei4)dominate; allocate
细胞 (xi4 bao1)cell
远景 (yuan3 jing3)prospect; long-range view
录共 (lu4 gong4)to take down a confession
足球迷 (zu2 qiu2 mi2)football fan
(gao3)plain white silk
冰盖 (bing1 gai4)ice sheet
犯毒 (fan4 du2)illegal drug; narcotic
电话会议 (dian4 hua4 hui4 yi4)(telephone) conference call
褂, 外套 (gua4, wai4 tao4)coat
吸烟 (xi1 yan1)to smoke
厂长 (chang3 zhang3)factory director
轻微 (qing1 wei2)slight
(shua4)to select
档案属性 (dang4 an4 shu3 xing4)file attribute
无疑 (wu2 yi2)no doubt; undoubtedly
采买 (cai3 mai3)purchase; buy
倾倒 (qing1 dao4)pour; empty out
本色 (ben3 shai3)natural colour
侵占 (qin1 zhan4)to invade and occupy (territory)
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 23(25 Vokabeln)
(zhong3)arrive; follow; heel
保单 (bao3 dan1)guarantee slip
酬劳 (chou2 lao2)reward
大举 (da4 ju3)carry out a large-scale (military) operation
背信弃义 (bei4 xin4 qi4 yi4)break faith with somebody; be perfidious
下列 (xia4 lie4)following
完成 (wan2 cheng2)complete; accomplish
家长 (jia1 zhang3)the parent or guardian of a child
南非 (nan2 fei1)South Africa
包藏 (bao1 cang2)contain; harbour; conceal
一辈子 (yi1 bei4 zi)(for) a lifetime
(hao4)vast (of water)
(dian4)pad; cushion; mat
狭窄, 局, 窄 (xia2 zhai3, ju2, zhai3)narrow
白衣战士 (bai2 yi1 zhan4 shi4)warrior in white; medical worker
爱好者 (ai4 hao3 zhe3)lover (of art, sports, etc); amateur; enthusiast; fan
鼓励 (gu3 li4)to encourage
工地 (gong1 di4)construction site
牧师之职 (mu4 shi1 zhi1 zhi2)ministry
(juan1)bright; glow-worm; remit taxes
笨重 (ben4 zhong4)heavy; cumbersome; unwieldy
(xian4)limit; bound
手指 (shou3 zhi3)finger
寻开心 (xun2 kai1 xin1)to make fun of
掠夺 (l`e4 duo2)harry; plunder; raven; robbery
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 24(25 Vokabeln)
摆弄 (bai3 nong4)move back and forth; fiddle with
阐明 (chan3 ming2)clarify; explain clearly
有活力 (you3 huo2 li4)energetic; vital
债, 债务 (zhai4, zhai4 wu4)debt
(di1)to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hange down; low; to incline; beneath; low
瞽, 瞍, 盲, 瞎 (gu3, sou3, mang2, xia1)blind
(xiong2)bear; to scold; to rebuke
(dai1)stay; stupid
差劲, 贫 (cha1 jin4, pin2)poor
分发 (fen1 fa1)distribute; distribution
地板 (di4 ban3)floor
布局 (bu4 ju2)arrangement; composition; layout
交锋 (jiao1 feng1)cross swords; have a confrontation(with someone)
材料 (cai2 liao4)material; data; makings; stuff
(yi4)pleased; rejoice
序列 (xu4 lie4)sequence
古迹 (gu3 ji1)places of historic interest; historical sites
奇怪 (qi2 guai4)strange; odd
野生动物 (ye3 sheng1 dong4 wu4)wild animal
(zhen4)disposition of troops; short period; wave; spate; burst; spell
经济制度 (jing1 ji4 zhi4 du4)economy
有利 (you3 li4)advantageous; to have advantages; favorable
拥抱 (yong1 bao4)to embrace; to hug
激励 (ji1 li4)encourage; urge
(yu4)desire; longing; appetite; wish
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 25(25 Vokabeln)
革命 (ge2 ming4)(political) revolution
(piao4)bank note; ticket
拔除 (ba2 chu2)pull out; remove
生命的遗迹 (sheng1 ming4 de yi2 ji1)trace of life; vestige of life
现有 (xian4 you3)currently existing; currently available
(yi2)normal nature of man; rule
(bi3)(particle used for comparison and €-er than€); to compare; to contrast; to gesture (with hands); ratio
兵力 (bing1 li4)military strength; armed forces; troops
东欧 (dong1 ou1)Eastern Europe
(lu2)capital (of column); smoke tree
几样 (ji3 yang4)several kinds
(wa1)to dig; to excavate; to scoop out
分布式环境 (fen1 bu4 shi4 huan2 jing4)distributed (computing) environment
背包袱 (bei1 bao1 fu2)have a weight on one's mind; take on a mental burden
露韩 (bao4 lu4)to expose; to reveal
抵制 (di3 zhi4)resistance; refusal (to cooperate); boycott
乐队 (yue4 dui4)band
(zhu3)to cook; to boil
(wei2)curtain; screen
隘口 (ai4 kou3)(mountain) pass
有电 (you3 dian4)(of a dwelling) supplied with electricity
(bi4)green jade; blueish green; blue; jade
正义 (zheng4 yi4)justice; righteous; righteousness
专案组 (zhuan1 an4 zu3)special (legal|judicial) investigations group
专用 (zhuan1 yong4)special; dedicated
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 26(25 Vokabeln)
(lao4)bake; flat iron; large cake
(xiang1)to inlay; to embed; ridge; border
谋求 (mou2 qiu2)seek; strive for
光射线 (guang1 she4 xian4)light ray
(can1)eat; meal
助教 (zhu4 jiao4)teaching assistant
舟, 小船 (zhou1, xiao3 chuan2)boat
(ze4)afternoon; decline
工读学校 (gong1 du2 xue2 xiao4)the reformatory; reform school
(chu4)livestock; domesticated animal; domestic animal
(fan4)broad; vast; float; pan-
操作速率 (cao1 zuo4 su4 l`)operating speed
孝敬 (xiao4 jing4)to respect; to give presents (to one's elders or superiors)
除此之外 (chu2 ci3 zhi1 wai4)apart from this; in addition to this
西部 (xi1 bu4)western part
器具 (qi4 ju4)implement; ware
遗体 (yi2 ti3)remains (of a dead person)
案称 (an4 cheng4)counter scale
白描 (bai2 miao2)line drawing in traditional ink and brush style; simple and straightforward style of writing
档案转送存取及管理 (dang4 an4 zhuan3 song4 cun2 qu3 ji2 guan3 li3)File Transfer, Access and Management; FTAM
鉴赏 (jian4 shang3)to appreciate
条件 (tiao2 jian4)condition; prerequisite; factor
包装 (bao1 zhuang1)pack; package
谅解 (liang4 jie3)(reach) an understanding
在?旁边 (zai4 pang2 bian1)alongside
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 27(25 Vokabeln)
笔杆 (bi3 gan3)the shaft of a pen or writing brush; pen-holder; pen
绑住 (bang3 zhu4)fasten; bind
(shan4)(a measure word for doors, windows, etc.)
例假 (li4 jia4)legal holiday; menstrual period
(gong4)offer; sacrificial offering
(e2)Russia; suddenly
中心 (zhong1 xin1)center; heart; core
兵士 (bing1 shi4)ordinary soldier
(yue4)cut off the feet as punishment
(jian4)bar; railing
(kuai4)yuan (unit of currency); fast (of a watch); swift; rapid; happy; joyful; soon; quick; (a measure word, for cloth, cake, soap)
消防 (xiao1 fang2)fire-fighting; fire control
最少 (zui4 shao3)smallest; least
资源 (zi1 yuan2)(natural) resources
锦标 (jin3 biao1)prize; trophy; title
层层 (ceng2 ceng2)layer upon layer
(xian2)hold in mouth; nominal office
游戏 (you2 xi4)game
宿舍 (su4 she4)dormitory; living quarters
奔波 (ben1 bo1)rush about; be busy running about
中心语 (zhong1 xin1 yu3)qualified word
遗骸, 遗骨 (yi2 hai2, yi2 gu2)(dead) human remains
知觉 (zhi1 jue2)perception
(zhuang3)fat; stout
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 28(25 Vokabeln)
(huan2)a knot of hair on top of head
讨论会 (tao3 lun4 hui4)symposium; discussion forum
衍变, 演变 (yan3 bian4, yan3 bian4)to develop; to evolve
(kun3)a bunch; tie together; bundle
先进武器 (xian1 jin4 wu3 qi4)advanced weapon
(xiao1)empty; hollow of a tree
违心 (wei2 xin1)against ones will or feelings
助理, 佴 (zhu4 li3, er4)assistant
治病 (zhi4 bing4)treat an illness
扎, 缯 (za1, zeng4)to tie; to bind
协议 (xie2 yi4)agreement; pact; protocol
被捕 (bei4 bu3)be under arrest
瞬间 (shun4 jian1)moment; momentary
有限公司 (you3 xian4 gong1 si1)corporation
被害人 (bei4 hai4 ren2)victim
城防 (cheng2 fang2)city defence
百步穿杨 (bai3 bu4 chuan1 yang2)shoot with great precision
保佑, 佑 (bao3 you4, you4)bless; protect
接待 (jie1 dai4)receive (a visit); admit (entry to)
物品 (wu4 pin3)articles; goods; materials
(yi1)according to; depend on; near to
判处 (pan4 chu3)to sentance; to condemn
不得而知 (bu4 de2 er2 zhi1)unknown; unable to find out
(ji1)ox-horns; wing of an army
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 29(25 Vokabeln)
兑换 (dui4 huan4)to convert; to exchange
享有 (xiang3 you3)enjoy (rights, privileges, etc.)
(lu4)foot of a hill
数据库, 资料库 (shu4 ju4 ku4, zi1 liao4 ku4)database
外国 (wai4 guo2)foreign (country)
(cai3)affairs; gather
直通车 (zhi2 tong1 che1)€through train€ (refers to the idea of retaining previous legislature after transition to Chinese rule in Hong Kong or Macau)
微型 (wei1 xing2)tiny; minuature
春天 (chun1 tian1)spring (season)
才识 (cai2 shi2)ability and insight
想像 (xiang3 xiang4)imagine; visualize
坦克车 (tan3 ke4 che1)tank (armored vehicle)
通讯行业 (tong1 xun4 hang2 ye4)communications industry
(tiao1)carry on a pole; choose
(wa2)baby; doll
式样, 风格 (shi4 yang4, feng1 ge2)style
职业 (zhi2 ye4)job occupation; profession
见证人, 证人 (jian4 zheng4 ren2, zheng4 ren)witness
笔法 (bi3 fa3)technique of writing; calligraphy; or drawing
树叶 (shu4 ye4)tree leaves
(hai2)bones of the body
两千 (liang3 qian1)two thousand
读书人 (du2 shu1 ren2)a scholar; an intellectual
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 21 bis 30: Abschnitt 30(25 Vokabeln)
(ku4)ruthless; strong (as of wine)
描金 (miao2 jin1)to outline in gold
(chou2)comrades; friends; companions
徐徐 (xu2 xu2)slowly; gently
(sui1)(surname); stare
(qiao4)intelligence; opening
短简 (duan3 jian3)brief
(kuai3)a rush; scirpus cyperinus
把关 (ba3 guan1)guard a pass; check on
照料 (zhao4 liao4)tend
(liang4)capacity; quantity; amount; to estimate
垛, 一堆 (duo4, yi1 dui1)pile
别动队 (bie2 dong4 dui4)special detachment; commando; an armed secret agent squad
站台 (zhan4 tai2)railway platform
欧洲 (ou1 zhou1)Europe; Europen
(qiong1)eye of an axe
笔误 (bi3 wu4)a slip of a pen
勘误 (kan1 wu4)to correct printing errors
(lian2)wine shop sign
旅游者 (l` you2 zhe3)tourist; traveler; visitor
扬声器 (yang2 sheng1 qi4)speaker
优秀 (you1 xiu4)outstanding; excellent
(kuan1)lenient; wide; broad
主教 (zhu3 jiao4)bishop
(mei3)America; beautiful
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 31(25 Vokabeln)
波动 (bo1 dong4)undulate; fluctuate; wave motion
铁饭碗 (tie3 fan4 wan3)€iron rice bowl€ -- secure employment
涉嫌人 (she4 xian2 ren2)(criminal) suspect
安如泰山 (an1 ru2 tai4 shan1)as secure as Mount Taishan; as solid as a rock
解答 (jie3 da2)answer; explanation
诞生, 出生 (dan4 sheng1, chu1 sheng1)to be born
性接触 (xing4 jie1 chu4)sexual encounter
(kuai4)drain; stream
(huang2)metallic reed; spring of lock
(chou2)arable fields; cultivated field; class; category
(re3)to provoke; to exasperate; to annoy
产品 (chan3 pin3)goods; merchandise; product
成功 (cheng2 gong1)success; to succeed
(shang1)injure; injury; wound
不断 (bu4 duan4)unceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant
耶稣 (ye1 su1)Jesus
舍命 (she3 ming4)to risk one's life
情报官员 (qing2 bao4 guan1 yuan2)intelligence official
表层 (biao3 ceng2)surface layer
辞职 (ci2 zhi2)resign
卧房, 卧室 (wo4 fang2, wo4 shi4)bedroom
合夥人 (he2 huo3 ren2)partner
军事实力 (jun1 shi4 shi2 li4)military strength; military power
大同小异 (da4 tong2 xiao3 yi4)almost similar; except slight differences
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 32(25 Vokabeln)
政务 (zheng4 wu4)government affairs
(ying1)(surname); English; brave
端午节 (duan1 wu3 jie2)The Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)
别具一格 (bie2 ju4 yi1 ge2)having a unique or distinctive style
乱作决定 (luan4 zuo4 jue2 ding4)to make arbitrary decisions
从而 (cong2 er2)thus; thereby
警察局 (jing3 cha2 ju2)police department
饱食终日/无所用心 (bao3 shi2 zhong1 ri4 wu2 suo3 yong4 xin1)eat three square meals a day and do no work; be sated with food and remain idle
茅屋 (mao2 wu1)cottage
相仿 (xiang1 fang3)similar
(ming2)Thea sinensis; young leaves of tea
隔离 (ge2 li2)to separate; to isolate
(yang2)walk back and forth
(zhan4)deep; clear (water)
横扫 (heng2 sao3)to sweep away
宗教 (zong1 jiao4)religion
补票 (bu3 piao4)buy one's ticket after the normal time
爵士 (jue2 shi4)knight; Sir
你自己 (ni3 zi4 ji3)thyself; yourself
矿藏 (kuang4 cang2)mineral resources
监狱, 囹, 狱 (jian1 yu4, ling2, yu4)prison
登广告 (deng1 guang3 gao4)advertise
君子 (jun1 zi)nobleman; person of noble character
电话服务 (dian4 hua4 fu2 wu4)telephone service
政见 (zheng4 jian4)political views
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 33(25 Vokabeln)
(xie4)(surname); get rid of; scatter
起诉 (qi3 su4)to sue; to bring a lawuit against
(pin2)frequency; frequently; repetitious
其余 (qi2 yu2)rest; remaining; remainder
容易 (rong2 yi4)easy; likely; liable (to)
哺乳 (bu3 ru3)breast-feed; suckle; nurse
否定 (fou3 ding4)negative
提升 (ti2 sheng1)to promote; to upgrade
(hua4)draw; picture; painting
拘留 (ju1 liu2)detain (prisoner); keep (someone) in custody
不一而足 (bu4 yi1 er2 zu2)by no means an isolated case; numerous
(hao4)clear summer sky; vast
(pan4)to betray; to rebel; to revolt
(qi4)to build by laying bricks or stones
港口 (gang3 kou3)port; harbor
赞赏 (zan4 shang3)to admire; to praise; to appreciate
(shuo4)bright; melt; fuse (metal)
辅助 (fu3 zhu4)to assist; to aide
按钮 (an4 niu3)push button
八级工 (ba1 ji2 gong1)eight grade worker; top-grade worker
(han4)ward off (a blow)
揭幕 (jie1 mu4)opening
远东 (yuan3 dong1)Far East
阅兵 (yue4 bing1)to review troops
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 34(25 Vokabeln)
指法 (zhi3 fa3)finger method (in painting)
印度人 (yin4 du4 ren2)Indian (person)
撞锁 (zhuang4 suo3)lock
(li2)black horse; good horse
(dang4)cross-piece; official records; grade (of goods); file; records; shelves
推动 (tui1 dong4)to push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote
(jian4)recommend (a person)
(chui2)to hammer; weight of steel yard
历史久远 (li4 shi3 jiu3 yuan3)ancient history
暗语 (an4 yu3)code word
(ju1)sickness of hand
(tai2)tired; worn out horse
日语, 日文 (ri4 yu3, ri4 wen2)Japanese (language)
非洲 (fei1 zhou1)Africa
科学 (ke1 xue2)science; scientific knowledge; scientific
治疗 (zhi4 liao2)to treat; to cure; (medical) treatement; cure
北部 (bei3 bu4)northern part
用语 (yong4 yu3)syntax; user of words
(lu4)good fortune; official salary
蟋, 蟋蟀, 蟀, 蛐 (xi1, xi1 shuai4, shuai4, qu1)cricket
研制 (yan2 zhi4)to manufacture; to develop
(shao1)somewhat; a little
(gong3)hands joined
背城借一 (bei4 cheng2 jie4 yi1)make a last-ditch stand before the city wall; fight to the last ditch; put up a desperate struggle
留学生 (liu2 xue2 sheng1)student studying abroad; (foreign) exchange student
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 35(25 Vokabeln)
营业额 (ying2 ye4 e2)sum or volume of business; turnover
上齿 (shang4 chi3)upper teeth
空间站 (kong1 jian1 zhan4)space station
(diao4)pan with a long handle
(cai1)to guess
(sou1)to search
变异, 变奏 (bian4 yi4, bian4 zou4)variation
车间 (che1 jian1)workshop
悄悄地 (qiao1 qiao1 de)gently; softly; stealthily
(bing4)ailment; sickness; illness; disease; fall ill; sick; defect
距离 (ju4 li2)distance; to be apart
宇航, 航天 (yu3 hang2, hang2 tian1)space flight
安慰 (an1 wei4)comfort; console
舞蹈 (wu3 dao3)dance
(wang3)a net
(xuan1)covered carriage; pavilion
(tiao3)quiet and elegant
波澜起伏 (bo1 lan2 qi3 fu2)of a piece of writing with one climax following another
冷却 (leng3 que4)cooling; cool off
批量 (pi1 liang4)batch; lot
实质上 (shi2 zhi4 shang4)virtually; essentially
咳嗽 (ke2 sou)to cough
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 36(25 Vokabeln)
生物 (sheng1 wu4)living creature; organism; biological
民数记 (min2 shu4 ji4)Numbers
不良 (bu4 liang2)bad; harmful; unhealthy
(heng2)to weigh; weight; measure
自由贸易 (zi4 you2 mao4 yi4)free trade
坦然 (tan3 ran2)calm; undisturbed
光亮, 贲 (guang1 liang4, bi4)bright
谋杀案 (mou2 sha1 an4)murder case
售票员 (shou4 piao4 yuan2)ticket seller
哀乐 (ai1 yue4)funeral music; dirge
有名 (you3 ming2)famous; well-known
骑车 (qi2 che1)cycle
鼻青脸肿 (bi2 qing1 lian3 zhong3)a bloody nose and a swollen face; badly battered
跳舞 (tiao4 wu3)to dance
欧洲联盟 (ou1 zhou1 lian2 meng2)European Union; EU
(nie4)chase; step; tread
跳进 (tiao4 jin4)plunge; jump into
灰尘 (hui1 chen2)dust
洗涤 (xi3 di2)rinse; wash; washing
(chu3)(surname); ancient place name; distinct; clear; orderly; pain; suffering; (a surname)
(yue4)to jump; to leap
假使 (jia3 shi3)suppose
紧急事件 (jin3 ji2 shi4 jian4)emergency
薄膜 (bo2 mo2)membrane; film
离婚 (li2 hun1)to divorce; to be divorced from (one's wife or husband)
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 37(25 Vokabeln)
动议 (dong4 yi4)motion; proposal
共和党 (gong4 he2 dang3)Republican Party
裁断, 裁夺 (cai2 duan4, cai2 duo2)consider and decide
(chui1)dress food; to steam; to cook food
推荐信 (tui1 jian4 xin4)recommendation letter
大关 (da4 guan1)(reach a) critical point
三万 (san1 wan4)thirty thousand
(chen1)to be angry at
(tao2)(surname); pleased; pottery
此外 (ci3 wai4)besides; in addition; moreover; furthermore
障碍 (zhang4 ai4)barrier; obstruction; hindrance; impediment
(shan4)changes and succession
(fan2)(surname); cage; fence
搜查 (sou1 cha2)search
(man4)plain thin silk; slow; unadorned
抽出, 引出 (chou1 chu1, yin3 chu1)extract
(bei4)cowries; shell; valuables; shellfish
班机 (ban1 ji1)airliner; airplane; plane
结帐 (jie2 zhang4)to settle accounts
包围 (bao1 wei2)surround; encircle
端口 (duan1 kou3)interface; port
(duo3)battlement; target
木版 (mu4 ban3)plank; board
正值, 刚正 (zheng4 zhi2, gang1 zheng4)honest; upright
(li4)gravel; small stone
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 38(25 Vokabeln)
军火 (jun1 huo3)arms; weapons (industry)
召回, 记起, 罢免 (zhao4 hui2, ji4 qi3, ba4 mian3)recall
白熊 (bai2 xiong2)polar bear; white bear
眼泪, 撕破 (yan3 lei4, si1 po4)tear
第五类 (di4 wu3 lei4)category 5; CAT 5 (cable)
(yan4)strong (of tea)
水果 (shui3 guo3)fruit
贩运 (fan4 yun4)to transport (for sale); to traffic (in sth)
津贴 (jin1 tie1)allowance
跳动 (tiao4 dong4)to beat; to pulse
(zhou1)continent; island
网络管理, 网管系统, 网管 (wang3 luo4 guan3 li3, wang3 guan3 xi4 tong3, wang3 guan3)network management
舍得 (she3 de)to be willing to part with (sth)
尤其, 格外 (you2 qi2, ge2 wai4)especially; particularly
胃病 (wei4 bing4)stomach trouble; stomach illness
骄矜 (jiao1 jin1)haughty; proud
核工程 (he2 gong1 cheng2)nuclear engineering
边界线 (bian1 jie4 xian4)boundary line; border line
完全懂得 (wan2 quan2 dong3 de)to understand completely
对待 (dui4 dai4)treat; treatment
农人, 佃 (nong2 ren2, dian4)farmer
黄金 (huang2 jin1)gold
(nie4)provincial judge
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 39(25 Vokabeln)
纠集 (jiu1 ji2)to gather together; to muster
不急之务 (bu4 ji2 zhi1 wu4)a matter of no great urgency
(ai4)alas; oh dear
弼, 襄, 佐 (bi4, xiang1, zuo3)assist
(pan4)to judge; to sentence; to discriminate; to discern
圣保罗 (sheng4 bao3 luo2)St. Paul
(cuo2)short; dwarfish
市场经济 (shi4 chang3 jing1 ji4)market economy
光二极管 (guang1 er4 ji2 guan3)light emitting diode; LED
防止 (fang2 zhi3)to prevent; to guard against; to take precautions
蔓延, 延伸 (man4 yan2, yan2 shen1)to extend; to spread
医学 (yi1 xue2)medicine; medical science; study of medicine
合同 (he2 tong)(business) contract
两手 (liang3 shou3)double tactics; twin strategies
教训 (jiao4 xun)(teach someone or learn a) lesson (ie, obtain wisdom from an experience)
害怕 (hai4 pa4)to be afraid; to be scared
注入 (zhu4 ru4)pour in; empty into
引咎 (yin3 jiu4)take the blame; accept responsibility (for a mistake)
仟, 千 (qian1, qian1)thousand
加以 (jia1 yi3)in addition; [before a verb] handle, deal with
报告会 (bao4 gao4 hui4)public lecture (with guest speakers, etc)
(e4)honest speech
蔓延全国 (man4 yan2 quan2 guo2)to spread throughout the entire country
行踪 (xing2 zong1)whereabouts; (lose) track (of)
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 31 bis 40: Abschnitt 40(25 Vokabeln)
遨游 (ao2 you2)roam; travel
(ti2)mourn; to cry; hoof
众议员 (zhong4 yi4 yuan2)member of the US House of Representatives
临写 (lin2 xie3)to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)
笔名 (bi3 ming2)pen name; pseudonym
雇员 (gu4 yuan2)employee
故宫 (gu4 gong1)The Imperial Palace
(yan1)cigarette; tobacco; smoke
提案 (ti2 an4)proposal; motion (to be debated)
友好 (you3 hao3)friendly (relations)
(yu3)bad; useless; weak
(zhu4)termite; to bore (of insects)
不愧 (bu4 kui4)be worthy of; deserve to be called; prove oneself to be
严峻 (yan2 jun4)grim; severe; rigorous
机械语言 (ji1 xie4 yu3 yan2)machine language
情况下 (qing2 kuang4 xia4)under (this) circumstances
(xiao1)brave; good horse; strong
游客 (you2 ke4)traveller; tourist
(ca1)to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in painting); to clean; to polish
保送 (bao3 song4)recommend (for admission to school)
败退 (bai4 tui4)retreat in defeat
战略 (zhan4 l`e4)strategy
鼓舞 (gu3 wu3)heartening (news); boost (morale)
(hui1)bright; glorious
政府警告 (zheng4 fu3 jing3 gao4)government warning
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 41(25 Vokabeln)
琛, 宝石 (chen1, bao3 shi2)precious stone; gem
(meng2)Mongolia; cover
不易之论 (bu4 yi4 zhi1 lun4)perfectly sound proposition; unalterable truth; irrefutable argument
某处 (mou3 chu4)somewhere
使吃惊 (shi3 chi1 jing1)astonish; surprise
扩展 (kuo4 zhan3)extend; expand
(dai4)a pouch; bag; sack; pocket
营业员 (ying2 ye4 yuan2)clerk; shop assistant
外表 (wai4 biao3)external; outside; outward appearance
起点 (qi3 dian3)starting point
预计 (yu4 ji4)to forecast; predict; to estimate
(wu3)to dance; to wield; to brandish
人群 (ren2 qun2)a crowd
网址 (wang3 zhi3)(Internet) site
辅课 (fu3 ke4)subsidiary course
公众意见, 舆论 (gong1 zhong4 yi4 jian4, yu2 lun4)public opinion
因素 (yin1 su4)element; factor
(yang2)foreign; ocean
网段 (wang3 duan4)network segment
高尔夫球 (gao1 er3 fu1 qiu2)golf
潜在威胁 (qian2 zai4 wei1 xie2)potential threat; potential menace
(zhang4)to swell; distend
(xie2)(surname); fly upwards; neck
占线 (zhan4 xian4)busy (telephone)
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 42(25 Vokabeln)
兵不血刃 (bing1 bu4 xue4 ren4)the edges of the swords not being stained with blood - win victory without firing a shot
兵痞 (bing1 pi3)army riffraff; army ruffian; soldier of fortune
药剂, 医药 (yao4 ji4, yi1 yao4)medicine
身份 (shen1 fen4)identity; status
(yong3)urge; incite
中央 (zhong1 yang1)central; middle; center
交互 (jiao1 hu4)mutual; each other; alternately; in turn
站管理 (zhan4 guan3 li3)station management
(xian2)to stay idle; to be unoccupied; not busy; leisure; enclosure
矿泉水 (kuang4 quan2 shui3)mineral spring water
笨拙 (ben4 zhuo1)clumsy; awkward; stupid
地产 (di4 chan3)estate
(dan4)a picul (133.33 lbs.); burden; a load; responsibility
引擎 (yin3 qing2)engine (transliteration)
性行 (xing4 xing2)sexual activity
工程师 (gong1 cheng2 shi1)engineer
烧毁 (shao1 hui3)burn down
一生 (yi4 sheng1)all one's life; throughout one's life
隧道 (sui4 dao4)tunnel
帮闲 (bang1 xian2)hang on to and serve the rich and powerful by literary hack work; etc
活着 (huo2 zhe)alive
班组 (ban1 zu3)teams and groups (in factories; etc; )
(pa1)to lie on one's stomach
电子网络 (dian4 zi3 wang3 luo4)electronic network
(re4)heat; to heat up; feverent; hot (of weather); warm up
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 43(25 Vokabeln)
颤栗 (zhan4 li4)to tremble; to shiver
北半球 (bei3 ban4 qiu2)the northern hemisphere
额外 (e2 wai4)extra
信道 (xin4 dao4)signal path
伸缩 (shen1 suo1)to extend; to stretch; flexible
陛下 (bi4 xia4)Your Majesty; His or Her Majesty
(fei2)calf of leg; decay; protect
金黄 (jin1 huang2)golden yellow; golden
网络设计 (wang3 luo4 she4 ji4)network design; network plan
(gong3)secure; solid
黄昏 (huang2 hun1)dusk; evening; nightfall
(ai4)to hinder; to obstruct; to block
日本 (ri4 ben3)Japan; Japanese
顾客 (gu4 ke4)client; customer
(deng4)stare at
分担 (fen1 dan1)share responsibility
(zhang1)(surname); chapter; seal; section
怪不得 (guai4 bu de)no wonder
效益 (xiao4 yi4)benefit
无价珍珠 (wu2 jia4 zhen1 zhu1)Pearl of Great Price
(peng1)attack; impeach
复写纸 (fu4 xie3 zhi3)carbon paper
称重 (cheng1 zhong4)to weigh
(gu3)implicate; net for birds or fish
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 44(25 Vokabeln)
暑热 (shu3 re4)hot (summer) weather
不遂 (bu4 sui4)fail; fail to materialize
(zhai1)lean on one side
(huan4)(surname); excellent
下面请看 (xia4 mian4 qing3 kan4)please see below
椅子, 椅 (yi3 zi, yi3)chair
化学 (hua4 xue2)chemistry; chemical
名言 (ming2 yan2)saying
盐湖城 (yan2 hu2 cheng2)Salt Lake City
长城卡 (chang2 cheng2 ka3)Great Wall Card (credit card issued by Bank of China)
双重 (shuang1 chong2)double
黄河 (huang2 he2)Yellow River (Huang He)
败落 (bai4 luo4)decline (in wealth and position)
确认 (que4 ren4)confirm; verify
病痛 (bing4 tong4)slight illness; indisposition; ailment
(ba1)complicated form of the numeral eight; split
条例 (tiao2 li4)regulations; rules
本人的观点 (ben3 ren2 de guan1 dian3)(one's) personal view
高价 (gao1 jia4)expensive
(zhi4)(surname); book cover
雀, 雀, 鸟 (qiao3, que4, niao3)bird
经济学 (jing1 ji4 xue2)economics (as a field of study)
(pi4)to match; to pair
(jie4)transport under guard
书面许可 (shu1 mian4 xu3 ke3)written permission; written authorization
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 45(25 Vokabeln)
垂死 (chui2 si3)dying
(suan1)sour; sore; ache; acid
把戏 (ba3 xi4)acrobatics; jugglery; cheap trick; game
吸引 (xi1 yin3)attract (interest, investment, etc.)
夫人 (fu1 ren)lady; madam; Mrs.
乘客 (cheng2 ke4)passenger
笨口拙舌 (ben4 kou3 zhuo1 she2)awkward in speech
矿山 (kuang4 shan1)mine
(zhuang1)adornment; adorn; costume; dress; clothing
油脂 (you2 zhi1)grease; oil; fat
(yi2)elixirs; sweet wine
发送 (fa1 song4)to transmit; to dispatch
(di2)direct; follow
(pao4)gun; cannon
(dun4)disappear; to escape
禽类 (qin2 lei4)bird species; birds
寸草不生 (cun4 cao3 bu4 sheng1)€not even a blade of grass grows€
归属 (gui1 shu3)be under the jurisdiction of
圆珠笔 (yuan2 zhu1 bi3)ball point pen
(xi1)(surname); name of an emperor
(tou1)to steal; to pilfer
(shen2)God; unusual; mysterious; soul; spirit; divine essence; lively; spiritual being
复杂 (fu4 za2)complicated; complex
群岛 (qun2 dao3)group of islands; archipelago
拉美 (la1 mei3)Latin America
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 46(25 Vokabeln)
(chuang1)shutter; window
(nao3)get mad
交媾 (jiao1 gou4)to have sex; to copulate
(shou3)to guard
躲藏 (duo3 cang2)hide
判明 (pan4 ming2)to distinguish; to ascertain
(wan3)(surname); similar; winding
钓鱼用具 (diao4 yu2 yong4 ju4)tackle
上弦 (shang4 xian2)wind; tighten
推荐 (tui1 jian4)recommend
国际 (guo2 ji4)international
心脏 (xin1 zang4)heart
卫生 (wei4 sheng1)health; hygene; sanitation
网路作业系统, 网络操作系统 (wang3 lu4 zuo4 ye4 xi4 tong3, wang3 luo4 cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3)network operating system
便步走 (bian4 bu4 zou3)march at ease; route step
宠物 (chong3 wu4)house pet
(xia4)crack; grudge
宰相 (zai3 xiang4)prime minister (in feudal China)
(li2)dark; sallow color
花俏 (hua1 qiao4)fancy
核大国 (he2 da4 guo2)a nuclear power (country)
网络层 (wang3 luo4 ceng2)network layer
(cao1)rough; coarse (in texture)
隘路 (ai4 lu4)defile; narrow passage
传播 (chuan2 bo1)to disseminate; to propagate; to spread
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 47(25 Vokabeln)
表记 (biao3 ji4)something given as a token; souvenir
简要 (jian3 yao4)concise; brief
(xiao4)to hiss; to whistle
货物 (huo4 wu4)goods; commodity; merchandice
交界 (jiao1 jie4)common boundary; common border
(l`)trip; travel
(tie3)invitation card; notice
文书处理 (wen2 shu1 chu3 li3)word processing
(ke4)customer; visitor; guest
老公 (lao3 gong1)husband; darling (used in speaking to one's husband)
折扣 (zhe2 kou4)discount
原定 (yuan2 ding4)originally planned; originally determined
(bai4)be defeated; to defeat; loss
传送服务 (chuan2 song4 fu2 wu4)delivery service
增长率 (zeng1 zhang3 l`)growth rate
政治犯 (zheng4 zhi4 fan4)political prisoner
有时候 (you3 shi2 hou)sometimes
行动电话, 移动式电话, 移动电话 (xing2 dong4 dian4 hua4, yi2 dong4 shi4 dian4 hua4, yi2 dong4 dian4 hua4)mobile telephone
吃不来 (chi1 bu lai2)not be fond of certain food
半途而废 (ban4 tu2 er2 fei4)give up halfway; leave sth; unfinished
通行 (tong1 xing2)licence (computer)
必要 (bi4 yao4)necessary; essential; indispensable; required
喧, 哗 (xuan1, hua2)clamor; noise
缓慢, 慢 (huan3 man4, man4)slow
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 48(25 Vokabeln)
不力 (bu4 li4)not do one's best; not exert oneself
(qia1)pick (flowers); to pinch
基础设施 (ji1 chu3 she4 shi1)base station; base installation
病因 (bing4 yin1)cause of disease; pathogen
伯母 (bo2 mu3)wife of father's elder brother; aunt; (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)
华尔街日报 (hua2 er3 jie1 ri4 bao4)Wall Street Journal
辩驳 (bian4 bo2)dispute; refute
违背 (wei2 bei4)to violate; to be contrary to
比喻 (bi3 yu4)metaphor; analogy; figure of speech
发狂 (fa1 kuang2)crazy; mad; madly
茶具 (cha2 ju4)tea set; tea service
业界, 工业 (ye4 jie4, gong1 ye4)industry
样本 (yang4 ben3)sample; specimin
伴奏 (ban4 zou4)to accompany (musically)
(weng1)(surname); elderly person
(yao1)tender; gentle; to die prematurely
好好儿地 (hao3 haor1 de)properly; thoroughly
欲, 愿望 (yu4, yuan4 wang4)desire; wish
卷带, 胶带 (juan3 dai4, jiao1 dai4)tape
武力 (wu3 li4)(make use of) military force; military force; military power; military might
便难 (bian4 nan4)retort with challenging questions; debate
围住 (wei2 zhu4)gird; surround
(shi4)murder a superior
(pai2)cards; game pieces; signboard; plate; tablet
(geng3)blunt; fish bones; unyielding
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 49(25 Vokabeln)
半场 (ban4 chang3)half of a game or contest; half-court
(chan3)complete; prepare
传输通道 (chuan2 shu1 tong1 dao4)transport channel
圣诞节 (sheng4 dan4 jie2)Christmas time; Christmas season; Christmas
夥伴 (huo3 ban4)partner; companion
基本概念 (ji1 ben3 gai4 nian4)basic concept
差异 (cha1 yi4)difference; discrepency
忘记 (wang4 ji4)forget
奉现 (feng4 xian4)offering
ぴ实 (zhao2 shi2)truly
女孩 (n` hai2)girl; lass
行使 (xing2 shi3)exercise (a right, etc.)
(jiao4)perform sacrifice
分会, 分枝 (fen1 hui4, fen1 zhi1)branch
遭受 (zao1 shou4)suffer; sustain (loss, misfortune)
邀请 (yao1 qing3)invite
旺月 (wang4 yue4)busy (business) month
神经过敏 (shen2 jing1 guo4 min3)jumpy; nervous; oversensitive
综合报导 (zong1 he2 bao4 dao3)summary report; press release; brief
(ji1)(onomat.); to pump (water)
保藏 (bao3 cang2)keep in store; preserve
特性 (te4 xing4)property; characteristic
(na4)battle cry
争执 (zheng1 zhi2)dispute; disagree
班次 (ban1 ci4)order of classes or grades at school; number of runs or flights
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 41 bis 50: Abschnitt 50(25 Vokabeln)
基本原理 (ji1 ben3 yuan2 li3)fundamental principle
网站 (wang3 zhan4)network station; node
正常工作 (zheng4 chang2 gong1 zuo4)normal operation; proper functioning
(jie2)victory; triumph; quick; prompt; rapid
润滑 (run4 hua2)smooth
博士 (bo2 shi4)doctor; court academician (in feudal China); Ph. D.
拌和 (ban4 he2)mix and stir; blend
胜利 (sheng4 li4)victory
比画 (bi3 hua1)gesture; gesticulate
链路层 (lian4 lu4 ceng2)link layer
抗日战争 (kang4 ri4 zhan4 zheng1)(China's) War of Resistance against Japan (1937-1945)
帮厨 (bang1 chu2)help in the mess kitchen
(qian1)lead along
(shou4)tight; thin; lean
优美 (you1 mei3)graceful; fine; elegant
主页 (zhu3 ye4)home page
(yi4)feather screen; to screen; to shade
亲手 (qin1 shou3)personally; with one's own hands
牌子 (pai2 zi)sign; trademark
财政 (cai2 zheng4)finances (public); financial
(bang4)near; nestle
小伙子 (xiao3 huo3 zi)lad; young fellow; youngster
访 (fang3)inquire; seek; visit
出兵 (chu1 bing1)send troops
屏风, 布幕 (ping2 fen1, bu4 mu4)screen
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 51(25 Vokabeln)
音信, 讯息 (yin1 xin4, xun4 xi1)message
小费 (xiao3 fei4)tip
便函 (bian4 han2)an informal letter sent by an organization
夹克 (jia1 ke4)jacket
专家 (zhuan1 jia1)expert; specialist
不死心 (bu4 si3 xin1)unwilling to give up; unresigned
海峡 (hai3 xia2)straight; channel; straits
有力 (you3 li4)powerful; forceful; vigorous
绅士 (shen1 shi4)gentleman
试验 (shi4 yan4)experiment; test; experimental
使?能够 (shi3 neng2 gou4)enable
对抗者 (dui4 kang4 zhe3)adversary; opponent
(jian4)mountain stream
联席会议 (lian2 xi2 hui4 yi4)joint conference
难怪 (nan2 guai4)(it's) no wonder (that...); (it's) not surprising (that)
笔杆子 (bi3 gan3 zi)pen; an effective writer
(qiang1)cavity of body; tune
沈, 水槽 (chen2, shui3 cao2)sink
文化 (wen2 hua4)culture; civilization; cultural
(zou4)sudden (ly)
限制 (xian4 zhi4)(impose) restrictions; to limit; to bound; to restrict
(jiao4)highest peak
(di4)examine; truth (Buddhist)
(zhen4)to relieve (the distressed)
度量衡 (du4 liang4 heng2)measurement
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 52(25 Vokabeln)
电视? (dian4 shi4 tai2)TV station
(bian3)a tablet; a board with an inscription; a sign hung above a door
指数 (zhi3 shu4)(numerical, statistical) index
(ling2)alert; departed soul; efficacious; quick; effective; intelligence
威尔士语 (wei1 er3 shi4 yu3)Welsh (language)
攻打 (gong1 da3)attack; assault
(zhe2)philosophy; wise
机械装置 (ji1 xie4 zhuang1 zhi4)machinery
科研人员 (ke1 yan2 ren2 yuan2)(scientific) researcher
发亮 (fa1 liang4)shine; shiny
(zhong1)(ancient measure); (surname)
几十年 (ji3 shi2 nian2)several tens of years; several decades
ぴ重 (zhuo2 zhong4)put emphasis on; to stress; to emphasize
(zan3)hasten; urge
几乎没有 (ji1 hu1 mei2 you3)scarcely; hardly any
亲身 (qin1 shen1)personal; oneself
往返 (wang3 fan3)to go back and forth; to go to and fro
笔谈 (bi3 tan2)conversation by writing; sketches and notes
总统府 (zong3 tong3 fu3)presidential palace
不等 (bu4 deng3)to vary; to differ; depending
(zhi2)grow; reproduce
(ai1)dirt; dust; angstrom
不服水土 (bu4 fu2 shui3 tu3)(of a stranger) not accustomed to the climate of a new place; not acclimatized
宣判 (xuan1 pan4)pronounce a (judicial) sentence (after a verdict in a court of law)
并举 (bing4 ju3)develop simultaneously
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 53(25 Vokabeln)
属地 (shu3 di4)dependency; possession; annexed territory
不以为然 (bu4 yi3 wei2 ran2)object to; take exception to; not approve
(duan4)absolutely; decidedly (in negative constructions); break; to judge
正式 (zheng4 shi4)formal; official
(han4)Chinese; name of a dynasty
百读不厌 (bai3 du2 bu4 yan4)be worth reading a hundred times
(tong4)ache; pain; sorrow
逆向 (ni4 xiang4)backwards; reverse direction
名单 (ming2 dan1)list (of names)
梦话 (meng4 hua4)daydream; to talk in one's sleep
滤纸 (l` zhi3)filter paper
(you2)oil; sly
(liao2)fierce; hunt; name of a tribe
吃不消 (chi1 bu xiao1)be unable to stand (exertion; fatigue etc; )
指挥官 (zhi3 hui1 guan1)commander
整合 (zheng3 he2)to conform; to integrate
小结 (xiao3 jie2)summary; short; brief
桔子 (ju2 zi)tangerine; orange
败北 (bai4 bei3)suffer defeat; lose a battle
口语 (kou3 yu3)spoken language
(qie4)afraid; rustic
曝露 (pu4 lu4)expose; exposure
(qi3)bow to the ground
倾听 (qing1 ting1)hark; listen
笔译 (bi3 yi4)written translation
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 54(25 Vokabeln)
凝视 (ning2 shi4)gaze
巨流 (ju4 liu2)strong current
课表 (ke4 biao3)school timetable
评注 (ping2 zhu4)commentary; remark
猛跌 (meng3 die1)drop sharply (eg, stock prices)
呼吸 (hu1 xi1)breathe
病原 (bing4 yuan2)cause of disease; pathogeny
感谢 (gan3 xie4)(express) thanks; gratitude; grateful; thankful; thanks
裁减军备 (cai2 jian3 jun1 bei4)arms reduction
(jue2)seize (bird or animal)
科系 (ke1 xi4)department
铁路 (tie3 lu4)railroad; railway
(tu4)side of bridge
英尺 (ying1 chi3)(English) foot (unit of measurement)
小型柜橱 (xiao3 xing2 gui4 chu2)cabinet
兵临城下 (bing1 lin2 cheng2 xia4)the attacking army has reached the city gates; the city is under siege
爆声 (bao4 sheng1)pop
屏蔽 (ping2 bi4)screen; shield
(mi2)bewilder; crazy about; fan; enthusiast; lost; confused
(ye4)blaze of fire; glorious
(hong2)bonus; popular; red; revolutionary
(tang2)sugar; sweets; candy
大桶 (da4 tong3)barrel; vat
通讯 (tong1 xun4)communications; a news story (eg, dispatched over the wire)
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 55(25 Vokabeln)
(sui4)fire; speculum
日方 (ri4 fang1)the Japanese side or party (in negotiations, etc.)
不动产 (bu4 dong4 chan3)real estate; immovable property; immovables
转送 (zhuan3 song4)transfer
出口商品 (chu1 kou3 shang1 pin3)export product; export goods
长度指示符 (chang2 du4 zhi3 shi4 fu2)length indicator
(shi4)confer such title; posthumous title
结构 (jie2 gou4)structure; composition; makeup; architecture
(jia1)furniture; tool
最低点 (zui4 di1 dian3)lowest point; minimum (point)
欢腾 (huan1 teng2)jubilation; great celebration
擦亮眼睛 (ca1 liang4 yan3 jing1)remove the scales from one's eyes; sharpen one's vigilance
(ci4)thorn; sting; prick; pierce; stab; thrust; assassinate; murder
(su4)crop of a bird; fat
卡片 (ka3 pian4)card
邾, 郐, 郜, 邰, 鄢 (zhu1, kuai4, gao4, tai2, yan1)(surname); name of a feudal state
(cai4)dish (type of food); vegetables
批量生产 (pi1 liang4 sheng1 chan3)to mass produce
(shou4)hunting-dog; imperial tour
最大速率 (zui4 da4 su4 l`)maximum speed; maximum velocity
法国人 (fa3 guo2 ren2)Frenchman; French person
(fu3)to comfort; touch gently with hand
颁行 (ban1 xing2)issue for enforcement
简直 (jian3 zhi2)simply; at all
网路平台 (wang3 lu4 ping2 tai2)network platform
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 56(25 Vokabeln)
遗迹 (yi2 ji1)trace; vestage; remain
入口 (ru4 kou3)entrance
白蛇传 (bai2 she2 zhuan4)Tale of the White Snake; Madam White Snake
停顿 (ting2 dun4)pause
(hong1)(surname); sound of a crash
交易者 (jiao1 yi4 zhe3)dealer
档案执行 (dang4 an4 zhi2 xing2)file execution; executable file
(gua3)cut off the flesh as punishment
(bing3)round flat cake; cookie; cake; pastry
西班牙 (xi1 ban1 ya2)Spain
猖披 (chang1 pi1)wild; unrestrained
仿, 模仿 (fang3, mo2 fang3)to imitate; to copy
中央银行 (zhong1 yang1 yin2 hang2)central bank
(lu2)bow of ship
布帛 (bu4 bo2)cloth and silk; cotton and silk textiles
头发 (tou2 fa)hair (on the head)
正方形 (zheng4 fang1 xing2)square
握拳 (wo4 quan2)to make a fist
暴行 (bao4 xing2)savage act; outrage; atrocity
兵站 (bing1 zhan4)army service station; military depot
平信 (ping2 xin4)ordinary mail (as opposed to air mail, etc.)
安娜 (an1 na4)Anna (person's name)
(pa4)to be afraid; to fear
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 57(25 Vokabeln)
(bin4)a funeral; to encoffin a corpse; to carry to burial
比拟 (bi3 ni3)compare; draw a parallel; match; analogy; metaphor; comparison
(xiu4)sense of smell; smell bad
按理 (an4 li3)according to reason; in the ordinary course of events; normally
流入 (liu2 ru4)flow into
(gao3)dry; rotten (as wood)
变换设备 (bian4 huan4 she4 bei4)converter; conversion device
测量 (ce4 liang4)survey
(wang4)toward; (of a train) bound for
合成 (he2 cheng2)compound; synthesis; mixture
让球 (rang4 qiu2)to concede points (in a game)
誉, 声价 (yu4, sheng1 jia4)reputation
检察官 (jian3 cha2 guan1)the prosecution (in a court case)
皮革 (pi2 ge2)leather
(die2)(official) document; dispatch
中国式 (zhong1 guo2 shi4)Chinese style; a la chinoise
商业管理 (shang1 ye4 guan3 li3)business administration
倚重 (yi3 zhong4)to rely heavily upon
擢升 (zhuo2 sheng1)exalt; promote
(yu4)reconciled; smooth
关心 (guan1 xin1)caring; concerned
(te4)special; unusual; extraordinary
监护人 (jian4 hu4 ren2)guardian
(huo1)opening; stake all; sacrifice; crack; slit
天才 (tian1 cai2)talent; gift; genius; talented; gifted
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 58(25 Vokabeln)
杀人案件 (sha1 ren2 an4 jian4)(case of, incident of) murder
填塞 (tian2 se4)stuff
(yong3)swimming; to swim
窗帘 (chuang1 lian2)window curtains
(pang4)fat; plump
预防 (yu4 fang2)to prevent; to take precautions against; to protect; to guard against
国外 (guo2 wai4)abroad; external (affairs); overseas; foreign
键槽 (jian4 cao2)key slot
毛笔 (mao2 bi3)writing brush
比分 (bi3 fen1)score
床单, 一张 (chuang2 dan1, yi1 zhang1)sheet
露营 (lu4 ying2)camp
(zhun1)difficult; stingy
大多数 (da4 duo1 shu4)(great) majority
巨星 (ju4 xing1)giant star
关键 (guan1 jian4)crucial; key
暴风 (bao4 feng1)storm wind; storm (force 11 wind)
高层旅馆 (gao1 ceng2 l` guan3)luxury hotel; high class hotel
(qiong2)exhausted; poor
频率 (pin2 l`)frequency
梦寐 (meng4 mei4)dream; sleep
城堡 (cheng2 bao3)castle
粗暴 (cu1 bao4)rough; cruel
介面, 界面 (jie4 mian4, jie4 mian4)interface
(si1)silk; thread; trace
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 59(25 Vokabeln)
刨子, 水平面 (bao4 zi, shui3 ping2 mian4)plane
教员 (jiao4 yuan2)teacher; instructor
难民 (nan4 min2)refugee
乡村 (xiang1 cun1)rustic; village
(bi4)to clear streets when emperor tours
偷懒 (tou1 lan3)to goof off; to be lazy
(shi3)hasten; proceed to; sail a vessel
他们自己 (ta1 men2 zi4 ji3)themselves
限度 (xian4 du4)limitation; limit
(gang4)carrying pole; horizontal bar
液态水 (ye4 tai4 shui3)liquid water (as opposed to steam or ice, e.g.)
八月 (ba1 yue4)eighth month; August
(long2)rising moon
不加思索 (bu4 jia1 si1 suo3)without thinking; without hesitation; readily; offhand
听众 (ting1 zhong4)audience; listeners
播放 (bo1 fang4)broadcast; transmit
阻碍 (zu3 ai4)to obstruct; to hinder; to block
军士 (jun1 shi4)sergeant
潜在 (qian2 zai4)hidden; potential; latent
机械翻译 (ji1 xie4 fan1 yi4)machine translation
(xiao1)consume; news; subside; to disappear; to vanish
(tang3)drip; to shed (tears)
汇编 (hui4 bian1)collection; compilation
方向 (fang1 xiang4)direction; orientation; path to follow
报考 (bao4 kao3)enter oneself for an examination
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 51 bis 60: Abschnitt 60(25 Vokabeln)
超过 (chao1 guo4)surpass; to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip
(jia4)marry (a husband)
吐气 (tu3 qi4)aspirated; to blow off steam
(li3)Chinese mile; neighborhood
敬重 (jing4 zhong4)to respect deeply; to revere; to esteem
婚嫁 (hun1 jia4)marriage
不适 (bu4 shi4)unwell; indisposed; out of sorts
软硬件 (ruan3 ying4 jian4)software and hardware
(xin1)fuel; salary
极其 (ji2 qi2)extremely
节目 (jie2 mu4)program; item (on a program)
(ning3)mistake; to twist
(shen1)inform; inquire
(she4)afraid; be feared; to fear; to frighten; to intimidate
碎片 (sui4 pian4)chip; fragment; splinter; tatter
二十五 (er4 shi2 wu3)twenty five
交换器 (jiao1 huan4 qi4)(telecom or network) switch
外交部长 (wai4 jiao1 bu4 zhang3)minister of foreign affairs
有助于 (you3 zhu4 yu2)contribute to; promote
来回来去地 (lai2 hui2 lai2 qu4 de)backwards and forwards
直接竞争 (zhi2 jie1 jing4 zheng1)direct competitor; direct competition
硝烟 (xiao1 yan1)smoke (from guns)
停火协议 (ting2 huo3 xie2 yi4)cease fire agreement
应用程式 (ying4 yong4 cheng2 shi4)application; (computer) program
滑雪 (hua2 xue3)to ski; skiing
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 61(25 Vokabeln)
方程式 (fang1 cheng2 shi4)equation
拜倒 (bai4 dao3)prostrate oneself; fall on one's knees; grovel
湃, 澎 (pai4, peng2)sound of waves
(yan2)cancer; carcinoma
使用者, 用户 (shi3 yong4 zhe3, yong4 hu4)user
内战 (nei4 zhan4)civil war
竞选活动 (jing4 xuan3 huo2 dong4)campaign
出色 (chu1 se4)remarkable; outstanding
竞赛者 (jing4 sai4 zhe3)player
境遇 (jing4 yu4)circumstance
秋天 (qiu1 tian1)autumn
(pi2)leather; skin; fur
主环 (zhu3 huan2)primary ring
变频 (bian4 pin2)frequency conversion
(shai1)to filter; to sift; to seive
具体 (ju4 ti3)concrete; definite; specific
(yu3)dialect; language; speech
八天 (ba1 tian1)eight-day; eight days
迳迹, 迳赛 (jing4 ji1, jing4 sai4)track
(shan4)abuse; slander
风味 (feng1 wei4)local flavor; local style
(zhan1)to stick; paste
半职 (ban4 zhi2)part-time work
(cong1)quick at hearing; wise; clever; sharpwitted; intelligent; acute
归心者 (gui1 xin1 zhe3)religious convert
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 62(25 Vokabeln)
复本 (fu4 ben3)copy
(xin1)(used in names)
潮流 (chao2 liu2)tide; current; trend
(cui4)dip into water; to temper
(chan2)flow; trickle (of water)
(quan4)to advise; to urge; to try to persuade
(wang3)net; network
(can3)miserable; wretched; cruel; inhuman; seriously; badly; tragic
政府部门 (zheng4 fu3 bu4 men2)government branch
新西兰 (xin1 xi1 lan2)New Zealand
(lu2)clay; shop
分析 (fen1 xi1)to analyze; analysis
(ling2)(small) bell
孕妇 (yun4 fu4)pregnant woman
(san3)leisurely; loosen; powdered medicine; to scatter; to come loose
(bai4)to pay respect; worship; visit; salute
统统 (tong3 tong3)totally
军官 (jun1 guan1)(military) officer
匆促 (cong1 cu4)hastily; in a hurry
灌木 (guan4 mu4)bush; shrub
(xi3)(grass); increase five fold
(zhe2)rut; track
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 63(25 Vokabeln)
首脑会议 (shou3 nao3 hui4 yi4)leadership conference; summit meeting
长途网路 (chang2 tu2 wang3 lu4)long distance network
暂停 (zan4 ting2)suspend
挑战 (tiao3 zhan4)challenge
新闻媒体 (xin1 wen2 mei2 ti3)news media
金融危机 (jin1 rong2 wei1 ji1)financial crisis
橘子 (ju2 zi)orange
(sui4)ear of grain
电子文件 (dian4 zi3 wen2 jian4)electronic document
北斗星 (bei3 dou3 xing1)the Big Dipper; the Plough
(zheng4)certificate; proof
汽水 (qi4 shui3)soda; pop
自古 (zi4 gu3)(since) ancient times; (from) time immemorial
版画 (ban3 hua4)a picture printed from an engraved or etched plate; print
(kua4)step across; step astride
航空母舰 (hang2 kong1 mu3 jian4)aircraft carrier
(zi1)Buddhists; black silk; dark
踉, 跄 (liang4, qiang4)stagger; sway from side to side
橄榄树 (gan3 lan3 shu4)olive tree
(zhuo2)consider; pour wine
媒体 (mei2 ti3)(news) media
暖和 (nuan3 huo2)warm; nice and warm
开拍 (kai1 pai1)begin shooting (a film)
指定 (zhi3 ding4)appoint; designated
(mou2)iron pot; metal cap
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 64(25 Vokabeln)
(duan4)(surname); paragraph; section; segement
功夫 (gong1 fu)skill; art; kung fu; labor; effort
油价 (you2 jia4)oil (petroleum) price
(ne)(question particle)
参两院 (can1 liang3 yuan4)both houses of US Congress
(shu3)potato; yam
标签 (biao1 qian1)label; tag
(juan1)to contribute; to donate; tax; to abandon
通信网络 (tong1 xin4 wang3 luo4)communications network
空白 (kong4 bai2)blank space
(qin1)dear; intimate; parent; relation; closely related
变数, 变量, 会变 (bian4 shu4, bian4 liang4, hui4 bian4)variable
报幕 (bao4 mu4)announce the items on a (theatrical) programme
义务 (yi4 wu4)volunteer; voluntary; duty; obligation
孤立 (gu1 li4)isolate; isolated
傲岸 (ao4 an4)proud; haughty
(geng3)(surname); bright
举例来说 (ju3 li4 lai2 shuo1)for example
(chuang1)sore; skin ulcer
便览 (bian4 lan3)brief guide
(xiong1)Hungary; thorax; chest
(bi4)careful; prevent
包销 (bao1 xiao1)have exclusive selling rights; be the sole agent for a production unit or firm
通道 (tong1 dao4)(communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage
发达 (fa1 da2)developed (country, etc.); flourishing; to develop
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 65(25 Vokabeln)
地主 (di4 zhu3)a host
亦即 (yi4 ji2)namely; that is
一时 (yi4 shi2)temporary; momentary
(da2)Tartar; a tribe in China
(chi2)islet; rock in river
委员会会议 (wei3 yuan2 hui4 hui4 yi4)committee meeting
苹果, 苹 (ping2 guo3, ping2)apple
美术 (mei3 shu4)the fine arts; art
鼠, 老鼠 (shu3, lao3 shu3)rat; mouse
浪头, 波浪 (lang4 tou, bo1 lang4)wave
哥儿 (ger1)brothers; boys
表蒙子 (biao3 meng2 zi)watch glass; crystal
软体 (ruan3 ti3)software
认知 (ren4 zhi1)acknowledge
禁止核武器试验条约 (jin4 zhi3 he2 wu3 qi4 shi4 yan4 tiao2 yue1)nuclear test ban treaty
(kou1)dig out (with finger); stingy
(cang1)cabin; the hold of a ship or aeroplane
凳子 (deng4 zi3)stool; small seat
批评家 (pi1 ping2 jia1)critic
(xu2)slow; gentle; Xu (a surname)
荒芜 (huang1 wu2)barren; uncultivated; waste(land)
迩, 汔, 濒 (er3, qi4, bin1)near
茶杯 (cha2 bei1)cup; mug
怪人 (guai4 ren2)strange person; eccentric
Spezialwortschatz: Abschnitt 61 bis 70: Abschnitt 66(25 Vokabeln)
百米赛跑 (bai3 mi3 sai4 pao3)100-metre dash
(zai3)young of animals
外贸 (wai4 mao4)foreign trade
摆动 (bai3 dong4)swing; sway
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